Thread Number: 80999  /  Tag: Modern Dryers
New some advice
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Post# 1049992   11/5/2019 at 06:04 (1,857 days old) by Ehb79 (Trenton)        

Ok I have a 2007 Speed Queen electric dryer. Model AES68AWF that I got used back in August for 135.00. When I first got it I noticed the timer wasn't advancing on Auto Dry. Turns out to be a bad timer which I replaced. Fast forward to this past weekend. I started to notice that my dryer is taken well over an hour to finish when it use to be around 35 mins after replacing the timer. I have no air flow problem. So a service tech came out yesterday to give it a good look over. He used a multi meter to test the heating element and thermostats. All checked out. He did let it run an empty cycle on Auto dry to see if he could find any further issues that would cause it to take longer. No issues was found. The timer was a little slow to advance. Wish caught the service tech attention. Yes the timer did advance as it should when the element shut off. Once it reached the less dry part of the cycle it will get power but would hardly move. Which explains the longer than usual cycle time. He believes the motor is jamming up. Suggestion to replace the timer again. So now I been looking for a new dryer. I came across a 2018 Maytag model MEDX655DW for 450.00 with a one year warranty that I can extend up to five years. Should I get this new dryer with the warranty for added piece of mind or keep my Speed Queen with no warranty for any future repairs?

Post# 1049994 , Reply# 1   11/5/2019 at 06:59 (1,857 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Maytag Commercial Residential Dryer w/ 5 yr. Warranty Incl.

How much would the warranty cost you for the dryer you are purchasing?

I have the Maytag commercial residential mvwp575gw washer.

When my LG dryer goes out (it is over ten years old now), I am considering purchasing the matching Maytag MEDP575GW. They sell for around $750 in my area and includes a 5-yr. parts and labor warranty. If you purchase online, you may be able to get it for less. The Maytag site lists the features and has a store locator. This dryer is not sold at big box stores. Instead, you are more likely to find THIS model at independently owned appliance stores. It is a simple, no nonsense dryer with upgraded parts compared to the ones sold in big box stores. This model is not completely mechanical. There is a simple control board behind the knobs.

Although I know people here prefer the Speed Queens, I think I will be more likely to find parts to keep this Maytag set going later. With that said, I do think the SQ TC5 has an edge (durability, no auto temps, full/half tub wash/rinse for all main cycles, and better suspension) that would make the extra $ worth it, but I have managed to get around the Maytag's quirks. However, the MT575 has an edge in cleaning performance.

With dryers, I have not seen the same preference. Both Speed Queen and Maytag make reliable and dependable dryers. One thing to note that may make the SQ dryer worth the extra money is the 10-yr warranty that you can get if you have the appliance purchased and delivered before the end of the year. Speed Queen's site has more information about this promotion.

I have included a link to Lorain Furniture's review on this dryer.


Post# 1049995 , Reply# 2   11/5/2019 at 07:06 (1,857 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
A few more things...

It is my understanding the TC5 is not completely mechanical either. There is also a control board behind the knobs.

It's a tough call on the dryer. I am a consumer. I pay full retail for my parts. Sometimes, I have to get someone else to do the repairs which makes the cost of repair versus replacing less of a gap. However, I know older dryers can last 20 or 30 years. You may have one of those.

I don't think I do. The LG is full of lights and control boards. It has served me well, but I do not expect to get more than 15 years out of it.

I would be interested to know what you decide on and why. I am still trying to decide which way to go as well when the time comes.

Post# 1049997 , Reply# 3   11/5/2019 at 07:20 (1,857 days old) by Ehb79 (Trenton)        

When I spoke with the manager yesterday the extended warranty is for 6 years in home parts and labor for 150.00 not sure how much it will be if I get it though Maytag. I have 30 days after purchase to get the extended in store warranty or a year to extend though Maytag. I also follow Loraine furniture.

Post# 1050016 , Reply# 4   11/5/2019 at 11:26 (1,857 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture
Hi Eugene, Replace the timer again, It has a one year warranty.

John L.

Post# 1050020 , Reply# 5   11/5/2019 at 12:55 (1,857 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

I agree with John.  If the replacement timer is defective, it should be covered under its one-year warranty, assuming it was NIB.  However, if it was marketed as a used component, then all bets are off unless terms of the sale included a return policy.

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