Thread Number: 814
GE combo update
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Post# 51517   12/21/2004 at 11:56 (7,157 days old) by kennywhy (Cathedral City, CA)        

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GE combo update

Just to answer and update . . .

In regard to the GE combo rewiring, it was obviously a matter of just disconnecting the brass jumper from the white terminal and isolating the green to the chassis to complete the correct updated wiring. Duh . . . just didn't see it for myself! I'll get to it this weekend.

Sorry, I still don't own a digital camera to attach a photo of the machine to my post. No USB connection on my older computer either. I'll try to borrow a camera from a friend and get a shot attached to a future post.

Greg: When you say "one piece at a time", will it really only handle a couple of items in a reasonable time? Not that I intend to stuff it full of clothes of course.

Jon: Yes, it's the machine that has two pedestals supporting the console. Looks something like the Frigidaire Tower console era. Maybe late 1950's, if not early sixties. Wonder if it's the first year for the GE combo washer-dryer. (Model WD1) I'll call GE to try to find out exactly how old it is. Or would anyone out there know when they came out?

One other question – the interior of the glass window has lost some its smoothness and shine around the edges. Any recommendations for a product, or is there any way of restoring it or polishing it up?

Thanks again (and again)

Post# 51558 , Reply# 1   12/22/2004 at 06:41 (7,156 days old) by kenmore1978 ()        
Lack of digital camera

I've seen a number of people make the lament that they don't have a digital camera to take pictures. Seems like everyone has forgotten that film cameras can still be used, you simply have it processed so that the pictures are returned on CD as well as prints/negatives/slides. If you've ever wondered what to do with those last few shots on the end of a roll, this is something to use them on. Once pics are on a CD, they can be brought into a photo editor and modified for whatever purpose they're needed for.

If you have an older computer without a USB port, inexpensive add-in PCI cards are available to add that capability(you must be running Win98 or newer). Depending on whether it's an off-the-shelf or home-built computer, the Motherboards MIGHT already have USB capability, but the cable/socket connector wasn't provided. These cards are also availble for FireWire

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