Thread Number: 81494  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Is it ready for the junk heap?
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Post# 1055288   12/23/2019 at 20:25 (1,749 days old) by normadesmond (Minnesota)        

Darlings! I haven't been here for ages. Actually, it's been so long that my original screen name, little edie, no longer worked with the new rules! So, new name, same dame!

I've got a Kitchen Aid KUDS01IJ Superba dishwasher. Last load I did, I was getting an odd burning smell as it ran (there was no plastic anything in the washer). Tonight was the test to see what happens next...It ran, but is now leaking from below.

It's 19 years old. Do I try to fix it? I've no idea. Thanks so much!!

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Post# 1055312 , Reply# 1   12/23/2019 at 22:20 (1,749 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
19 YO Tall Tub KA DW

combo52's profile picture
It is very fixable, parts are plentiful for these DWs, if the condition is good inside, look underneath and see where it is leaking, even though this DW can be fixed in place it might be easier for you to remove it to work on it if you are not used to working on them in place.

Let us know what you see and we can help.

John L.

Post# 1055314 , Reply# 2   12/23/2019 at 22:53 (1,749 days old) by normadesmond (Minnesota)        

Looked like it was dripping from whatever is underneath and in the center....the motor perhaps?

Post# 1055345 , Reply# 3   12/24/2019 at 07:55 (1,748 days old) by rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        
class action lawsuit

The model you own, along with many others, is the subject of a class action in Canada. In fact Whirlpool settled and I am awaiting my bit of cash. I do not know if there is a similar law suit in the US. Check out the link for all the details.

Post# 1055367 , Reply# 4   12/24/2019 at 11:24 (1,748 days old) by rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        
class action lawsuit

Interestingly, I just received the rebate form in the mail this morning. Highly prescribed. Seems I must purchase a new Whirlpool brand, Kenmore or Kitchenaid dishwasher between November 2019 and April 2020. Kenmore is now defunct in Canada, has been for 2 years. I have purchased 2 machines since the original went bonkers, a Samsung (junk) and a Maytag, just last December. There was no mention of any of this until the form showed up today. I guess Whirlpool just doesn't want to do the right thing. We need regulatory intervention with these companies.

Post# 1055417 , Reply# 5   12/24/2019 at 18:14 (1,748 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture

Wow, it is the season for giving. 


Whirlpool giveth thy fine gift..... lest you not sue them.

Post# 1055451 , Reply# 6   12/25/2019 at 00:04 (1,748 days old) by normadesmond (Minnesota)        
That's fascinating!

Wow, quite interesting! (The class-action suit)

We decided that finding someone to come & attempt to fix our machine would probably be foolish. Even if it was fixed, something else could easily break on a 19-20 year old washer. We bought a new one & it will be installed Friday.

Thank you!!!!

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