Thread Number: 81047  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Sister wants a new machine, recommendations please!
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Post# 1050442   11/9/2019 at 17:54 (1,920 days old) by Kate1 (PNW)        

My sister has had it with her LG top loader and wants recommendations for a new front loader. Her main requirement is that it have a true hand wash cycle for silks and woolens, she owns a lot of those types of things and is sick of washing them herself. She also wants a durable, high quality machine that will last many years (which her LG has proven not to be). No limit on price, she just wants a good machine. What would y’all recommend?

Post# 1050460 , Reply# 1   11/9/2019 at 20:35 (1,920 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
whirlpool duet

pierreandreply4's profile picture
there always the whirlpool duet plus she can start the washer normaly or from her iphone or check cycle status

Post# 1050464 , Reply# 2   11/9/2019 at 20:57 (1,920 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Best FL Washer By A Country Mile

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Speed Queen, they have both front and rear control models and the SS cabinet model has come down in price.


If she buys by the end of the year she will get the 10 YEAR Parts&Labor Full coverage, which is far better than a stupid service contract.


The other major advantage with a SQ is it is sold and serviced by smaller independent dealers who will also provide great service, do check out local dealers for best price and service.


John L.

Post# 1050479 , Reply# 3   11/10/2019 at 01:47 (1,920 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        
Speed Queen FL

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I was thinking the same thing if money is no object, but I'm not an expert. 


I don't think many would argue with the expert opinion and buying advice from John.  In fact, the crickets are good indication that no other make of FL machine comes close.

Post# 1050484 , Reply# 4   11/10/2019 at 04:51 (1,919 days old) by Easyspindry (Winston-Salem, NC)        
I bought . . .

. . . a Speed Queen front load from Combo 52 a few years ago and love it!!! It cleans well, runs quietly, absolutely no vibration.

Jerry Gay

Post# 1050508 , Reply# 5   11/10/2019 at 10:24 (1,919 days old) by Helicaldrive (St. Louis)        

Love it. Best washer I’ve ever had. No mold problems because the outer tub is steel so it dries fast. True it lacks a heater but all you do is either a pre wash or else run the hot water faucet nearby before starting it. Much faster than waiting for a heater.

Based on others’ experiences here, I also doubt you could go wrong with any of the other brands, WP, MT, Electrolux, Samsung, LG. Some people here have had great results with Electrolux.

User error appears to be the factor behind all the complaints about FLs.

Post# 1050524 , Reply# 6   11/10/2019 at 13:08 (1,919 days old) by Kate1 (PNW)        

She looked at the Speed Queen front loaders but they lack a hand wash cycle. Are they really the only choice for quality laundry machines? Her LGs are only 18 months old and the washer is completely dead, she’s had technicians out four times for repairs on it and now they’re telling her to just pursue trying to get the machine replaced under the warranty but according to the techs all of the issues she’s had are typical and she’s likely to experience the same things with a replacement machine.

Post# 1050527 , Reply# 7   11/10/2019 at 13:25 (1,919 days old) by Maytagbear (N.E. Ohio)        

any front loader is more likely to be gentler on clothes than most top loading machines, especially older style agitator machines.

I have used a commercial Speed Queen front loading washer for several years now. None of the apartments in the complex have hookups. My FEW complaints with the Speed Queen front loader are based far, far more on the inflexible nature of commercial machine controls than on the performance itself. I would strongly consider a Speed Queen FL washer.

That said, I would also give Miele serious consideration. However, while generally reliable, it is wise to find out where the nearest servicer is located before buying any new machine.

No machine is perfect, but there are machines which call for fewer compromises. Best of luck in your sister's decision making!


Post# 1050530 , Reply# 8   11/10/2019 at 14:21 (1,919 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Internal Heater?

One feature that may be important is the internal heater. Does the SQ FL have one?

I think the SQ FL does have a cycle that might work in place of it. How does it work?

Post# 1050552 , Reply# 9   11/10/2019 at 16:20 (1,919 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

Does the Speed Queen FL have the handwash cycle? Maybe it does I haven't seen the new ones.

