Thread Number: 80940  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Fisher and Paykel GWL11 top load washer problem
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Post# 1049375   10/30/2019 at 08:02 (1,731 days old) by Mrmichaeljmoore (CT)        

I’m having an issue with my Fisher and Paykel GWL11 top load washer.

I was doing some routine cleaning maintenance on the unit yesterday.
I removed the top console area (with all of the buttons/electronics).

As I removed it, I fumbled it a bit. And dropped it. It didn’t hit the ground. Just fell against the wall.

After i put the unit back together, I plugged it back in.

When I plugged it back, in it did about 7-8 fast beeps and almost all of the indicator lights are on solid (except for Cold, Low, 3hr, lid locked, fast, Auto, regular, and a few of the wash progress lights).
I can’t power on/off the machine.
If I hit some of the buttons, it will fast beep like it does when I plug it in.

Did I ruin the motherboard?
I don’t see any loose connections....
Any ideas??

Thank you.

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