Thread Number: 815
Frigidaire Combo PAT 12/21/04
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Post# 51520   12/21/2004 at 13:00 (7,157 days old) by westytoploader ()        

Wow, Frigidaire was doing everything in their power to avoid having to switch to a front-loader while still producing a combo!

It seems the whole tub oscillates like the Kelvinator/ABC machines, just like the GE design, during wash and dry cycles. Centric-basket drying--too fun! I noticed in an Apex ad that it bounces the basket after spin to fluff the clothes up as well; I wonder if Frigidaire took the idea from Apex...

Post# 51521 , Reply# 1   12/21/2004 at 13:33 (7,157 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
The Bouncing Combo!

unimatic1140's profile picture
Isn't that fun! I saw the Apex fluff the clothes by wobbling the basket after the final spin and it does work. The clothes come off the sides and start to circulate without any water.

I do have to wonder though if it was enough action to remove the wrinkles from the clothes like a tumbler. Interesting idea though, I wonder if they built a prototype?

More Frigidaire Combos to come.

Post# 51869 , Reply# 2   12/27/2004 at 15:27 (7,151 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
Bouncing combo

Robert when will patent of the day, most likely begin to repeat? I was on vacation and did not have i-net access. Thankyou alr2903

Post# 51873 , Reply# 3   12/27/2004 at 16:24 (7,151 days old) by Unimatic1140 (Minneapolis)        
PAT repeats

unimatic1140's profile picture
Hi Arthur, I don't have that many loaded yet so they will start to repeat soon.

Post# 52010 , Reply# 4   12/29/2004 at 20:52 (7,149 days old) by alr2903 (TN)        
Pat repeats.

Robert, thank you. I am looking fwd to seeing the ones I missed. Happy New Year. Arthur alr2903

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