Thread Number: 80792  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
Exploring a Samsung Heat Pump Dryer
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Post# 1047839   10/16/2019 at 09:56 (1,745 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture

Post# 1047966 , Reply# 1   10/17/2019 at 18:52 (1,744 days old) by washoholic (San Antonio, TX)        

washoholic's profile picture
Interesting Glenn, I have always wondered how those worked

Post# 1048176 , Reply# 2   10/19/2019 at 22:06 (1,741 days old) by Helicaldrive (St. Louis)        
Sounds like a great idea for energy efficiency but....

Has anybody ever seen a dirty air conditioner coil or dirty refrigerator coil?

I’d think if the coil gets dirty, and it would in 12 months or less, then it’d be a fairly major thing to pull it out and clean it, and meanwnhile the laundry would get dried in some nasty funky musty smelling air.


Post# 1048177 , Reply# 3   10/19/2019 at 22:10 (1,741 days old) by Helicaldrive (St. Louis)        
Not to mention

That in the long run there’s more to break and repair — and I’d expect the chiller/coil to be an expensive repair.

I dunno....

Post# 1048326 , Reply# 4   10/21/2019 at 14:25 (1,740 days old) by thor (Buenos Aires)        
Heat Pump Dryer

I believe have that exact Samsung heat pump dryer, it's excellent. I've had it for two months now, it takes a little more than an hour to dry a full load of towels. The "second" lower filter is very easy to clean. Energy consumption is very low, competes with a gas model on running costs.

Post# 1048328 , Reply# 5   10/21/2019 at 14:39 (1,740 days old) by thor (Buenos Aires)        
20 lbs

It's a 9.0 kg (20 lbs) dryer, quite good for its less than 24" (60 cm) width!

Post# 1048337 , Reply# 6   10/21/2019 at 16:39 (1,740 days old) by thor (Buenos Aires)        
Arrival day!

These pictures were taken on the day the unit arrived.

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Post# 1048338 , Reply# 7   10/21/2019 at 16:40 (1,740 days old) by thor (Buenos Aires)        

It's a unit for 220V 50Hz. Very quiet!

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