Thread Number: 81543  /  Tag: Modern Dishwashers
Whirlpool Dishwasher from 2011
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Post# 1055770   12/28/2019 at 08:23 (1,802 days old) by imperial70 (MA USA)        

I sold my home and moved into an over 55 condo. The dishwasher is a whirlpool
model DU1055XRVQ8
serial F12714964
Made in Findlay Ohio in July 2011.
Would this be a point voyager or a power clean?

It cleans excellent.

Post# 1055774 , Reply# 1   12/28/2019 at 09:02 (1,802 days old) by IowaBear (Cedar Rapids, IA)        

iowabear's profile picture

I have the same model in white...I bought it new.  I believe it's the point voyager system.  Mine has been trouble free for nearly a decade (with light use, normally once per week.)  It's not really quiet but that's not an issue for me.  If you Google Whirlpool point voyager you can easily find the technical manuals for this design.  Using a good detergent and the heat-boosted wash it always cleans well.


My only complaint is that the detergent dispenser doesn't seal well.  If I use one of the fancy detergent pacs containing separate liquids the pac will partially disintegrate during the prewash and the liquids will leak out.  So I usually listen and toss in the pac when the main wash starts.


I don't know if the poor sealing was always a problem or if started with age but I'm not inclined to spend $45 to fix it.  It really just needs a new seal on the dispenser, not an entire dispenser itself.

Post# 1055793 , Reply# 2   12/28/2019 at 11:34 (1,802 days old) by imperial70 (MA USA)        
I think it's the design

The prewash cup is covered at the same time and there are slots in it that let water in to disolve powder/liquid you may put in there. So I think water leaks in during the prewash.
However, When I read the manual it never mentions packs just tablets. The packs I have (cascade) dont fit well and you really have to work to close the lid which is unusual for whirlpool.

The machine is much quieter than the Ultrawash I (Kenmore version of powerclean) I had for over 23 years especially during the drain.

The machine works great. Other than the pesky dispenser design.

Post# 1055795 , Reply# 3   12/28/2019 at 11:49 (1,801 days old) by IowaBear (Cedar Rapids, IA)        

iowabear's profile picture

If you are very observant you might notice it draining and filling during the wash cycle itself.  This was a mystery to me until I read the service docs.


The APF (Automatic Purge Filtration) wash system allows the control to continuously filter and flush
food soil out of the pump during “APF enabled” intervals scattered throughout each cycle and do it
without interrupting the cycle. The control monitors the pressure switch (soil sensor) input during each
of the APF enabled intervals in the cycle (see time chart). Whenever a pressure switch trip is detected
in one of these APF intervals, the control executes a 10-second “APF purge” to clear the pump of soil.
These APF purges occur in parallel with the cycle and do not interrupt or affect the timing of other
functions (like washing) that are called for in the interval. Each APF purge consists of 5 seconds of Fill
and Drain followed immediately by 5 seconds of Fill by itself. If an APF purge is executed during a
heated wash interval, the heater must be turned off during the first 5-second Fill and Drain portion of
each purge, but cycle timing is not affected and the heater turns back on mid-way through the purge.

Post# 1055821 , Reply# 4   12/28/2019 at 17:11 (1,801 days old) by imperial70 (MA USA)        

I'm not sure I notice because the draining on this machine is ultra quiet. They are not kidding when they say Quiet Partner II. :-) But I did read that the machine is has jets that clean something out every now and again.

Post# 1055837 , Reply# 5   12/28/2019 at 19:56 (1,801 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture

It's amazing how quiet the new dishwashers are.


It's kind of not surprising.  I read somewhere that back in the 50s and 60s appliance manufacturers thought a noisy appliance was a show of strength.  That's totally bizarre, IMO, but that thinking would explain some things about the designs from then.

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