Thread Number: 81328  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Merry Miele Christmas to Me
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Post# 1053597   12/8/2019 at 15:19 (1,867 days old) by kakidd (Texas)        

I'm so excited, I ordered a new Miele Futura Crystal dishwasher yesterday and hope to have it delivered and installed next weekend! I would welcome any feedback, tips and tricks from fellow members who have Miele dishwashers. I am curious if the Miele detergent and rinse aid will achieve the best results?

Post# 1053607 , Reply# 1   12/8/2019 at 17:18 (1,867 days old) by marky_mark (From Liverpool. Now living in Palm Springs and Madrid)        

marky_mark's profile picture

Congratulations in advance!  It's exciting waiting for a new appliance to be delivered laughing


Does the model you've ordered have a built-in water softener?  If it does, and if you have hard water and no whole-house softener, then you should see improved, crystal clear results if you have been used to a dishwasher that was using hard water.

Post# 1053700 , Reply# 2   12/9/2019 at 16:37 (1,866 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

For me, the Dishwasher tabs work well, but so does almost any detergent I put into the machine. My Miele DW is 13 yrs old so I probably do not know too much about how your new one will work.
Let us know how you are getting on with your new DW after it arrives and you get a chance to play with it.

Post# 1053980 , Reply# 3   12/11/2019 at 16:43 (1,864 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

Cab you give us an update on your new Dishwasher? I think it has a different filter system than mine so I am curious to know how your new machine works?

Post# 1053982 , Reply# 4   12/11/2019 at 16:47 (1,864 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

Also what model number did you get? It should be something like Gxxxx

Post# 1054048 , Reply# 5   12/12/2019 at 06:33 (1,863 days old) by kakidd (Texas)        

The dishwasher is scheduled for install this weekend. I actually upgraded to the Lumen model to get the interior lighting. Model is G6835SCI, will get some pics of it when it arrives.

Post# 1054054 , Reply# 6   12/12/2019 at 08:55 (1,863 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        

chachp's profile picture


You have ordered the machine I plan to get the next time my Bosch has an issue.  I also want the interior lighting.  


I will say I have tried a number of brands of detergent and they all do an OK job.  However, I ordered the Miele tabs and rinse agent and there is a real difference in how the dishes come out.  They come out amazing and even the inside of the dishwasher shines like I have wiped it down.  I read the reviews before I ordered them and I have to agree that these are superior at least in my experience.


I will add, I have mechanically softened water so I cut the tabs in half and still get the brilliant results.  I'm eager to hear how you like this one because I want one.

Post# 1054091 , Reply# 7   12/12/2019 at 13:50 (1,863 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

I downloaded the user manual for this machine and I think it has a water softener and the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is used when you use a cold water fill. Did you order salt and are you going to connect it to cold water?

The manual has the water and electrical consumption values and it looks like it uses less electricity if it is connected to cold water than if you use a hot water connection. Of course, if you heat your water by a means other than electricity that doesn't really matter.

The normal cycle takes 3.2 gallons and the pots and pans cycle takes about 3.8

I'll be waiting for the pics! Have fun!!

Post# 1054407 , Reply# 8   12/16/2019 at 00:00 (1,859 days old) by larrbb (San Jose)        

I do not believe Miele detergent and rinse will make an apparent difference, it depends on the water much more.As this machine has a water softener, you do not need to care about the hard water any more.

Post# 1056246 , Reply# 9   1/2/2020 at 07:31 (1,842 days old) by kakidd (Texas)        

I am still adjusting to this machine as the loading is very different from the Bosch. It doesn't seem to hold as much, but part of that is probably my learning the best way to load. Overall, I'm happy with the performance but still playing around with cycles etc. to see which one I will use for most normal loads. The Quick Intense Wash works well with freshly soiled dishes and finishes in about an hour although not everything gets completely dry if unloading immediately. I have noticed quite a difference in the sound of the wash action between the Normal cycle and the Quick Intense with the Quick Intense being much more powerful. Will post pics soon.

Post# 1056247 , Reply# 10   1/2/2020 at 07:33 (1,842 days old) by kakidd (Texas)        

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Post# 1056267 , Reply# 11   1/2/2020 at 10:36 (1,842 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

Thanks for the update and the pictures. I downloaded the user manual for your machine and see that under the additional programs is the sensor wash. Although I have a much order model this is the cycle I use for everyday soil. I find that it will heat the water much better than the normal cycle and it might also dry better too. Have you tried this one?

The biggest difference in the baskets looks like it is in the lower one. For me, I load large plates on the left side, also cups and glasses, but in yours, you have a center row that looks like you could overlap things on the left, center, and right. That would take me some time to get familiar with it too.

Also, you can load your silverware the other way around, with the handles faced toward the outside and things will still get clean. For me, this is an easier way to load that rack.

I run my machine every other day for most weeks, so you could load the machine up entirely and things will get clean.

Please keep up posted, and good luck with your new machine.

Post# 1056272 , Reply# 12   1/2/2020 at 12:12 (1,842 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        
Haha lol the f

So this manual for your DW is somewhat typically misleadingly strange.