Post# 1050576 , Reply# 10   11/10/2019 at 19:09 (1,919 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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SQ FL has no internal heater.  

Post# 1050580 , Reply# 11   11/10/2019 at 19:46 (1,919 days old) by lotsosudz (Sacramento, CA)        

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I agree that the LG top loaders are, for the most part, Crap. But don't include the front loaders in that category! Their front loaders, are good quality, excellent running machines. Not only do they include a hand wash cycle, but do include an internal heater as well. I would suggest to her to not let the overall poor quality of their top loaders, to taint her opinion of their front loaders. That's my 2 cents worth.

Post# 1050582 , Reply# 12   11/10/2019 at 20:00 (1,919 days old) by gizmo (Victoria, Australia)        

Your sis may not want to hear it, but I actually recommend LG front loaders. I have one that is now over 20 years old, it had bearings replaced when not very old (I got it for nothing as bearings and spider had failed) and it has given years of good service. I now have a second, slightly newer one which has faster spin, again got for nothing but required only trivial repair. They wash well. Older one is Korean, later one is Chinese but still good.
I agree, their top loaders are junk. Hard to imagine they come from the same company.

Otherwise I like Bosch. They are lovely washers, I have to acknowledge I have seen lots of dead ones, either they are trouble prone or maybe they are just big sellers here in Australia. They aren't bad to repair, many modern front loaders are deliberately designed to be non repairable when bearings fail, fortunately I haven't seen a Bosch or LG like that yet. I have given repaired Bosch front loaders to good friends and to my parents, and they have both been great. My parents' Bosch washer has gone to live with my nephew and is still going strong. Parents no longer with us... I have another Bosch in my shed that died young from severe abuse in a business, it is waiting for a new door seal but looks fabulous. When fixed it will come home with me.

Bear in mind my experience is with resurrecting washing machines that have been discarded, so I tend to be a few years behind the latest info.

Post# 1050591 , Reply# 13   11/10/2019 at 20:39 (1,919 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Best FL Washer By A Country Mile

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The SQ FL washer has a delicate cycle, same thing as a Hand Wash Cycle.


Front load washers are by nature very delicate with clothing loads.


Even though LG FL washers perform much better than their TL machines they are still the same flimsy Chinese  construction as there TL machines.


John L.

Post# 1050594 , Reply# 14   11/10/2019 at 20:55 (1,919 days old) by gansky1 (Omaha, The Home of the TV Dinner!)        

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 The Speed Queen front loader is probably the best on the market, for many reasons and along with its shortcomings, can't be beat.  I picked one up on FB a few months ago and can say that it would be my only choice if I could have only one washer. 


For handwash, the delicate cycle with  'no-spin' selected would be gentle enough for most any need.   In the pic, I have the controls set for the longest wash and rinse cycle combinations possible, a little over two hours. 

  View Full Size
Post# 1050613 , Reply# 15   11/10/2019 at 22:44 (1,919 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        
Post #14

I whole heartily agree. I’ve watched enough washers, I can’t really tell the difference between handwash and delicate. Usually the soil setting is set to “light” as well as no spin.
The more I read about speed queen, the less I want to buy an LG... but that turbo wash 360 looks sweet!

Post# 1050619 , Reply# 16   11/10/2019 at 23:28 (1,919 days old) by moon1234 (Wisconsin)        

This is from my experience. Miele is the only washer your friend should be considering. Speed Queen is fine, but no onboard heater, no true cycles for things like Wool and Silk (Which the Miele has).

I wash 10+ wool sweaters each winter. I wash all of my dress shirts using the dress shirts cycle. The list goes on. If a washer that caters to special cycles is desired, with temperature control, etc. Miele should be at the very top of the list for choice of new washer.

I would not worry about the longevity of Miele. They are consistently rated higher in reliability for laundry than ANY other brand including Speed Queen. I would venture to guess that Miele will also wind up being cheaper than Speed Queen.

I would encourage you to go look at and, if possible, try each of these options. This can really help clarify which option is preferred by the purchaser.

