Thread Number: 81531  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Repair or replace: whirlpool duet
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Post# 1055656   12/26/2019 at 18:54 (1,753 days old) by Gmarquez (Bakersfield)        

Hi everyone so recently the door boot on our 5 year old duet has ripped this is the 4th time a high dollar part has broken so far its had the main control board replaced along with the ecu to the tune of $400. We’ve gotten a quote to replace the gasket for $475 and at this point it’s becoming questionable as to if it’s a good idea to keep putting money into a machine that has a history of having expensive breakdowns. Then today I decided to open it up and see if I could tell if anything else is broken or looks like it might break soon, while I had it opened I noticed that there where small amounts of grease trails going down all four of the shocks, I’m not sure if this is normal or not but at this point if it’s coming to the point of replacement I’d much rather just do that.
This then leads me on to the option for replacement, ideally We’d like something much more reliable ive found a Maytag Neptune mah3000 for sale locally for a good price and it seems like it’s had all the major Neptune faults fixed along with replacement parts that are a lot cheaper however I do worry about it’s long term reliability on one hand if it’s lasted almost 20 years it would seem reasonable for it to last another 20 years but one never knows.
I’ve attached a picture of the strut that could be leaking I’m was wondering if you guys think this is just normal lubrication or rather if it’s leaking

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Post# 1055659 , Reply# 1   12/26/2019 at 19:08 (1,753 days old) by lakewebsterkid (Dayton, Ohio)        
Strut assembly

This is exactly how mine look in my Duet. I did replace them about 2 years ago because it was having issues balancing. However, it only made a small improvement.

Post# 1055664 , Reply# 2   12/26/2019 at 20:14 (1,753 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
WP FL Washer Fix Or Replace

combo52's profile picture

Hi, it is always hard to make this call, And I usually have a lot more information when I advise my customers in situations like this which I do several times every working day.


It is helpful to know how many loads you do a week, your mechanical ability, and your budget for a washing machine.


If you can replace the door boot yourself and even buy a used one on line that might make sense.


A 20 YO Neptune will not last another 20 years in many cases, but again it all depends if you can fix it yourself.


The oil on the shocks is nothing to worry about.


Keep us posted, John L.

Post# 1055665 , Reply# 3   12/26/2019 at 20:27 (1,753 days old) by Gmarquez (Bakersfield)        

Hello thank you for the quick replies. As far as loads per week I’d say we do about 10-14 a week. And I’m moderately mechanically skilled i have considered installing a new boot myself I’m just not sure if I’ll be able to get the spring clamps back on during the reassembly process. As far as budget is concerned it’s not to big of a concern ideally I’d like to avoid dropping a ton of money but if the best option ends up being more expensive then I’d rather just bite the bullet. The price of the Neptune ive found is $300 installed as it’s from a local used appliance store who have rebuilt it.

Post# 1055675 , Reply# 4   12/26/2019 at 22:05 (1,753 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Best Repair Or Replace Choise

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I would not buy a 20 YO Maytag Neptune for $300 doing 10-14 loads a week unless the dealer gives you a FULL P&L warranty for at least a year and they will be available thereafter to do reasonable cost repairs and they have an excellent reputation for service.


If cost is not a serious concern consider a new Speed Queen FL washer which has a standard 5 year warranty and at 10-15 loads a week should last in excess of 30 or more years, they are easy to fix if you like doing things yourself.


Bad part is initial cost of around $1800.00


John L.

Post# 1055678 , Reply# 5   12/26/2019 at 23:37 (1,753 days old) by Gmarquez (Bakersfield)        

I’m beginning to think that’s definitely the best option is just to get a speed queen. Either that or buy the Maytag and use it until it dies. I just hate the idea of giving whirlpool more money lol. We replaced every appliance in our house at the same time 5 years ago when we got the washer and so far we’ve had 2 new refrigerators and between the original and it’s replacement 8 ice makes. Then the dishwasher has killed its heater and control board and now is leaking slightly, and the oven no longer makes any sounds when the buttons are pushed or the timer goes off. Ironically the only appliances that haven’t broken are the dacor cooktop and microwave. So now just to find a good deal on a speed queen haha

Post# 1055689 , Reply# 6   12/27/2019 at 06:57 (1,752 days old) by arbilab (Ft Worth TX (Ridglea))        

arbilab's profile picture

$1800 is about what "good" (back in the day) appliances cost in today's money so it's not as outrageous as it sounds. 


