Thread Number: 81533  /  Tag: Modern Automatic Washers
Whirlpool model #WTW5000DW HE washer update
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Post# 1055698   12/27/2019 at 08:09 (1,849 days old) by seeitrun2006 (Commerce, GA)        

Sorry I have to vent!!! Grrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I called Whirlpool Corp yesterday about getting my washer repaired (metallic screeching sound intermittent during start of spin and getting worse.) I was hoping they would offer warranty assistance since it is only 1.5 years old.

They tried to sell me a repair agreement for $168.00 to get it fixed. Parts replacement would be covered or replace the machine. However I pay for the time, travel and labor the repair company charges. Plus there would be a 60 day (two month) waiting period to see if it is a pre-existing condition prior to the purchase of the repair contract.

After all that I can go to Lowes or Home Depot and get a GE model #GTW465ASNWW for $478.00 plus free delivery in a few days.

Appliance companies are such a rip off these days!!! I miss our 1986 Maytag 512 washer and dryer that lasted 20 years!!! I lacked the mechanical skills to replace a transmission of our old Maytag washing machine.

Sorry but my patience is wearing thin!!!! I'll probably bite the bullet when it does eventually quit working and purchase another machine!!!

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Post# 1055701 , Reply# 1   12/27/2019 at 08:40 (1,849 days old) by eurekastar (Amarillo, Texas)        

eurekastar's profile picture

I would encourage you to consider something other than a GE.  I purchased a similar model back in 2017 and it was a piece of junk.  I kept it six months before getting rid of it. 

Post# 1055710 , Reply# 2   12/27/2019 at 11:19 (1,849 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
While Not Always True, You Often Get What You Pay For

combo52's profile picture
That reliable MT 512 cost about what a new SQ costs today, and a new SQ TC or FL washer is still union built in America and either will likely last much longer than the MT 512 did.

John L.

Post# 1056752 , Reply# 3   1/7/2020 at 05:47 (1,838 days old) by Seeitrun2006 (Commerce, GA)        
Replacement Speed Queen

I wish we could afford to buy Speed Queen. But at $1899.00 for a TL/FL clothes washer is way out of our budget.

Post# 1056777 , Reply# 4   1/7/2020 at 14:30 (1,838 days old) by PinkPower4 (USA)        
Maytag mvwp575gw

I would take a look at the MT575. I have owned this washer for 18 months. Overall I think it's the second best top load washer you can purchase today vs SQ TC5. However, I think it is the best overall cleaning performance top load washer. The only real quirk is that the normal cycle is also the only half tub wash and spray rinse cycle. Surprisingly, it works well! I either manually add hot water or restrict the flow of cold water only if needed. The main cycles seem to have tap hot. This washer has a dual action agitator. Clothes are pulled down, in, and through the water. In washes clothes 25 to 45 minutes--no nonsense and gets the job done. It also comes with a five year parts and labor warranty (two tears more than SQ TC5). This washer has a better build quality than other Maytag top loads. I am on my phone right now so I cannot say much, but you can look up reviews by Lorain Furniture and Kirk Rivas. Also, there is no justification I can find to pay for the matching SQ dryer. So you will save money there too as matching MT dryer is good too--see review by Lorain Furniture.

Post# 1056784 , Reply# 5   1/7/2020 at 15:52 (1,838 days old) by seeitrun2006 (Commerce, GA)        
Maytag MVWP575GW

Thanks PinkPower4 for the information!!! For some reason I cannot find this model Maytag along the southern east coast (Georgia, South Carolina or North Carolina). The bog box stores like Lowes, Home Depot, Best Buy etc. does not carry it. I've been hoping they would show up soon.

Post# 1056785 , Reply# 6   1/7/2020 at 16:43 (1,838 days old) by seeitrun2006 (Commerce, GA)        
Technician diagnosis update

The repair technician came today. He was able to replicate the screeching sound. The bearings in the motor are shot. I had two choices:

Option #1) Replace motor, trip and labor charges for $350.00. It would be cheaper to replace the machine even though its 1.5 years old.

Option #2) However he can get the motor replaced under warranty. I pay for the trip charge and his labor for $225.00.

We choose option #2. Still cheaper then a new machine. He said he has seen a lot of this because machines are so cheaply made this day and time. He suggested a Speed Queen too. So maybe I can start saving for a Speed Queen the next time the Whirlpool finally goes.

Post# 1056786 , Reply# 7   1/7/2020 at 17:23 (1,838 days old) by DADoES (TX, U.S. of A.)        

dadoes's profile picture
Motor bearing, or transmission/tub bearing?  The motor runs for both agitation and spin so reasonably its bearing being bad would evidence during both functions.  The transmission/tub bearing is more common to fail and come into play during spin.

Post# 1056806 , Reply# 8   1/7/2020 at 20:08 (1,838 days old) by Seeitrun2006 (Commerce, GA)        
Failed motor bearings

The tech checked both the transmisson and tub bearings. They were fine. He narrowed it down to the motor bearing.

Post# 1056816 , Reply# 9   1/7/2020 at 22:04 (1,838 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Bad motor Bearings

combo52's profile picture

This is certainly possible although we have not seen many bad motors on these washers.


The motor lists for $202, so if you are getting the motor at no cost the repair company should only be charging about $150 to come out diagnose and change the motor if they were willing to do the whole job for $350.


Here in the DC area we would charge $72 trip and diagnose and $27 [ 15 minutes ] to install a motor in this washer. You may live in a much more expensive area ?


Even at $350 it is not cheaper to buy another washer, after you deduct the SC it would still cost less than $300 to fix the machine even if WP was not giving you the motor.


John L.

Post# 1056835 , Reply# 10   1/8/2020 at 06:29 (1,837 days old) by seeitrun2006 (Commerce, GA)        
Service charge

The service/trip charge is $85.00. They are replacing the motor under warranty. Labor is $140.00. Total invoice will be $225.00.

Post# 1056903 , Reply# 11   1/8/2020 at 16:49 (1,837 days old) by mark_wpduet (Lexington KY)        
How much was

mark_wpduet's profile picture
A Maytag TL washer, say, in 1980? I guess around $490

If someone bought a Maytag TL washer for $490 in 1980, that would be $1,520 today (according to the inflation site I just used)

So ya, when you bought a TL washer back in the 70s/80s that lasts decades, you were probably paying the same amount you would for a Miele or SQ now.

Does Whirlpool make any washers or dishwashers that have more than a ONE YEAR warranty? Over the years, Whirlpool sends me reminders to protect my purchase but I never buy them. To think my Duet washer will be 15 years old in April and it cost $1150 in 2005

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