Thread Number: 81527  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
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Post# 1055620   12/26/2019 at 12:20 (1,777 days old) by mylesb (Florida)        

I don't know if advice is given on here for Refrig or Range or if I need to go to another forum, but I will start with the subject appliances first.
An elderly friend of mine has bought a house to rent out. She needs to replace all appliances. She asked if I would help her pick out appliances, since I am internet active and she is not. I think she may be open to quality higher end products (but not outrageously priced - it is a rental) so I am going to give her the higher priced/quality options and the reasonably priced/hopefully quality options.
I know for the Washer she wants top load. So I believe Speed Queen TC5000WN would be a good choice and maybe the matching dryer. She does want appliances that would not require a ton of repairs so I thought with the 10 yr warranty this would work well for her. I also picked for the lower priced option the Maytag MVWP575GW but unfortunately I don't think any of our local shops have this model anymore. She will only shop local not online, therefore I was thinking the MVWB835DC based on reviews found online. Maytag dryer as well and from what I read on here it is better to have the lint catcher on the top.
For the Dishwasher, after reading some reviews on here, the Miele would be the more expensive top of the line option, but the Kitchenaid KDPM354GPS seems to be a cheaper option.
Opinions would be welcome.
Pat B

Post# 1055641 , Reply# 1   12/26/2019 at 15:49 (1,777 days old) by rosie (Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada)        
What to get

I found this guy's site a couple of years ago. He's very old school but his company repairs only, no sales, according to them. They seem to favour American over everything else, repair wise.

Post# 1055706 , Reply# 2   12/27/2019 at 10:02 (1,776 days old) by mylesb (Florida)        
Thanks Rosie!

Thanks Rosie appreciate it - I will check it out.

Post# 1055708 , Reply# 3   12/27/2019 at 10:56 (1,776 days old) by johnb300m (Chicago)        

johnb300m's profile picture
Is this a luxury rental house?
I'd shy away from putting anything as nice as a Meile or Bosch or KitchenAid in a rental where people will just abuse it. Unless you find them used for a good deal on Craigslist.

I think the washers are good choices. Pretty tough and reliable for today's standards.

As for the dishwasher, I'd steer towards simple, since it very likely will be abused.

I'd probably go with something along the lines of this durable and very affordable Maytag, on sale now.
The MT has a self cleaning filter that tenants won't have to worry about [never] cleaning.

Or this affordable and simple Whirlpool model. It has a filter cup, but it's mostly self-cleaning.
And could be cleaned out by the cleaning crew (or you) between tenants. (Since they'll never clean it)


Post# 1055720 , Reply# 4   12/27/2019 at 13:34 (1,776 days old) by henene4 (Heidenheim a.d. Brenz (Germany))        

Set the security deposit decently high and if appliances are included in rent, don't shy away from not refunding it.

Dunno how utilites are calculated here, but depending on that looking for efficent appliances might be a good idea...

A BOL Bosch would be a decent DW choice IMO.

And let her check if some insurance covers the appliances as they are part of here wirk expenses or such.
There should be insurance taken out anyway for renting stuff out...

Post# 1055725 , Reply# 5   12/27/2019 at 15:16 (1,776 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
this link shows vacation rental might give you some ideas for appliances some vacation rental have pretty basic appliances but the object is to help you chose depending on how much your willing to spend on the appliance you went to include in the rent

Post# 1056587 , Reply# 6   1/5/2020 at 11:03 (1,767 days old) by mylesb (Florida)        

Thank you for the suggestions. Will pass this on to her.

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