Thread Number: 81033  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Whirlpool dish washer question
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Post# 1050328   11/8/2019 at 17:05 (1,722 days old) by ken (NYS)        

ken's profile picture
This is for sale locally and wondering if its old enough that it's a real Whirlpool? Looks similar to the 2001 Gold Series WP I picked up this past summer except for the control panel. And that the delivery of water to the upper was arm is thru the center tower rather than up the back of the tub like in the 2001. Just wondering if it's worth getting. Its advertised as working. Getting rid of it due to kitchen renovation.

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Post# 1050331 , Reply# 1   11/8/2019 at 17:26 (1,722 days old) by wayupnorth (On a lake between Bangor and Bar Harbor, Maine)        

wayupnorth's profile picture
I have nearly the same Whirlpool, maybe a little older. My 1995 has washed dishes just fine all these years with no problems and top rack comes out fine, knock on wood.

Post# 1050339 , Reply# 2   11/8/2019 at 17:33 (1,722 days old) by vacerator (Macomb, Michigan)        
Side mount

motor and pump?

Post# 1050348 , Reply# 3   11/8/2019 at 18:39 (1,722 days old) by coldspot66 (Plymouth, Mass)        

Power clean module.

Post# 1050353 , Reply# 4   11/8/2019 at 20:26 (1,721 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

Yes, a PowerClean module design.  Run and get it as fast as you can!!!

Post# 1050355 , Reply# 5   11/8/2019 at 20:44 (1,721 days old) by ken (NYS)        

ken's profile picture
Called and left a message three hours ago. No reply as of yet. We will see.

Post# 1050490 , Reply# 6   11/10/2019 at 06:59 (1,720 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Very Good DW

combo52's profile picture

With no computer to FU and cause an otherwise good DW to hit the scrap pile.


John L.

Post# 1050526 , Reply# 7   11/10/2019 at 13:12 (1,720 days old) by ken (NYS)        

ken's profile picture
Thanks for the info everyone. I haven't gotten a call back all weekend so I guess it was sold. Too bad the seller couldn't have had enough courtesy to call and say it was no longer available. And also to delete the ad so people wouldn't continue to see it and inquire. I realize both would be so time consuming and exhausting! Seems there are more aholes all the time today which equates to less and less common courtesy!

Post# 1051713 , Reply# 8   11/20/2019 at 09:43 (1,710 days old) by ken (NYS)        
It's back

ken's profile picture
Just came across a new posting from last night for the Whirlpool. Haven't attempted contact yet. Could have had it sold two weeks ago if they replied to my message. We will see.

Post# 1051975 , Reply# 9   11/22/2019 at 17:00 (1,708 days old) by ken (NYS)        

ken's profile picture
Spoke with the seller today. Plan on looking at the Whirlpool sometime this weekend.

Post# 1052090 , Reply# 10   11/23/2019 at 15:44 (1,707 days old) by ken (NYS)        
Its mine

ken's profile picture
Went and got it today. Very good condition but needs some cleaning. Serial number dates it to 10/2001. I see there's a slight coating of lime/calcium in it. What would be best to remove?

Post# 1052360 , Reply# 11   11/26/2019 at 09:35 (1,704 days old) by Awooff (Peoria, Illinois)        
Lime from hard water use

awooff's profile picture
Depending on how soft your water is - using a good strong detergent like cascade boil out will wash off a light layer of calcium in just a few washes. Lemi-shine would work too.

Post# 1053376 , Reply# 12   12/6/2019 at 19:09 (1,694 days old) by ken (NYS)        

ken's profile picture
Thanks for the info.

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