Post# 1050639 , Reply# 17   11/11/2019 at 07:26 (1,918 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Best FL Washer By A Country Mile

combo52's profile picture

The Miele FL washers are a very good choice if you want bells and whistles, it is also good if,


Space is tight, it is much smaller on the inside and outside, you will not be able to wash king sized comforters or as I do every other month wash all five of my kitchen rugs in one load in just over 30 minutes.


Cost is no object, service is very costly and often takes a long time, so she might want to have a 2nd washer.


Miele only has an estimated life of 10,000 loads, SQ FL washers can last 25,000, SQ currently has a real factory warranty 10 times as long as Mieles 1 year warranty, We have a customer that has a SS pair of SQs that chalked up 45,000 loads in a hotel laundry, these machines are now in their home for over 6 years now with no major failures ever, original bearings spider and both control boards.


John L.

Post# 1050640 , Reply# 18   11/11/2019 at 07:28 (1,918 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Best FL Washer By A Country Mile

combo52's profile picture

The Miele FL washers are a very good choice if you want bells and whistles, it is also good if,


Space is tight, it is much smaller on the inside and outside, you will not be able to wash king sized comforters or as I do every other month wash all five of my kitchen rugs in one load in just over 30 minutes.


Cost is no object, service is very costly and often takes a long time, so she might want to have a 2nd washer.


Miele only has an estimated life of 10,000 loads, SQ FL washers can last 25,000, SQ currently has a real factory warranty 10 times as long as Mieles 1 year warranty, We have a customer that has a SS pair of SQs that chalked up 45,000 loads in a hotel laundry, these machines are now in their home for over 6 years now with no major failures ever, original bearings spider and both control boards.


John L.

Post# 1050647 , Reply# 19   11/11/2019 at 08:04 (1,918 days old) by Kate1 (PNW)        

Is the SQ stacked unit a nightmare to move? My sis is a renter and likes the idea of having her machines stacked due to the potential of ending up in a rental that only has space for stacked machines at some point. She’s childless, and likely always will be, currently not living with anyone but has a girlfriend so that might change but I can’t see two adults doing that much laundry. She has a very nice wardrobe with silk blouses and wool sweaters that she is very tired of manually washing herself, though I do think that a delicate cycle with no spin in a front loader with items placed in a lingerie bag would probably be fine in place of a hand wash cycle. She’s really liking the Miele set but repairs would be a major issue potentially, the closest technicians are in Salt Lake City. We have a local dealer for SQ and the durability appeals to her.

Post# 1050657 , Reply# 20   11/11/2019 at 09:33 (1,918 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
About LG

I had an Lg front load that lasted ten years before the bearings went out. I could adjust the water level by turning a screw. Had internal heater. Purchased a stacking kit. Took two people to lift dryer off, but dryer wasn't that heavy. Still have dryer going on 11 years old now. For the difference in cost, I could buy another LG front load.

Only real negative is my local repair people prefer SQ and Maytag. I live in rural area.

With top loads, the SQ and MT stand out for more reasons.

Post# 1050658 , Reply# 21   11/11/2019 at 09:37 (1,918 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
SQ Stack FL Washer

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They have the same FL washer in the stacked version, If you get the stack it must be used as a stack.

It is a heavy machine, however the washer and dryer can be separated for moving and and installation convenience.

John L.

Post# 1050684 , Reply# 22   11/11/2019 at 12:19 (1,918 days old) by Kate1 (PNW)        

So this is maybe a tangential question, but apparently sis’s girlfriend is a more serious relationship than I was originally aware of (they’re talking about moving in together YAAAY!) and her girlfriend is a nurse. She currently washes her scrubs in a Samsung front loader that came standard in her apartment on the sanitize cycle, with the SQ what would be her best option for washing scrubs? They’re navy blue and they have to be so chlorine bleach wouldn’t work. And we’re talking serious pathogens like C-Diff, MRSA, and VRE, she’s an ICU nurse.

Post# 1050685 , Reply# 23   11/11/2019 at 12:24 (1,918 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Well, given the SQ doesn't have an internal heater, high temps are not really attainable.  The water heater could be set as high as possible and cold metal components and fabric temp being room temp, initial fill will be far from ideal.  A warm prewash would help followed by the subsequent as hot as possible wash fill.  But without a heater, maintaining temp will be impossible.  Just my opinion.  

