Thread Number: 81596  /  Tag: Vintage Dryers
Vintage Hamilton gas dryer for sale
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Post# 1056168   1/1/2020 at 15:28 (1,668 days old) by Msellards (Ohio)        

Excellent condition. Value? Offers?
330-243-2718 New Philadelphia ohio

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Post# 1056189 , Reply# 1   1/1/2020 at 18:34 (1,668 days old) by Blackstone (Springfield, Massachusetts)        

blackstone's profile picture
I seem to remember repairing a Hamilton dryer many years ago. It had a complicated ignition system, with dried-up wires. No idea how old this advertised Hamilton is; maybe 50 years?

Post# 1056205 , Reply# 2   1/1/2020 at 20:22 (1,667 days old) by Msellards (Ohio)        

I’m not sure. It can with the house I bought. Everything works and it’s not dented or rusted. Pretty cool.

Post# 1056220 , Reply# 3   1/1/2020 at 21:10 (1,667 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

I think it's around a 1960 model. Definitely pre Franklin WCI era.

Post# 1056224 , Reply# 4   1/1/2020 at 21:39 (1,667 days old) by Msellards (Ohio)        

Any idea what I should ask for it?

Post# 1056249 , Reply# 5   1/2/2020 at 07:46 (1,667 days old) by cfz2882 (Belle Fourche,SD)        

I'd price at $75 and see if anyone bites-very cool old dryer,will need looked over/repairs done before use even though it looks near perfect on outside :) I would also guess a vintage of ~1960.

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