Thread Number: 81302  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Hotpoint sludge
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Post# 1053155   12/4/2019 at 14:27 (1,696 days old) by MrWashyWashy (Manchester)        

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So my Mam has a hotpoint integrated washer. Now it is aired and cleaned really well, hot washes are used regularly and we have tried various detergents AND cleaned it with vinegar and bicarbonate.

So...why is it that no matter what after about 10 washes we always seem to get this greyish sludge around the rubber and the washing always seems to come out feeling greasy.

Post# 1053158 , Reply# 1   12/4/2019 at 14:37 (1,696 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

Which detergents are you using?

Which format of detergent (powder, liquid, pods, hard tablets, gems)?

Do you use fabric conditioner?

Post# 1053194 , Reply# 2   12/5/2019 at 01:21 (1,695 days old) by donprohel (I live in Munich - Germany, but I am Italian)        
"...cleaned it with vinegar and bicarbonate"

Vinegar is a relatively good cleaner, but not that good environmentally.

Bicarbonate is not a good cleaner at all: just mildly alkaline, too mildly.

Vinegar and bicarbonate together are just sodium acetate: pointless because the acidity of vinegar and the alkalinity of bicarbonate cancel each other and you obtain just a mediocre salt without any usefulness

Post# 1053953 , Reply# 3   12/11/2019 at 11:19 (1,689 days old) by MrWashyWashy (Manchester)        
...and how is that helpful

mrwashywashy's profile picture

I posted this thread to ask for constructive help, please, if you are going to reply with condescending comments (which provided absolutely no help whatsoever), at least try to also provide a solution.


We have tried liquid then switched to powder and tried with and without conditioner...the sludge remains! I wonder whether Calgon would be any use?

Post# 1053963 , Reply# 4   12/11/2019 at 13:10 (1,689 days old) by Aquarius1984 (Planet earth)        

aquarius1984's profile picture
Ross , his reply had no condescending tone whatsoever.

He rightfully pointed out to you that vinegar and bicarbonate of soda actually do nothing.

Even vinegar needs to be neat to clean anything and even then it still does a poor job.

He lives in Italy so he might not be able to provide a solution in the form of a proprietary cleaner because he might have no idea what is available on our supermarket shelves.

As it happens there are no effective proprietary cleaners in the uk worth buying least of all using Calvin which is a swizz.

Your solution is to use a bleach heavy bio powder like Sainsbury’s or Persil/Ariel powder.
Programme your machine to no less than 40 degrees for coloureds. 60 for lights and bedding/towels and 90 for whites.

Remove the sludge by running your machine on a 90 degree wash with three dishwasher tablets to de grease it. This will set you up with a clean machine to then continue using a good bleach bio POWDER.

If you have hard water simply buy Kilrock K descaler and use it every three months following the instructions. Job done and is the least inexpensive and most convenient way.

Post# 1053968 , Reply# 5   12/11/2019 at 13:29 (1,689 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Grey Slime

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Hi Ross, is the integrated a washer or washer dryer ?? reason cos with washer dryers have seen this build up if using more using liquids, somehow the higher heat of the dryer makes this happen, usually if it with Ariel or Persil it can leave a white powdery residue even after clear water rinsing..

Best stuff to use is what your grans would have used, soda crystal, tip in drum, hottest temp whites wash if not a drum clean program and clean as a whistle, all this from the longest serving British eco friendly cleaning products..

Have a go and let us know how you get on !!

Cheers, Mike

Soda Crystals Link:

CLICK HERE TO GO TO chestermikeuk's LINK

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