Thread Number: 80782  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
BOSCH 800 Series feature I didn't know about....
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Post# 1047751   10/15/2019 at 06:13 (1,818 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        

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This morning I was starting the dishwasher like I've done hundreds of times.  For my really heavily soiled loads, I choose the Auto > Sanitize > Extra Dry options and the time sets at 2:51.  This morning I did what I always do and noticed the time was set at 3:01.  


The difference was the "Add Rinse Aid" light had come on.  So I filled the Rinse Agent dispenser and the time went back down to 2:51.  I had no idea the machine would do this.  I guess it assumes if there is no Rinse Agent it will have to dry longer??  Anyone else notice this?

Post# 1047752 , Reply# 1   10/15/2019 at 06:44 (1,818 days old) by Logixx (Germany)        

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This feature has been around for years. The lack of rinse aid results in a hotter final rinse and/or extended drying.

Back in the 90s, that feature was called auto 3in1, as the dishwasher would "automatically adapt" to multi-purpose tablets that need no additional rinse aid in the dispenser.

Post# 1047762 , Reply# 2   10/15/2019 at 08:52 (1,818 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        

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I have the Bosch 300 series and did notice the same issue also how the time increases without rinse aid added. I have the machine a short time and like it and I do use rinse aid! The sanitize and extra dry are basically the same option they both heat the water to 162 degrees in the final rinse. My area I live in has soft water so I keep the rinse aid set at Low # 2, plus I live in a coop where the water is so hot I don't need to use the sanitize or extra dry. Everything comes out clean and bone dry! The walls of the DW are wet but I don't care about that as long as the dishes are dry. Only plastic things are at times damp. Over all I am very Happy with this DW!

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