Thread Number: 81619  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POD 1-3-20 WH TL Washer & Tide Detergent
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Post# 1056351   1/3/2020 at 06:04 (1,666 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

If Mrs. Hunk, I mean Howard, needed a machine to handle heavy mud, she should have purchased a Westinghouse tumbler which was much better at disposing of heavier than water soil than the solid tub Easy-made WH with soil ejector. Of course, she would have had to use a low or controlled suds detergent instead of Tide, but they could clean well, too.

Post# 1056369 , Reply# 1   1/3/2020 at 07:56 (1,666 days old) by delturner (USA)        

What year(s) did they have Easy make top loaders for them before they came up with their own? I did see one of these many years ago and wondered...

Post# 1056400 , Reply# 2   1/3/2020 at 15:07 (1,666 days old) by Frigilux (The Minnesota Prairie)        

frigilux's profile picture
One of my classmates had this washer when we were in early elementary school. Her mom would occasionally wash a load of clothes and not take it out. The clothes would actually dry in the washtub over a few days. