Thread Number: 81026  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
LG heater operation
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Post# 1050211   11/7/2019 at 19:19 (1,830 days old) by GELaundry4ever (Nacogdoches, TX, USA)        

Hello everybody.
I did a test to see how hot the dryer would get on various cycles. I have a Kenmore elite made by LG which is the electric steam model. First, I set the dryer to extra low heat on the 40 minute time setting. It did get warm like a nice heated room like I can describe it. Next, I set the dryer to delicate on low did get slightly hotter. Then I set it to casuals and I noticed it got hot. Mind you, it was set to low heat. Finally, I set the dryer to normal with medium heat with energy saver disabled. It felt like it was on high heat. Mind you, it was set to medium on normal. My questions are:
1. How many heating elements are in LG dryers.
2. Do they run on full blast and cycle on and off, or do they control how much electricity goes to them similar to burners on a stove when the slowly apply current?
3. Do they run at the same time, cycle with alternating, or does one stay on while the other cycles on and off?
4. How many degrees is each cycle and temperature. The temperatures are vague because they don't tell you how many degrees Fahrenheit they are.
I've noticed that most high-tech dryers have the normal cycle set to medium heat - with LG being at the forefront in my opinion. I'd love to have my clothes nice and dry, but I don't want them shrunk or damaged.
Thank you all. Your insight is appreciated.

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