Thread Number: 81112  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
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Post# 1051302   11/16/2019 at 23:26 (1,786 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)        

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First post in a while. The Calypso is being fixed. The Neptune Washer I have actually belongs to a relative and so I'm choosing to give it back for the funds to repair my Calypso and my TROMM once I get it and to make room for greater things. The Neptune is not going to scrap It's going home. My 7500AWW Dryer is being repaired and used. I'm still keeping my GE though incase it dies again. If I get a LG TROMM I hope to eventually find the matching gas dryer. For my donor machines is it Michigan LAW that I need to remove or cut the cord or can I just leave it. I see some scrappers cut the cord. I have tons of spare cords so if I find a TROMM and the cord is cut I have another cord. I'm currently Waiting for a reply from John Levefer

Post# 1051416 , Reply# 1   11/17/2019 at 20:01 (1,785 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)        
Kenmore Calypso in Detroit

maytagneptune's profile picture
"Kenmore Calypso Elite HE Washing Machine.

Stainless Steel Drum.

Great Condition and Works Great. Never Repaired.

Selling because the matching Dryer Died and we decided to replace with a matching set Washer and Dryer." is what ad says.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO MaytagNeptune's LINK on Detroit Craigslist

Post# 1051432 , Reply# 2   11/17/2019 at 20:56 (1,785 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

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What repairs does your Calypso need?

Post# 1051559 , Reply# 3   11/18/2019 at 18:32 (1,784 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)        
New Touchpad.. I discussed this earlier

maytagneptune's profile picture
New Touchpad.. I discussed this earlier

Post# 1051797 , Reply# 4   11/20/2019 at 21:32 (1,782 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        
Wow....361 views

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Bees with honey....

save the vinegar for the rinse!

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