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Post# 1054268   12/14/2019 at 10:56 (1,686 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
hello to all sorry the article is in french but i would like to know everyone toughs on this news article that was publish back in 2015 i have translated the article to english with google translate but would like your toughs on the news article

The industry has organized itself so that repair often costs more than replacing the product, denounces the dean of repairers in Quebec.

Gisèle Côté’s washer was starting to get noisy and smell hot after a decade of service. Claude Couture, the dean of appliance repairers in Quebec with nearly 50 years of experience, came to examine the device.

Welded washers

His verdict is classic. The rod holding the tank in place should be replaced, as should the bearings. His estimate: more than $ 1,000, or $ 90 of labor, but an impressive $ 943 of parts.

“15 years ago, it would have cost him less than $ 400. She would have had it fixed, "said the 72-year-old.

The difference from the old days is that most components of clothes washers are now welded and not screwed on. So, no matter which part breaks, you have to change everything. Here, the shaft and the basket as well as the tank and the bearings come together.

Gisèle Côté paid the $ 50 for Claude Couture's trip, but will buy a brand new washer that will cost a few hundred dollars less than repairing her old machine.

"Today, a quarter of my clients make this decision. And I understand them, ”he says.

Disposable culture

"The industry has moved in the wrong direction. We created a generation of disposable devices, "plague Claude Couture.

But why weld the parts instead of screwing them? Because it is easier and cheaper to assemble in the factory, answers Claude Couture.

And customers benefit from the savings at the time of purchase. But in the long run, the consumer loses, since his washer will break and be replaced on average after seven years, instead of 15 before.

Couture even suspects that manufacturers are doing it on purpose to force consumers to change their devices more often.

The Journal asked the giants Whirlpool, LG, Samsung and Miele to explain themselves. None called Le Journal two days after the request.

Twenty years ago, Mr. Couture generally charged less than $ 100 for minor repairs to home appliances. Now, because of the cost of the parts, his bill almost always exceeds $ 200.

The devices last less, as does the parts warranty, in many cases increased from 10 years to a year.

"About 20% of all the complaints we receive are about warranties," says Charles Tanguay, from the Office of Consumer Protection.

In short, it is better to keep your old appliances for a long time, advises Claude Couture. Last week, he even repaired a washer purchased in 1965, when he started working as an appliance repairer.

7: The average number of years a washer has lived. It’s half as much as those made about 20 years ago.
37: The number of the section of the Consumer Protection Act which says that a good must be able to serve "for a reasonable period of time", regardless of whether the warranty has expired. So if it's no longer guaranteed, it may still be.

Claude Couture sums up what most often requires repair.


The new greener freon is also more corrosive. Leaks from gnawed pipes are common.


Electronic components. "It could all be simplified. We don't use all of these functions, "he says.


The bearings. “They are welded to the tank, so everything has to be replaced. It costs more. ”


"This is what breaks down less often. Sometimes the too long return air hose overheats. ”


The pumps. "The capacity of the dishwashers is greater, but the pumps are smaller, so they are overloaded."

Manufacturers and retailers sometimes show their customers colors of all colors. Here are four stories from a washerwoman where the ears were rinsed.

Unknown error code

When the washer started spinning badly and an error code was displayed, Rigaud's couple called its manufacturer. His answer: the error code is not mentioned in his manual, so there is nothing he can do for them! Worse: since they didn't buy an extended warranty, he refuses to suggest a repairer. Incomplete answers that will ultimately cost him more than $ 2,500 since the unlucky customers also had problems with their fridge, bought at the same time.

"Change it then!" "

A repairer who suggests not to repair can be surprising. However, this is what a Granby employee did, embarrassed to bill his client again more than $ 300 for a washer paid $ 549 less than two years ago. The manufacturer did not want to pay the repair bill, so he ended up in court. In May, a judge awarded the client $ 935 ($ 500
from the journal the montreal

Post# 1054270 , Reply# 1   12/14/2019 at 11:15 (1,686 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        

After a long and pointless search for a new washer I gave up. The Speed Queen du jour TC5 is over $2000 cdn. with taxes and very hard to find. After an interesting chat with the store owner where I have bought a couple of Maytag appliances yesterday I came away with this. He said all of the new washers are garbage, even the stuff he sells. I asked about the Maytag commercial that everyone raves about. He carries it but discourages his customers from buying it. He has installed many of these in institutional settings like day cares and seniors residences and they are not good. He said the electronic control boards cause him the most grief but the transmission and motors are also problematic. Not worth the almost $1600 cdn. He also mentioned that these machines are carried by every store that sells Maytag, meaning they are not commercial grade, just expensive. His parting advice was as follows. If you need a washer try to find an old rebuild. If you want new, get an energy efficient front load, it might last 5-6 years and the saving in power and especially water over the old models could offset the cost of replacing it sooner than later. I am going to run the old DD until it dies and then I'll get a cheap front load.

Post# 1054273 , Reply# 2   12/14/2019 at 11:26 (1,686 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i know of a store in my area that still sell some old direct drive but that would mean transporting it yourself if you own a picup or can attach a trailer to your vehicle here the link www.econopluselectromenag... and you also have the option to have your current washer repaired witch will make it last for years as well

Post# 1054277 , Reply# 3   12/14/2019 at 12:06 (1,686 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        

We have a couple of these second hand stores around here. It's amazing the money they are getting for 15+ year old machines. One guy wanted $400 for a 30 year old Maytag, probably what it cost new, or close to it. On the negative side it is pretty sad that these old machines are still in demand and at a premium price when you consider what electricity and water hogs they were, and still are, but on the positive side it's good that these machines can be effectively recycled and used for many more years. You don't see any 4-5 year old machine commanding any where near the demand or price these antiques are getting. The guy with the Maytag told me that an entire industry has grown in Toronto where old machines are brought back to life because so many people have had it with the new machines that break down and need to be replaced so often. He offered me $150 for my Inglis DD sight unseen. I think it's time government stepped in and started regulating the industry. If an appliance fails before say 10 years the manufacturer should refund some of the money paid, on a pro rated scale, and pay for the disposal of the unit. Land fills are overloaded and disposal costs for local government and us, through taxes and fees, are climbing ever since asian countries, where a lot of this garbage originates, stopped taking North American electronics and the like for recycling.

Post# 1054278 , Reply# 4   12/14/2019 at 12:16 (1,686 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
if you would of known my grandmother she hasd an old push to start 3 cycle inglis liberator that she replace in 1988 because it was leaking but it was still good thw washer would be near 50 today she also had a vintage dryer that lasted her 40 years washer she replace in 1988 then in 2008 for an older direct drive washer dryer in 2009

Post# 1054285 , Reply# 5   12/14/2019 at 13:03 (1,686 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        

Washers lasted longer and were built better for a couple of reasons. The guts of the machines were heavy duty, not so much by design but because of the components that were available at the time. Plastic parts were kept to a minimum because plastic does not hold up to the demands of heavy, moving machinery. They were built with steel, iron and brass, weighed a ton because a full wash with 30-40 gallons and the machine could weigh 400 lbs. or more. But more importantly washers and other appliance cost a lot of money, in relation to a family income. Washers might cost upwards of 2 months pay in the 50's and 60's. They had better last a long time, trouble free, or there would have been hell to pay for the dealer and manufacturer. Our parents and grandparents would not put up with this disposable mentality we now live through. They were the generations faced with much harder times and money wasn't pissed away. Also they paid cash for most everything because credit was virtually non existent. Dropping $500 0r $600 for a washer back then would be like paying $1500-$2000 today. No small sum. We, as a society have embraced a throw away culture and in doing so we must keep the consume in consumer going or it all comes apart. I blame globalization which cheapened everything and seems to devour everything in its path.

Post# 1054289 , Reply# 6   12/14/2019 at 15:10 (1,686 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
rosie my toughs even do i know it will never happen

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i wish we cpuld go back to these type of washers but with today modern look without droping the qualatys that makes them last longer pics are only reference exemple

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Post# 1054290 , Reply# 7   12/14/2019 at 15:35 (1,686 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        

I see no reason whatsoever that todays washers could not be as durable as the older ones. Indeed if they were as durable and energy efficient, everyone would win. The consumer would get a good product that saves money on energy and the planet would get a break on resources, over production and landfill. It is doable. The machines would cost maybe 50%-100% more but would last 3 or 4 times longer. We can do it with cars, televisions, dryers, stoves and many other products. This is a cynical choice made by the 3 biggest global manufacturers of these appliances that need to smarten up, or be forced to through strict regulation. If one of these companies chose to build a top notch product that lasted they would soon dominate the market. Miele can do it but their washers cost $2000, are too small for N.America and require too much specialization, not user friendly. Now if they built a big front load for say $1500, boom, they win.

Post# 1054314 , Reply# 8   12/14/2019 at 21:23 (1,685 days old) by LowEfficiency (Iowa)        

lowefficiency's profile picture
I think the problem would be convincing today's buyers that that kind of longevity is even beneficial in the first place.

We have a whole generation that has grown up with such rapid technological progress - that to buy something to hold onto for so long is legitimately a foreign concept.

Would today's teenagers go for 1970s cars? No, because they are dramatically less safe as well as less efficient. Would today's young adults go for cell phones from 10 years ago? No, because they are positively ancient in terms of features, let alone security. The same way with houses, furnace and air conditioners, recreation equipment, tools, furniture, etc. Appliances, likewise, the marketing has pounded in the concept that your old stuff is inefficient and killing the planet, and you should feel guilty to continue using it.

There are some environmental tradeoffs, or credit if you will, for keeping old things out of the landfill and avoiding the impacts of producing new. But to a generation that has, for everything else, been told that that is more than covered by improved efficiency, that is a difficult mentality to break - You would have to PROVE that that longevity is worth the costs and tradeoffs.

Post# 1054323 , Reply# 9   12/14/2019 at 23:35 (1,685 days old) by Tomdawg (Des moines)        
Reply #7

Miele did create a washer that was bigger. I believe it was 3.7 cu ft.. however they didn’t sell enough of them. I think they were $1400 10 years ago.


Post# 1054329 , Reply# 10   12/15/2019 at 05:57 (1,685 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        

I didn't realize that the youngsters were so keen to get the latest and best appliances. That sounds very expensive. I would hesitate to equate a cell phone upgrade with upgrading your washer. I think most people are looking for 2 things from a washer after purchase. Does it clean, does it work . A manufacturer that guaranteed that, would clean up. As for Miele. They build good machines but the sell them wrong for N. America. To buy one up here you need to find a distributor. You then are directed to the Miele website to complete the order. Added to the cost of the machine is $250 for installation (you get 2 year Warranty with that) and $90 delivery. That's $340. Where I live add 13% sales tax to that and the $1900 Miele machine costs $2513. A 32% markup disqualifies them from me ever buying one.

Post# 1054333 , Reply# 11   12/15/2019 at 07:24 (1,685 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        
me when i bought 15 years ago the whirlpool duet set

pierreandreply4's profile picture
15 years ago when my mom and i change to the whirlpool duet set we now have i check the following energuide for electric comsumption cycle use noise level since its on the second floor so far washer had 2 minor repairs that i could do myself change of plastic door latch that broke and front of detergent dispenser as for the dryer it only had 2 repairs as well major cleanup lint near heating element and termal fuse replacement but if because of cost i had to go back to an old direct drive topload or vintage machine i would look for inglis superbII direct drive washer (washer dryer set my mom and i had from 1993 to 2004) kenmore or kitchenaid even maytag performa ect

Post# 1054339 , Reply# 12   12/15/2019 at 10:31 (1,685 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        

Regulation is probably the only way to force manufacturers to smarten up. The amount of e-waste is skyrocketing. Don't get me started on the pollution coming from SUV's and pick up trucks everyone seems to think they need. The disconnect is especially stark in North America. The political class, reacting to a small but vocal minority of voters, seems intent on burying their heads in the sand. Even if you don't buy the environmental angle on this it seems obvious that building garbage appliances is expensive and inefficient for all concerned.

Post# 1054343 , Reply# 13   12/15/2019 at 14:10 (1,685 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
I don't think the impetus to replace vs. repair is so much related to the interest in the latest-greatest washing machine or other appliance as it is with phones.  Moreso related to the cost of repair nowadays vs. replacement.  When a servicer charges $200 to $250 to replace a direct-drive motor coupler that costs $12 to $25 for the part . . . there's the factor in the equation.  There's also the angle that some parts are priced outrageously high, either due to actual production/warehousing costs, or due to manufacturers purposely pricing them high to discourage repair.

Post# 1054351 , Reply# 14   12/15/2019 at 16:30 (1,685 days old) by Combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
New durable repairable washing machines

combo52's profile picture

C$2000 for a new speed queen top load classic series washer that will last 25 years or more for the average family is actually a better buy then A Maytag or whirlpool was 40 years ago.


Even better yet is the Speed Queen front load washer designed to be easily repaired even by its user and has an average life expectancy of 10 loads a week for over 40 years.


I support welding the plastic outer tub on cheap front load washer‘s, people buy them because they’re cheap look at all the people on this site that are buying LG because it’s the cheapest machine it should be built that way. Welding the tub together makes the machine more reliable and less costly to build. Nobody’s going to put new bearings in  $700 washer today anyway.


I remember all the crying 40 years ago and they started gluing motors together and they could no longer be repaired it was the best thing they ever did, it kept the cost of the appliance down and the cost of the motor down nobody was repairing motors anymore anyway.


John L.

Post# 1054353 , Reply# 15   12/15/2019 at 16:44 (1,685 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        

Speed Queen is no longer sold here. Huebsch is. Same machine with the older name. Something to do with Whirlpool Canada owning the Speed Queen name years ago. The closest dealer is 40 miles away. No service in this area. Not an option. I'll end up getting an LG front load only because they are cheap. I can get a wm3500 for $710 Cdn. That's really cheap. Most top loaders start at $650 and they are really badly built and energy hogs. Not an ideal scenario but that's how the market is now.

Post# 1054354 , Reply# 16   12/15/2019 at 16:47 (1,685 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
A New LG FL Washer

combo52's profile picture

 Hi Jim At our age should last you at least 10-20 years if you are only washing3-5 loads a week.


John L.

Post# 1054357 , Reply# 17   12/15/2019 at 17:11 (1,685 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        
Energy efficient washers

I spotted this from a real product review site from Australia. It made me laugh out loud. Makes you wonder how they test these things when even Speed Queen admits it's new TC5 is shipped in eco mode, which they advise you never use.

It looks like it might be this model in North America, which CR reviews as not very good but an excellent water user. I guess their real world is not everyone else's real world when it comes to testing.

Imagine, 199 litres, or 51 US gallons or 44 Imperial gallons. My old DD uses less than that, and it kind of still works. It's all a crap shoot with this stuff.

Post# 1054359 , Reply# 18   12/15/2019 at 17:23 (1,685 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
rosie if you have this chain of store where you live if you look at the washer dryer section they have speed queen and it all depends on how many loads you do per day and also depends if you wash for the whole family also because if you wash only for 2 your curent direct drive washer should last you for years

Post# 1054361 , Reply# 19   12/15/2019 at 17:30 (1,685 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        

Thanks for that but I live down the road in Niagara, about 6 hours from Montreal. I'll keep the DD for a while yet, but our water rates are going up 50% over the next 3 years. Ironic when you consider I live 15km. from Lake Erie and 15km. from Lake Ontario. No water shortage here just a bunch of really overpaid "public servants".

Post# 1054362 , Reply# 20   12/15/2019 at 17:35 (1,685 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
no problem but feel free to keep the link for the day you will needed it cost nothing to bookmark a link

Post# 1054861 , Reply# 21   12/19/2019 at 21:04 (1,680 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Speed Queen

When I was considering purchasing a Speed Queen TC5, I inquired about the Speed Queen to one of my nearest local dealers. The sales person's experience was they see just as many of these models in for repair as the others. Since I assumed they made more profit including a personal commission on the $1000 washers than the other models sold, I thought that was odd the person would say that. With that said, I do believe Speed Queen will have fewer minor repairs and can be kept running longer without major repairs versus any other top load. The better build quality and consumer friendly features in today's market give it an overall edge. However, these new models are NOT your Grandma's Speed Queen.

I thought it was interesting in the article referenced below, "Well, Yale Appliance says that it sold 243 of these machines in 2018 and performed 65 service calls—a service rate of about 27 percent, which makes Speed Queen the most repair-prone brand that Yale Appliance has sold in any significant volume."

