Thread Number: 81593  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
GE filter flo clutch chatter
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Post# 1056136   1/1/2020 at 10:48 (1,668 days old) by Moonshiner180 (Missouri)        

I've been using my filter flo alot since it's repair and it does an awesome job of washing/rinsing, I'm just still getting used to all of it's noises I suppose. It's nothing too loud or overbearing, but does raise the question - is this normal?

I have noticed that on "gentle" speed there is a moderate amount of chattering, which I'm assuming is coming from the clutch. It seems to switch just fine from high to low speeds, agitates, rinses, spins just fine. Just during agitation there is a chattering noise. On high speed the chattering is completely gone from what I can tell. The only other observation is that it takes a little bit to get up to speed during spin, but it spins out very well and no problems with waterlogged loads or anything.

Should I just ignore it / get used to it? Or is there a repair I should look into, like say... Should I start planning on replacing a clutch?

Post# 1056138 , Reply# 1   1/1/2020 at 11:11 (1,668 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Personally, I never knew a FF that didn't chatter on gentle.

Post# 1056139 , Reply# 2   1/1/2020 at 11:12 (1,668 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        
sounds normal :)

all my two speed FFs rattle like that-just make sure the belt is tight enough to not slip(but not too tight either)the belt pulley on the two speed clutches is aluminum and wears like mad if the belt is slipping.

Post# 1056143 , Reply# 3   1/1/2020 at 12:40 (1,668 days old) by Moonshiner180 (Missouri)        

Okay, thanks! I was just curious and that seemed to answer my questions.

Post# 1056146 , Reply# 4   1/1/2020 at 13:02 (1,668 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

Make sure you do not change speeds when the machine is operating.  Either push in the knob or open the lid to pause before changing speeds.   

Post# 1056151 , Reply# 5   1/1/2020 at 13:27 (1,668 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

bradfordwhite's profile picture

It's been said that the inventor of the GE FF clutch mechanism was a decedent of the inventor of the telegraph, the sound of which had a profound impact on his life.

Post# 1056159 , Reply# 6   1/1/2020 at 14:03 (1,668 days old) by Moonshiner180 (Missouri)        

LOL, I actually like it's rythms in action, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't ignoring a potential problem. I wiggled it out of it's spot and checked the belt, it's not new by any means but appears to be in good shape and tight enough to not have any slippage. I checked belt deflection at around 1/2" either way, and checked for any polished pulleys from a slipping belt and saw none. The only thing I noticed while under/behind the machine were the mounts for the snubbers may need replacing as they appear cracked.

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Post# 1056164 , Reply# 7   1/1/2020 at 15:05 (1,668 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
some quieter than most, but just the same, if it didn't chatter, I would think something is wrong....

most of it comes from the little leg hitting the arm of the solenoid, wrapping a piece of electrical tape over the arm quiets it down some, as it cushions...

you can hit the speed selector button while the machine is running, low to high will kick right in, but selecting high to low, this speed change wont occur until the machine is paused first....

some parts get a little scarce to find, so we have to improvise at times...if that arm for the solenoid snaps off, I have used a spring to replace it, actually works better than the original...

as for the snubbers, I have picked up thick rubber from the hardware store, and cut pieces to fit in place as replacements....


Post# 1056178 , Reply# 8   1/1/2020 at 17:26 (1,668 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

clutch pulley looks very good-probably a "low miles" machine.

Post# 1056198 , Reply# 9   1/1/2020 at 19:29 (1,668 days old) by Moonshiner180 (Missouri)        

Good to know! It's definitely pretty clean underneath, only real issues so far have been from 30+ year old rubber, which is to be expected!

I did find a part number and "name" for the suspension parts in question... "Rubber isolator WH1X1953" and they're about $7 each. Honestly with the condition of mine being so hard and brittle, I couldn't even tell that they were rubber at all, so those will be ordered in the next day or two.

Post# 1056278 , Reply# 10   1/2/2020 at 14:02 (1,667 days old) by Moonshiner180 (Missouri)        

Ended up finding two pairs of the whole yoke/snubber/pad assemblies in stock online for $25 total, so I ordered them both! Part# is WH1X2713 for anyone else looking.

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