Thread Number: 81088  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
New entry-level Bosch
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Post# 1051042   11/14/2019 at 18:15 (1,716 days old) by miele4life (UK )        

hi, it's been a while since my last post but now it's time for me to return on here.

As we've seen at IFA 2019 there's new Bosch/Siemens models with the new 4D wash system on the higher-end machines but there's also a new lower-end model with the WAJ-Series/Serie 2, it's a plain design but has a fair amount of features as well and features the EcoSilenceDrive motor.

it's based on the Polish-made WAE/WAN-models but is this the true replacement for the ageing WAB & WAE-Series models? Also, I haven't seen Siemens versions of it yet which implies that it'll only be sold as a Bosch or possibly a Spanish Balay in the future or perhaps there'll add more models later on.

doesn't look too bad here. :)

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