In fact, I could have gotten one of these returned models from a local dealer, but it came without any warranty from SQ.

I personally do not think today's Speed Queens are a better value than yesteryear's Maytags. They have model-specific control boards that will not be available probably 15 years from now either (or at least to the average consumer). For that ONE reason alone, you will not keep many of them going as long as the older mechanical-style machines. Also, this generalization does not take into account that most consumers do not have access to these parts at cost and would have to pay someone else to change out the bearings/seals and replace the transmission. For the average FAMILY, these washers will be good for about 15 years. I had one of the good ol' Whirlpools that I think was better than this SQ, and it only lasted 15 years before the transmission gave out. Before that, I only replaced a set of dogs.
Today's Speed Queen will realistically last the average consumer twice the life of the average washer sold in the big box stores. The Maytag Commercial will probably fall somewhere in between that.

The vertical modular design of the REAL Maytag Commercial mvwp575gw in my opinion is not the best design for a washer especially when used in a commercial capacity. The critical parts have been upgraded, and I think the consumer will see that difference when compared to the other models sold at the big box stores. This design will not hold up to the abuse at vet clinics, multi-housing, and laundry mats. However, from what I understand the parts that may fail are the splutch and actuator. Those are inexpensive and easily replaceable by most consumers or someone in their family. I believe I could even replace the gearbox on this one. THIS is the reason this washer is not an agitub and a tradeoff I'll gladly make. On this particular model, I have not seen any issues that would cause me any real concern yet. However, it is the ONLY Maytag/Whirlpool top load I would buy . It is unfortunate it is often lumped in with the low-quality top loads Maytag/Whirlpool sell. Only time will tell if the life of each of these appliances gap is as wide as many have said. However, the MT575 sure does clean well!

Many of the regular posters are either single adults or adult-only households, have access to more than one washer, trade washers on a regular basis (like most people upgrade phones), and sell/repair washers for a living. The advantage from having information from all angles is helpful, but left undisclosed may not be as helpful to the typical consumer with a family that hires someone to repair their washer.

Post# 1054902 , Reply# 22   12/20/2019 at 06:45 (1,680 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        
Pink Power

The Maytag you have retails for $1399.99 cdn. Add 13% H.S.T. a combined Federal/Provincial sales tax and you are paying $1582.00 for essentially a slightly beefed up cheap Amana or Whirlpool top load which I can buy for $450 + tax. Maytag is marketing this machine as a commercial washer yet they are sold in every big box and cut rate furniture/appliance store around. I can find a speed queen/huebsch, but not near by. I can get a Maytag from any one of 14 stores within 20 minutes of my door. The guy I have bought appliances from summed it up best. You cannot place delicate electronic circuit boards in a machine full of water, that shakes, spins and sometimes jumps around and expect things to work for long. The problem with all modern washers is the same. Electronics. It fails, it's expensive to replace and it's here to stay. So get the cheapest, most efficient machine you can find. LG and Samsung machines have both glowing reviews and dire warnings to stay away on pain of floods, fire, and loud noises. G.E. is now Chinese and we all know about the crap China sells. Miele is the best, until you go to British or European sites where hundreds of unhappy purchasers say otherwise. Let's face it. It's all crap. There are no rules. We have no protections from the agencies that could enforce better quality or a least better warranties. After exhaustive research this is the conclusion I have made. Stick with a Whirlpool brand washer. Plenty of parts and service is available. Buy cheap and simple and as efficient as you can. Might as well save some water and hydro. Avoid big box and appliance/furniture stores. They have no service. Costco offers an extra year of warranty. The guy down the street who sells and fixes is probably your best bet if they're honest. Start saving for a new washer immediately after purchase.

Post# 1054908 , Reply# 23   12/20/2019 at 08:39 (1,680 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Maytag/Whirlpool Washers

"Stick with a Whirlpool brand washer. Plenty of parts and service is available. " Parts availability later is a factor in my decision. The service technicians favor Maytag/Whirlpool and Speed Queen here. One only charges $50 if to take a look if I cannot figure it out myself.

Where I live, the Maytag mvwp575gw can only be found in locally owned and operated appliance stores. The big box stores like Home Depot, Lowes, and Best Buy do not carry them.