Post# 1050735 , Reply# 24   11/11/2019 at 18:00 (1,918 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
No Home Washer Will Sterilize Clothing

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The closest you can get is chlorine bleach, if things are that contaminated they should be washed at the hospitals laundry and not brought into the house where they can contaminate your home and washer.

You can get a very good hot wash in a SQ FL machine by doing a Hot prewash followed by a hot wash. If you have to wash contaminated items like this at home without LCB they should be placed in a large pressure cooker [ outside the house ] then the PC can be brought in the house and put on the range for the specified amount of time and then the items can be safely washed in your washer.

John L.

Post# 1050738 , Reply# 25   11/11/2019 at 18:47 (1,918 days old) by stricklybojack (South Hams Devon UK)        

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The SQ 10 year warranty is thru the end of year, on all models, or just the FL?

Post# 1050741 , Reply# 26   11/11/2019 at 19:09 (1,918 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture

All SQs Sold and Used For Home Use.

Post# 1050790 , Reply# 27   11/12/2019 at 06:13 (1,917 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Lysol Laundry Sanitizer? Plus a Few Thoughts

Is the only reason your sister prefers a front load is because of her experience with an LG top load? When it comes to top load washers, the SQ TC5 model stands out as the overall choice. It can be found for around $1,000. I would say that is about 25% higher than the next washer that would meet my requirements and worth the difference. I don't know that I could justify double the price which is what the SQ front load would be versus another brand front load that would work for us. I know it was stated that money was not an issue, but that is a larger difference for me. No top load I know of now has an internal heater, so that was not a factor in my decision. However, this top load uses plenty of water and has shorter wash times. They are also easier for me to fix. I just feel like the clothes get cleaner with a good agitator and plenty of water. I am not so sure the forgotten bobby pin or forgotten necklace in the drain pump would be covered under a warranty issue since the damage was caused by user error (failing to empty pockets). True SQ is built to last twenty-five years. My concern is are the control boards going to be available 15 or 20 years later. Many forget the older tried and true models did not have these, and they are less likely to be a generic part like a drain pump that may be used in several models! The fact is lasts longer may not be relevant if you cannot get parts for it. This is more of a concern given the larger price difference in the SQ FL versus other front load that would work for us but no so much given the price difference in top loads. SQ top load does have the overall edge when it comes to durability with its transmission, suspension, and more options for wash cycles over any top load period and worth the difference in cost even if it only last ten or fifteen years due to parts not being available. It was not available when I needed a new washer.

I have the Maytag mvwp575gw which is the second overall best washer. it has worked well for over a year now. It does have an edge over the SQ for cleaning performance due to its dual agitator, but the SQ still cleans well and better than any other top load I can think of.

For full-size top loads, I think you have to buy them as either stacked or unstacked (there are a few portable models that offer the option of a rack or not) and this is also the only way they can be used.

I think my experience with the Maytag washer, would be applicable to the SQ top load here and might work for scrubs?

I could use bleach, but I prefer not to. Instead, I use Lysol Laundry sanitizer in the rinse cycle. Be aware this is a hands on process. The rinse cycle is short, so I have to set a timer on my watch to go back to when it is on the rinse cycle, add the sanitizer, and pause the wash cycle (sanitizer needs 16 minutes to work). Only a few of my loads require this. Seriously, the stuff works without damaging effects. I have had great results when used with laundry that smelled like mildew because it had been left wet too long, pet accidents, laundry that smells like pet odors, white clothes, etc. When I had my LG front load, its sani-cycle would accomplish the same thing. Either way, I have not noticed the odor returning to the clothes.

If top loads are out, would Lysol laundry sanitizer work for the SQ FL's WASH cycle the same way bleach does? I don't know of any way to pause the rinse cycle on these plus the clothes would need a longer period of time to tumble since they are not fully immersed in water when using a front load.

