Thread Number: 81164  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Hobart Lxi find and fix up
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Post# 1051769   11/20/2019 at 18:14 (1,710 days old) by Stopmeister72 (Irving, TX)        

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Just got a Hobart Lxih dishwasher. Plan on loaning it to my church to replace the SR24 until we get the funds to update to a full size machine. Then will come bach home to take place of the WM5H. We feed anywhere from 200-300 people every saturday for breakfast to those in need. I have this same model at school where i teach.
Some finds:
Both wash arms have a split in them in the same location so was pushing water out the bottom of the door.
The sump heater is warped, it works, but probably going to replace it. Guess it got too hot?? Had. Quite a bit of calcium buildup on it.
There isnt the small round strainer basket that fits in the intake hole. There is the main one and the strainer in the bottom of the sump.
When it drains, the wash pump runs as well. The ones we have in our districts culinary labs dont do that. I have seen a LX30 do that so thinking that maybe this is one of the first in production and had a different program or something might be wrong. Not sure what the purpose would be to have the wash pump turn off then turn back on while it is draining.
I was able to swap out my Sr24 wash arm i had in my wm5h for the bottom
Arm so in search of another to replace the top one as I like the design of the sr24 arm better. So if you have one for sale, please contact me at Enjoy the pics.

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Post# 1051780 , Reply# 1   11/20/2019 at 18:55 (1,710 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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John, we had the same dishwasher in my old church's parish/fellowship hall.  I got to "play" with it one Palm Sunday after a Sader Meal.  This dishwasher was included in a kitchen remodel back whenever this was a new model.  (How long ago would that have been?)   It got ripped out from the last kitchen remodel in the last couple of years.  (made me sad).  Guess the ladies didn't like messing with it.  Good to see you post.  Have been wondering how you're doing.  And a belated happy birthday.

Post# 1051785 , Reply# 2   11/20/2019 at 19:26 (1,709 days old) by fan-of-fans (Florida)        

A friend of mine used to have one of those at the hotel they owned in the kitchen. I never got to try it out though as I didn't work there. It was just a small kitchen they used for breakfast or when caterers came, so I don't think it ever got used much. They usually used the 3 compartment sink instead.

Post# 1051813 , Reply# 3   11/21/2019 at 03:30 (1,709 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

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My least favorite ( Ok, I hate that model ) of most later Hobarts.

Any restaurant I have worked at with this model in particular have chronically broken down.

Problems with draining, clogged spray arms, bad circuit boards, locking into the deliming mode, overheating of the booster tank and the list goes on.

Most of the Chemical guys I have spoken with over the past 4 years seem to like ADS machines. I know I will get a lot of flack from Stevet and whirlykemore but I have been so disappointed with Hobart Build quality and performance over the past ten years. ADS are a pretty good build and I believe use a mechanical timer and solenoids.

Just stay away from Low Temp if you can. I have found the only way Low temp works well, is if the water supply is constantly 140F. Most restaurants because it uses chlorine for sanitizing do not pay attention and are washing with 120F or below. I have witnessed this and when you point this out, the owners don't seem to care. As long as they are saving money by not having a booster to pay for they are happy. The results suck and rewashing is constantly happening.
140 seems to work best. And during down time while there is a lack of tank heating, the water cools off so when you start washing again it starts with 80 degree water or so.

If you see steam and people are complaining about the dishes burning their fingers... You know they are clean and sanitized.

Post# 1053094 , Reply# 4   12/3/2019 at 20:49 (1,696 days old) by Stopmeister72 (Irving, TX)        
Update and wash action

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Thanks for the birthday wish Appnut.
So, got the new sump heater in. The old one was in upside down and bases were corroding. Thanks to google, found how to get into the programming. It now thinks its a glasswasher and does a faster cycle at 1.5 minutes. Found that it was set as if it didnt have a drain pump so now the wash pump doesnt run when it drains. Turned up tank heat to 170. Just got the other sr24 wash arm in today so you can see some action. I think the circuit board may be newer, hence maybe it wasnt programmed to drain right. On the one at school, which thinks its a glasswasher now, the board has yellowed. Overheating maybe??? Or thats how it came but my board is not like that.

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Post# 1053096 , Reply# 5   12/3/2019 at 20:56 (1,696 days old) by Stopmeister72 (Irving, TX)        

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Not the best vid but you get the idea.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO Stopmeister72's LINK

Post# 1053259 , Reply# 6   12/5/2019 at 18:33 (1,695 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

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When they run, they clean great. Good luck with that machine.

Post# 1056103 , Reply# 7   1/1/2020 at 00:06 (1,668 days old) by Stopmeister72 (Irving, TX)        
At her home

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Got Holly Hobart installed at the church. Seems to be doing well. Had to tweek the detergent dispenser as too much detergent messes with the probes and it will drain too much and not fill enough.

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