Thread Number: 81157  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
How to Transport a Speed Queen Washer
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Post# 1051729   11/20/2019 at 13:40 (1,710 days old) by LivingTheDream (Michigan)        

I have an opportunity to buy a used SQ washer (AWN432SP) and SQ dryer (ADG3LRGS). Based on the serial numbers, both were made in November 2014. It appears that this SQ washer model does not have shipping bolts to stabilize the tub during transport. I'm looking for suggestions on how to stabilize the tub for a transport of about 25 miles.

Post# 1051735 , Reply# 1   11/20/2019 at 14:06 (1,710 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
I usually lay them on their front....

if you need to , open it up and add some 'noodles' to stabilize the mechanics....


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Post# 1051742 , Reply# 2   11/20/2019 at 14:34 (1,710 days old) by LivingTheDream (Michigan)        

Thanks Yogitunes, good idea to use the noodles! What is the advantage of laying the washer on the front? Is it to keep the washer lid down?

Post# 1051764 , Reply# 3   11/20/2019 at 17:58 (1,710 days old) by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        

combo52's profile picture
If you’re not laying it down there’s no Need to do anything just handle it carefully, if you are going to lay it on its front or side take the front off as Martin suggested and put some padding under the side on the side of the tub that you’re laying it on an old blanket would work fine etc. throw rug

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