The low-end of this model is the Roper sold by Lowes. Great option for those on a tight budget! It has a dual agitator! Someone on this board has this model or one like it, and really likes it. I believe he bought it after a similar low-end Maytag Centennial? gave out after only a few years.

The difference in cost is the higher quality parts (the thick/sturdy metal panels, wider 7-rib versus 5-rib belt, actuator, 1/2 hp motor, 60 watt vs 45 or 50 watt capacitor, premium bearings, and commercial-grade quality fill hoses included). These are things you can see. It probably has a better quality parts that are not easily seen like the control board. After all, this is the top of the line [inferior when compared to the old models] washer for residential use. Also, I like the knob design better. The five year in-home parts and labor warranty is hidden in there too. This model is built to be easy to repair. The top two screws remove from the metal console panel and allow access to parts there. The front easily removes to allow access to parts that way or can be tipped toward the wall (placed on back) to allow access to parts underneath.

Based on this, I think one is more likely to have fewer repairs to the Maytag model and it will last longer without major repairs than the Roper. You pay for the convenience. For me, that cost $350.

I agree something needs to be done. These appliances should not be built to be disposable. The electronics were only added to the base models, so the washes could be "controlled" to conserve energy and water. I just add my own buckets of water or run a load twice LOL. Puts me back to the old days. Soon we'll be hauling water up from the creek too. Bring back the old mechanical models.

I have second guessed my decision many times on whether or not to get the Speed Queen TC5 while it is still available, and it boils down to what I said in the above post. Bring back the mechanical version awn432, and there is no second guessing for me. For now, I chose somewhere in the middle, and I think the Maytag will probably last about ten years. I really feel it is more likely I can keep this model going if I want to versus the time-limited TC5. Also, if you want the best performing cleaning washer, you cannot beat the dual agitator--even Speed Queen does not have that. For those with pets, kids, who work technical trade jobs, do their own repairs around the house, etc., best cleaning performance is a factor.

Post# 1054912 , Reply# 24   12/20/2019 at 09:47 (1,680 days old) by Rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        
Pink Power

I looked at the washer reliability numbers from Yale Appliances. According to them the Samsung top and front load washers are the most reliable for 2019 so far. These numbers are based on a very small sample. The Maytag and Speed Queen top load washers are poor performers. After all the majority of the components in the Maytag are from China, including the motor. Speed Queen sources a lot of parts from Mexico. On a side note. A couple of years ago I was in the market for a new toaster to replace toaster number 10 or 11, I forget which. I went into a Sears store, before they disappeared, to have a look. They they were, a long row of toasters ranging from $30 up to $300. I had a good long look at the element boards in each one. I got out my wifes magnifying glass she carries in her purse. The element boards on all but one toaster had the exact same number code on the side of the board. They were all the same. I think the same is true for electronics and other components in all appliances. They all come out of the same factories in China, contracted by the various old name brands and marketed as old name quality. That's globalization in a nut shell. The toaster with the different number was a discontinued one. Older board I guess. The Whirlpool top and front load machines score fairly well although the 2019 numbers are trending towards poorer performance. Ask anyone who has ever owned a Samsung appliance if they would buy another and I think we all know the answer. No. No parts, poor service, long turn around on repairs, inaccurate diagnosis of repair etc. So, what to do? If I could find any info about this Amana front load I would happily buy it. It's very cheap with the energy rebate, it's a whirlpool so it's guts are probably identical to most of their other brands, but alas, it's not Korean, so CR doesn't like it. It's not expensive so the big box store reviews are sparse and average. It has minimal bells and whistles, so the trendy review sites ignore it. Any input on this particular machine would be appreciated.

Post# 1054971 , Reply# 25   12/20/2019 at 23:53 (1,679 days old) by LowEfficiency (Iowa)        

lowefficiency's profile picture
Sometimes too there is an inverse relationship between the reliability of an original part and the availability of spare parts. If a machine is UNreliable, the OEM or aftermarket might churn out tons of repair parts for quite a long time to satisfy repair demand. But if a part “almost never fails”, and it does for you (or simply wears out), you might have quite a difficult time finding a replacement. Parts supply companies and local repair shops wouldn’t have any reason to stock those parts, and far fewer spares would be produced overall.

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