Your consumption values for hot water connection are listed higher since they include the values for heating the water externaly according to labeling practices which shows that if you have electricly heated water, there isn't much sense in hot water connection anymore.

Even with a gas heated hot water supply I would argue that the difference is marginal heavily depending on the length of pipe run.

These DW have fill levels of less than 3l, probably pretty much spot on 0.75gal.
So any pipe run of more than 30ft will probably not even be completly emptiednd even with warm water connection, the DW still uses about 50-75% electricity compared to cold water connection.

So I was confused a bit at first.

Now, cycle wise, there is some things interesting as well.

Your QuickIntenseWash will for sure use a significantly higher water pressure as its fills are somewhat higher as well.

It has the same number of fills as your "Economy" cycle (which btw isn't much off the EU "Economy" cycle from the same Miele generation) and uses 2l or half a gal more.

Our DW over here run the QuickIntense in 1h both on hot an cold water connections, with yours cold water is about 15min longer. That extra time might help with some more dried on dishes and depending on detergent it might boost enzyme activity.
For drying you might want to add the extra dry option and the lower intensive if avaible might make that cycle suitable as well for more common place loads.

Your "Normal" cycle is neither a true sensor nor a true economy cycle.
It is sensor based on the account of selecting wheather to prerinse or not but not much else.

Usage data is about where an average Sensor wash would land.
It should perform decently for day to day loads.

It is a shame that the sensor cycle lands right at the last spot of selectable cycle.

No joke, that is still the most advanced and versatile sensor cycle out there.
Yours even goes down to less then 2gal (that is basicly no load, runs main wash and final rinse with minimal heating and water pressure).

Don't be afraid if it says the intermediate rinse is optional.
It pretty much never skips it, ever.

The main wash can go much hotter and much more intensive pressure wise compared to the "Normal" cycle as it has much more freedom in what it can use.
It's never wastefull but far more activley adjusting than lets say a Bosch.

Dunno if you have the machine connected to hot water, but if so, make sure to switch of the EcoTech heat exchanger.
This saves time and will be more efficent (the heat exchanging on a hot water connection machine usually just wastes energy).

Loading wise I do load cuttlery handly out as well. Much easier and quicker to load and undload.
I split my cuttlery rack on the Bosch into quarters, starting to load from each corner basicly, with one corner for each kind of cuttlery (fork, knife, spoon, small spoon) and then add stuff like small knifes in the middle on what ever side will be less filed (for me on the spoon side basicly).

Lower rack in these is somewhat of quite a learing curve.

Depending on how large your larger plates are it is either smarter to load them in the back MultiFley area of the fron spikes.

Smaller plates don't extend into the front area of the MultiFley system, so they would go front row for me with large plates left outside, small serving plates left middle and deeper plates like soup dishes to the right loaded from inside outwards.
Then pots and pans and bowls would go overlapping the back with perhaps some mugs and cups placed as well.

If your plates are larger, just slot them into the MultiFlex area and load pots and bowls in the front with the tines collapsed or not as needed.
If you don't have many plates bowls can be stacked into the Multifley area as well.
So can cups and mugs as well.

I alsow found that when loaded orderly, these can fit 4 rows of cups and glases in the upper rack or even 5 if you are willing to just load over the tines.

Cups and Mugs actually make great resting spot for bowls and such in the lower (and upper) rack.

Main thing to keep in mind is that anything the water spray can somehow touch will get clean 99% of time if it isn't particulary heavily soiled.

I am somewhat contemplating if a Miele or a Bosch can fit more.

I still think that my self made saying that Bosch machines are better for oderly loading with simmilar loads from loads to loads while Miele appears to better for often changing load scenarios.

Post# 1056295 , Reply# 13   1/2/2020 at 16:25 (1,842 days old) by jerrod6 (Southeastern Pennsylvania)        

The sensor wash on my machine has never skipped the interim rinse, but I take the "as needed" term in the manual to mean 1 or 2. I usually get an interim rinse and a final rinse, but with heavy soil, extra suds, greasy food, or for some other reason I sometimes get 2 interim rinses that give 3 rinses total on the sensor wash. Other times the interim rinse will be twice as long as it usually is and then the DW will move to the final rinse; it all depends on what the sensor detects during the rinse.

For the extra rinse and extra length my machine usually makes the decision around the 6-minute mark of the rinse. Of course, I don't know exactly how this new model will work it out.

Post# 1056459 , Reply# 14   1/4/2020 at 06:13 (1,840 days old) by kakidd (Texas)        

Thanks for the information, I haven’t used the sensor cycle yet but will try it this weekend.

Post# 1057310 , Reply# 15   1/12/2020 at 07:10 (1,832 days old) by kakidd (Texas)        
Still learning to load

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Post# 1057344 , Reply# 16   1/12/2020 at 09:12 (1,832 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Good Loading Job

combo52's profile picture

Hi Mark, please show before and after shots, also show what if anything is left in the filter and bottom of the machine.


thanks, John L.

Post# 1057347 , Reply# 17   1/12/2020 at 09:17 (1,832 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

If this loaed had been quite dirty, you'd have received a BobLoad certification!!!

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