Thread Number: 81191  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Speed Queen top load washer spins but does not agitate
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Post# 1052102   11/23/2019 at 21:06 (1,906 days old) by richierich (USA)        

Model awn432sp113tw01 Speed Queen top load washer that spins but doesn't agitate. Any ideas? Google-fu is lacking

Post# 1052105 , Reply# 1   11/23/2019 at 22:39 (1,906 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
be more specific....

plugged in?


timer advances?

humming sounds?

lid closed?

Post# 1052121 , Reply# 2   11/24/2019 at 06:48 (1,906 days old) by turbokinetic (Northport, Alabama USA)        

Do these have shift solenoids like the older Kenmore have?

Post# 1052122 , Reply# 3   11/24/2019 at 07:51 (1,906 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
No shift solenoids.

Here's a parts/diagram manual.

Post# 1052123 , Reply# 4   11/24/2019 at 08:22 (1,906 days old) by turbokinetic (Northport, Alabama USA)        

Neat. So it would appear the motor would reverse directions to change between modes?

Post# 1052145 , Reply# 5   11/24/2019 at 11:58 (1,906 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
that is correct....

its a matter of two things.....timer or motor

Post# 1052263 , Reply# 6   11/25/2019 at 10:17 (1,905 days old) by richierich (USA)        

plugged in? I'm not sure what this means. Is the washer plugged in? Yes

fills? Yes. Fills normally

timer advances? Yes. Timer advances and goes through the cycle like normal

humming sounds? Everything sounds normal except when it enters spin cycle, there is some rattling like plastic pieces are rattling inside. I took off the front panel but could not see any broken pieces or loose debris

lid closed? Runs normal when lid is closed. Everything stops when lid is open

Post# 1052266 , Reply# 7   11/25/2019 at 10:32 (1,905 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Check for a stripped or broken drive bell underneath the agitator by pulling agitator straight up. Reference the parts diagram above.

Post# 1052843 , Reply# 8   12/1/2019 at 11:28 (1,899 days old) by richierich (USA)        

How do you remove the drive bell? I took out the center screw underneath the bell plug, but it won't budge. Can't tell from the parts diagram if there is another screw to remove.

Post# 1052863 , Reply# 9   12/1/2019 at 15:26 (1,899 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
add some water....see if drive bell oscillates....

or in fact, since you have the front off............does the motor turn, belt moving, pulley in motion during agitation sequence?....

now take the belt off, set to spin, is rattling noise still there?.....have you looked inside the pump?

Post# 1052873 , Reply# 10   12/1/2019 at 17:19 (1,899 days old) by richierich (USA)        

Found this youtube video for anybody else that needs to do this


Post# 1053945 , Reply# 11   12/11/2019 at 10:30 (1,889 days old) by richierich (USA)        

Ended up being the idler pulley. Replaced the belt while we were in there as well. Hope this helps someone with the same symptoms!

Post# 1053981 , Reply# 12   12/11/2019 at 16:44 (1,889 days old) by richierich (USA)        

959P3 Idler Lever Kit includes the pulley and belt and many other pieces

Post# 1213976 , Reply# 13   9/6/2024 at 09:31 by Richierich (USA)        

Five years later, it’s not agitating again! This time it seems like it’s not advancing to the agitating sequence. The tub fills but stops and doesn’t advance to the next stage. I can manually turn it to rinse and spin and then it will play out until the end of the cycle, but it doesn’t go through agitation. awn432sp113tw01 Is the model number

Post# 1213980 , Reply# 14   9/6/2024 at 11:57 by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Non-agitating Speed Queen top load washer

combo52's profile picture
If the washer is just sitting there quietly not advancing toward the spin cycle or agitating, you either have a bad water level control or a bad timer.

This is assuming that it spins and drains normally when you put it in the spin cycle.

Just like Maytag years ago, one of the biggest problems with Speed Queen mechanical washers are bad timers and water level switches, I’m sure glad they’re not using mechanical timers anymore.


Post# 1214010 , Reply# 15   9/6/2024 at 18:09 by richierich (USA)        

I think I found the part number for the timer: 202705P. Do you happen to know the part number for the water level control?

Post# 1214014 , Reply# 16   9/6/2024 at 19:31 by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
There's a parts diagram document linked above in Reply# 3.  The control panel layout is on Pg 6 of it.  Pg 7 states the part numbers.

Post# 1214016 , Reply# 17   9/6/2024 at 19:46 by qsd-dan (West)        

qsd-dan's profile picture
How familiar are you with electricity?

Unhook the timer motor leads and apply 120v directly to the timer motor. If it doesn't advance, that's your problem. Speed Queen doesn't sell a timer motor separately so you have to purchase the timer.

Post# 1214031 , Reply# 18   9/7/2024 at 00:15 by richierich (USA)        

Is the water level control called something else on the parts diagram?

Post# 1214038 , Reply# 19   9/7/2024 at 06:25 by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Water level control

combo52's profile picture
It’s either called a water level control or load size selector there’s only three parts in the control panel this machine a timer the water temperature switch, and the water level control so it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out which part you might need.

It’s pretty easy to test the water level switch or even bypass it to see if that’s the problem. It has just three wires on it. It’s a single pole double throw switch when there’s no air pressure it completes the circuit to the inlet valve when air pressure applied to the tube from water building up in the tub it opens the circuit to the inlet valve and completes the circuit to the timer Motor and the main motor of the machine, the timer has already got the contacts in position just waiting for the power to come through the water level switch to start agitating. There should be a wiring diagram inside the control panel that shows you how to test this with an ohm meter .


Post# 1214057 , Reply# 20   9/7/2024 at 10:52 by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
The water level control is item #6, Pressure Switch.

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