Give Whirlpool what they deserve:  THE BOOT.  The way they're going, they're not going to rule the appliance world much longer.  They can only sell so many people so much junk for so long, before everybody catches on.


This small apt bldg got all new Maytag (Maygag) washers and dryers a year ago.  The dryers, not so bad except out of the box one made a growling noise it otten't.  The 3 TLs and one FL have all broken down at least once in that time, substantially worse than the 15yo Maytags they replaced.

Post# 1055719 , Reply# 7   12/27/2019 at 13:25 (1,752 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

One thing to rejoice about with a new SQ front loader or an older Neptune is that they are both no-nonsense when it comes to spinning.  Your Duet likely takes a while to balance the load before launching into spin. 


I'm using a stacked Neptune pair that came with the house we bought last year.  I think it's about 15 years old.  Neptunes aren't as fussy about things as today's FL machines and will even tolerate non-HE detergents.  Overall, I'm pleased with the Neptune, and its extraction pump is nearly silent compared to other makes.


If money isn't a major factor, the SQ FL would be the way to go, or you could buy yourself some time by opting for the refurbished Neptune, which would be cheaper than having the Duet's boot replaced by a pro.  Just remember that the Neptune has a smaller capacity.  I can barely get my king size comforter into my Neptune.  If you're doing 10-14 loads per week, with a Neptune that number could increase.  The SQ would be the better option if you tend to do full loads most of the time.

Post# 1055723 , Reply# 8   12/27/2019 at 14:34 (1,752 days old) by Gmarquez (Bakersfield)        

Lol you hit the nail on the head,the no nonsense aspect of both the Neptune and speed queen are what’s drawn me to them as it seems they’re really the only options when it comes to front loaders. As of know our duet can hardly spin anything other than clothes or towels the blankets and rugs take an extra 15 minutes for each of the spin cycles just to balance.

Post# 1055753 , Reply# 9   12/27/2019 at 21:19 (1,752 days old) by whirlykenmore78 (Prior Lake MN (GMT-0500 CDT.))        
No Question

whirlykenmore78's profile picture
Speed Queen is the BEST choice hands down. They are a true commercial washer adapted for home use.
What's more telling than anything is the fact that while your WP FL has had 4 major failures in the first 5 years the SQ would STILL BE IN WARRANTY(This would include the coin-op version sold to laundromats) and likely have never failed. Even if it had you would not have paid a penny out of pocket.
When you add up the repair costs, trips to the laundromat and now the cost of a new machine in 5 years that $1800 seems reasonable. I don't regret purchasing mine.

Post# 1055957 , Reply# 10   12/30/2019 at 09:06 (1,749 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
small question is your duet a generation 1 whirlpool duet?

Post# 1056010 , Reply# 11   12/30/2019 at 20:28 (1,749 days old) by Gmarquez (Bakersfield)        

No I think it’s the third generation, I’ve attached pictures of it and it’s model number

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Post# 1061717 , Reply# 12   2/27/2020 at 23:22 (1,690 days old) by Gmarquez (Bakersfield)        

Hello again everyone, so I figured I’d update this now that something has actually been done lol. I ended up getting the Neptune as I found one in good condition being sold by the original owner he still even had all the paperwork to go with it. So all in I’m pretty happy with it overall it gets through a cycle much faster than the duet and the clothes feel cleaner. And best of all at $100 it’s cheaper than just the new door seal was for the duet so even if it does end up breaking down totally after another 3 years we’re still ahead. Here it is all installed

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Post# 1061764 , Reply# 13   2/28/2020 at 12:48 (1,689 days old) by lakewebsterkid (Dayton, Ohio)        

Use that pre-soak option to your benefit!

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