I prefer not to set my water heater up to a higher temp for laundry only. The short time I tried it, my gas bill went up noticeably. Also, it increases the risks of scalds (this is more of a concern where there may be disabled adults or children in the home).

When it comes to front loads and the difference in price, I am more conflicted.

SQ has the quality, but parts later (especially the control boards) is a concern after the warranty expires.

I liked that my LG could be used stacked or unstacked. Repairs during the first ten years may be a concern is they are user error and may not be covered by warranty. After your ten years are up, the stacked only may become a bigger concern when it comes to repairs. Again, think about the forgotten bobby pin or necklace that gets left in a pocket. Although I can fix many parts of the washer myself, I could not because it was stacked. In order to access the washer for repair, the dryer had to be removed. My son and his friend helped me the first time--bobby pin in drain pump. After the first repair, I left it unstacked. That would have been a $300 repair bill that I fixed for the cost of a new pump, $25. It would have cost more for a repair because it tied up two technicians since the unit had to be unstacked.


I like the shorter wash times, plenty of water, and easier repairs to a top load. In the beginning, I did not like that there was no true sani-cycle. However, the Lysol sanitizer seems to work OK when used per the directions. However, they are not the best option when it comes to washing comforters or odd-sized loads like pet beds that can get out-of-balance in top loads. The front loads seem to have a lot longer wash times.

Are there any other tradeoffs to using a stacked versus unstacked or front load versus top load? Will the front load open comfortably in the space it is to be installed now. Is she tall enough to reach into the stacked dryer comfortably? I would not want to buy something that might work well for later if it was really difficult for me to use now in the situation I have. Hmmm. If the stacked SQ cannot be used separate, does it mean the whole unit has to be replaced if one part goes out and the matching washer/dryer is no longer available? SQ quit selling their front load residential for a short period of time.

With the new HE regulations, I am really concerned if they will stay in the market when the whole reason they thrive is in part because they were able to offer not only a better quality product but washers that were not auto temp controlled, water limited, etc.

This has been an interesting thread with lots of good view points to consider.

Post# 1051882 , Reply# 28   11/21/2019 at 20:40 (1,908 days old) by turbowash (USA)        

I watched video- delicate wash cycle on SQ FL. Sadly it's too intense for silk, cashmere and wool. My choice of new fl washer is going to depend on hand wash cycle. Many brands are eliminating hand wash cycle, so my choice is going to be very limited when time comes to choose new washer.
My current 7 years old LG fl washes is doing great job washing my delicate cashmere and wool sweaters. I hope my washer is going to last many more years.

Post# 1051887 , Reply# 29   11/21/2019 at 21:29 (1,908 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)        

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Post# 1051892 , Reply# 30   11/21/2019 at 23:21 (1,908 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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They're no longer available but just to say, one of the gentlest Hand Wash agitator machines I've run across are Fisher & Paykel's Intuitive Eco models.

Westinghouse and Hotpoint/JCPenney had models with an additional Hand Wash agitator with lower-profile fins under the removable main agitator.  Westinghouse had a print ad touting theirs as suitable for a Pucci scarf.

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Post# 1051931 , Reply# 31   11/22/2019 at 10:16 (1,907 days old) by Kate1 (PNW)        

So when she went shopping the salesman at the appliance dealer was really pushing GE. I don’t have a high opinion of GE appliances in general, but especially not their laundry appliances. I worked at a hospital that had a GE front loader that we used for the specialized pediatric equipment that we couldn’t send to the laundry service used by the main hospital and it had nothing but problems. Finally, the actual GE engineer employed by the hospital told us to buy something else and we got a Whirlpool. Her girlfriend looked at the LG front loaders at Lowe’s, they don’t have a handwash cycle either unless you get the pedestal with the little mini washer. That seems to be a possibility for them but I don’t know anything about the mini washers and you also can’t stack the machines if you’re using a pedestal.

Post# 1051982 , Reply# 32   11/22/2019 at 18:07 (1,907 days old) by turbowash (USA)        

If I would be in the market for new washer right now, my choice would be LG fl WM4370HKA . It has hand wash cycle.

I have good luck with LG front loader, mine is working for almost 7 years.

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