Thread Number: 80974  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Cascade Fryer Boil Out V. STPP Sodium Tripolyphosphate
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Post# 1049711   11/2/2019 at 16:51 (1,728 days old) by Deborah (Colorado)        

I throw some STPP in my dishwasher, as it is supposed to be the phosphate that was dropped from clothes washing machine detergents, so I figured it would help in dishwashers as well. Do you think it works as well as the Cascade Fryer Boil Out? I'm thinking of trying the Fryer Boil Out, but unless it's better than the STPP why bother?

Please advise me. Thanks!


Post# 1049718 , Reply# 1   11/2/2019 at 18:16 (1,728 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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Fryer Boil Out has phosphates (assuming the formula hasn't changed since I last looked) so no need to add STPP to it ... unless perhaps your water is mineral-laden to the point the detergent alone can't handle it.

Boil Out also has chlorine bleach, which STPP does not provide.

Also keep in mind that the detergent is gone by end of the last rinse so there may be some spotting / mineral residue effects ... unless perhaps you add a smidgen of STPP to the final rinse but I don't think anyone around here is doing that.  Rinse aid is the alternative for that.

Post# 1049738 , Reply# 2   11/2/2019 at 22:56 (1,728 days old) by Deborah (Colorado)        
Is Fryer Boil Out BETTER than STPP

I need to know if Fryer Boil Out is BETTER than STPP? I've never tried it, but I gladly will if you folks think it is better in a dishwasher than STPP.

Right now I use about a tablespoon of STPP along with regular dishwasher detergent, Cascade right now. I want to know if Fryer Boil Out is a better additive to use than the STPP.

Thanks for your advice!

Post# 1049771 , Reply# 3   11/3/2019 at 11:32 (1,727 days old) by SudsMaster (SF Bay Area, California)        

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Probably most here haven't done the research so we don't know the results you are asking for.


Perhaps you could do the research yourself?


Moi, my DW is clean enough using Finish. If I had to, I could run a cycle with just some STPP. I'd be reluctant to go out and purchase a product like Boil Out. And if Boil-Out has Chlorine bleach, I'd be even more reluctant, because it's my impression that Bosch doesn't recommend DW detergents that contain chlorine bleach. It is, after all, corrosive to stainless steel.


If you DW is clean with your current regimen, I wouldn't stress out over it.


Post# 1049775 , Reply# 4   11/3/2019 at 12:24 (1,727 days old) by Deborah (Colorado)        


My dishwasher is perfectly clean. I just thought maybe the Boil Out would clean my dishes better. I usually am a soak and rinse type of person, but I keep reading that it's better not to rinse things, as the dishwasher does a better job with food to remove. But mine sometimes leaves a few things stuck on.

But I believe you are correct. Probably no one here has tried it. I'll just buy some of the Cascade Fryer Boil Out and let you all know if it cleans better than other dishwasher detergents I have used plus STPP. According to the reviews on Amazon, lots of people think it works fabulously well as dishwasher detergent. I will report back after a few weeks.


Post# 1049787 , Reply# 5   11/3/2019 at 14:54 (1,727 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

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I always add a teaspoon of STPP to the the tub for the initial rinse and another teaspoon to the detergent cup, along with the detergent.  My dishes always come out spotless.  I would recommend that you stop rinsing and just scrape debris.  Today's detergents are designed with enzymes which active when they come in contact with food proteins.  Pre-rinsing doesn't allow the detergent to work as it is designed to do.  


I have thought about buying some of the Cascade Fryer Boil Out but I still have a large tub of Costco detergent pods!

Post# 1049790 , Reply# 6   11/3/2019 at 15:20 (1,727 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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I have been using Institutional / Boil Out for 8 years.  It does a much better job on tomato and tea stains than enzyme formulations.  The only soil I've specifically noticed it doesn't handle is dried egg residue (microwave scrambled in a coffee mug).  Enzymes are better for egg.

STPP is not intended to be used as a detergent by itself ... but added to your choice of detergent.

Post# 1049791 , Reply# 7   11/3/2019 at 15:27 (1,727 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Any bleaching agent over here is oxygen based in terms of DW detergent.

Phosphates are gone from EU DW detergent mostly and honestly I completly missed the switch over.
Maybe it's our water softeners in DW, but can't tell a difference.
Neither with detergents that have been phosphate free for ages now.

Thing to consider is that the Bosches over there use about the same amount of water per fill (3 liters, plus or minus depending on load, that's about 0.8 gal or so) and run on average a bit hotter during the mainwash compared to most mainstream platforms from what I've heared.

So if you consider something so overkill as a heavy phosphate AND chlorine detergent I would be really carefull with dosage.

Same goes with STPP: While you can't really overdose on phosphates from a results perspective from what I understand, a verry small dose in the main wash should be enough.
Our DW detergent used to contain about 30% phosphates, so a teaspoon should be enough.

Post# 1049910 , Reply# 8   11/4/2019 at 12:44 (1,726 days old) by Deborah (Colorado)        

I ordered the Cascade Fryer Boil Out, and will have it tomorrow. My husband bought several boxes of Cascade pods, so I will use them together some, and use the Boil Out alone sometimes. I'll let you know how it goes.

I have been using the STPP along with regular dishwashing detergent for a long while. It works pretty well, but my curiosity won out, and I just had to try the Fryer Boil Out. I understand that most folks use it alone, as they consider it identical to old-time, phosphate filled Cascade. I'm pretty excited to try it! (Only people on a board like this one would understand my excitement I'm sure!)


Post# 1049923 , Reply# 9   11/4/2019 at 14:59 (1,726 days old) by Iheartmaytag (Wichita, Kansas)        
My experience:

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With the institutional Cascade/Fryer Boil Out.


If you have an older machine that reaches the higher wash temperatures (140-160F), it will work well.  If you have a newer machine (105-120F), it may not give  you great results. 


My older Maytag Jet clean machine gave great results, as it reached higher wash temperature, my newer Kitchenaid leaves a white film on the dishes.  It actually does better with the Cascade Platinum. 


Will be interested to see what your results are, as they do certainly vary.

Post# 1060028 , Reply# 10   2/8/2020 at 21:48 (1,630 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        
Fryer Boil Out Results

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I purchased some Cascade Fryer Boil Out and have run three different loads with it.  Each load has turned out spotless.  I have a 2019 Maytag DW.  Previously, I was using Costco pods with a tsp. of STPP.  I have yet to try the Cascade on eggs. 

Post# 1060034 , Reply# 11   2/8/2020 at 22:50 (1,630 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Bill, I'm curious what your experience with eggs will be.  

Post# 1060042 , Reply# 12   2/9/2020 at 00:24 (1,629 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
Dishwasher/Dishmachine Detergents:

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Your mileage will vary based on the type of dishwasher you have.

Any newer household Dishwasher will work best with an enzyme based detergent. The longer cycles and lower wash temps are designed for them. If the water is hard some STPP will help.

For vintage DWs and Commercial Dishmachines enzyme based detergents should not be used. The cycles are not nearly long enough and the water too hot for enzyme detergents to work. This is especially true in commercial settings where dishmachine wash times run from 6 to 40 seconds with blasting 150F spray.

Post# 1060047 , Reply# 13   2/9/2020 at 03:38 (1,629 days old) by askolover (South of Nash Vegas, TN)        

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I tried the boil out but wasn't very impressed.  The Colgate/Palmolive made professional powder with chlorine I ordered on ebay does a better job in my water conditions.

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