Thread Number: 81221  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
LG SmartThinQ vs GE Front Load washer
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Post# 1052409   11/26/2019 at 20:14 (1,704 days old) by beagledad (US)        

I need to purchase a new washer and dryer set. A dryer is a dryer but I'd like to know your thoughts on this LG and GE washer. They are equipped with mostly the same features and comparable in price. Will one hold up better than the other? Are there any other washers in this price range that might be better? Thanks for the help.

Post# 1052607 , Reply# 1   11/28/2019 at 13:14 (1,702 days old) by MaytagNeptune (FireAlarmTechGuy4444 on YouTube. Interlochen MI)        

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The LG

Post# 1052635 , Reply# 2   11/28/2019 at 21:33 (1,702 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
The LG is a top-rated washer by Consumer Reports. Most everyone I know with an LG is very happy with it. CR also rates LG very high for reliability. Given your choices, definitely go with the LG.

Post# 1052645 , Reply# 3   11/29/2019 at 03:28 (1,701 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
Lorainefurniture( a member on this site ) has probably now dozens of LG Test Videos on YouTube of FrontLoad and Top Load. He is testing a top load right now.

This man sells these machines and puts them through some pretty tough tests. I would very seriously consider his advice on a LG.

Post# 1052646 , Reply# 4   11/29/2019 at 04:50 (1,701 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

Ge is now a POS

There's nothing to think about... LG, of course!

Post# 1052706 , Reply# 5   11/29/2019 at 12:55 (1,701 days old) by beagledad (US)        

Thank you everyone for the advice. I'll go ahead and get the LG set. I didn't know that GE had gone down hill.

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