Thread Number: 81102  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Reuse SQ tank gasket
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Post# 1051206   11/16/2019 at 00:49 (1,787 days old) by Brisnat81 (Brisbane Australia)        

I’ve acquired a 8yo SQ today and have been cleaning out the mould from all the crevices it can hide in.

I took the tub ring off and now if I fill above wash bowl height as part of trying to get rid of any remaining goop, I get leakages between the tub ring and tank.

Firstly, should I be able to reuse the tub ring gasket?

Secondly, is there any trick to reinstalling? Ridged side of the gasket is facing up, flat side is facing down, the gasket isn’t twisted and it’s tucked in the tub ring above the clips. It seems to be leaking from the spots where there used to be sealant, does the sealant have a purpose? Should I scrape and reseal?

To be fair, it’s only really leaking when I add another 4-6 gallons of water on top of extra large, but it’s leaking from the gasket, not over the top.

If anyone has advice about reinstalling the gasket, it is greatly appreciated.



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