Thread Number: 81262  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Washer dryer rubber smell
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Post# 1052791   11/30/2019 at 17:20 (1,753 days old) by MrWashyWashy (Manchester)        

mrwashywashy's profile picture
Now then here's a question I wonder if anyone can help me with...

I know washer dryers aren't the best and I try not to use the dryer part as very time I do the washing comes out smelling like rubber and zaps any smell of my conditioner. I've used a few different models and it's always the same.

Anyone any idea how I can use the dryer and not get that smell?

I'd use my airer but the daft thing went legs akimbo this morning and snapped!

Post# 1052794 , Reply# 1   11/30/2019 at 17:45 (1,753 days old) by superocd (PNW)        
Is your washer newer? Did you just buy it?

The reason I ask this is because the rubber door boot of front load washers tend to smell strongly of rubber during the first couple of weeks or even a month or two of ownership. I've never used a combination front-load washer-dryer but I'm guessing that the rubber smell seeps into the laundry during the dry cycle with a combo.

When I purchased my LG-manufactured Kenmore front load washer, it smelled faintly of rubber for about a month. Now that I have owned that machine for almost four years, that rubber smell is long gone. I will say that I've never had my laundry smell like rubber -- it was just the machine itself -- however, my machine is just a washer and not a combo.

Post# 1052829 , Reply# 2   12/1/2019 at 06:59 (1,753 days old) by ozzie908 (Lincoln UK)        
double dose powder

ozzie908's profile picture
and try a empty of laundry wash cycle as hot as you can get it with as much water to cover the boot as you can.

Also if you can get at it the boot has a opening at the top where the hot air from the dryer heater blows into the tub see if you can clean that with a strong smelling detergent also run the dryer with nothing in for 30 mins and see if that helps.

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