Thread Number: 81054  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Maytag mvwp575gw Auto Temperature Control
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Post# 1050531   11/10/2019 at 14:43 (1,720 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        

I hooked the MTag575 up per instructions (the traditional setup used for full-size washers) with hot running to the hot inlet valve and cold running to the cold inlet valve. It should be noted that this washer switches back and forth between hot and cold. It is either or. You cannot turn off the cold faucet to get hot. The washer will just stop and spin until you turn the appropriate faucet back on.

With my Magic Chef portable washer connected separately with one hose running to cold and one running to hot (the traditional setup used for full-size washers), I can simply turn off the cold. It will then fill completely with hot water.

Both washers have some type of temperature control, but they way the address it is different.

My gas water heater is set at approximately 120 degrees F. The Maytag mvwp575gw appears to use straight hot tap when hot is chosen. I am not sure at what point the "automatic control" kicks in.

The Normal Eco cycle with Hot selected mixes some hot in, but the water is cooler than bath water.

It could be because the ground temperature water is cooler. However, for people like me that set that water heater at the recommended 120 degrees, I am not getting the same dumbed down temps as suggested in the review videos. Can someone retest? This is important because it looks like the only cycle affected by these ridiculous DOE regulations might only be the Normal "Eco".

Normal Eco is just that, and is my opinion the deal breaker on this machine for some. The only half tub wash is limited to a luke-warm wash. I have to either relocate the thermistor so it senses air temperature, run a Y-mixer hose, or add straight tap hot a different way. Or use the portable washer :-).

Post# 1050577 , Reply# 1   11/10/2019 at 19:14 (1,720 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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for many machines, Normal or Normal ECO are the only cycles affected by temperature and/or water usage compared to other cycles...

every manufacturer tries to meet the DOE requirements....mainly on the Normal cycle only...

I seen some where you select HOT, and only get 60 seconds of that temp, the rest is COLD....

I seen a few where HOT is not regulated, only Warm and Cold...

fortunately the machines I have boost temps up....for the few test machines I got, there wasn't much of a drop in temps when dubbing down, but then again, my water heater is set at 160...

my Avanti portable does a 30 second Hot side on/off when Warm is selected

your mileage may vary...

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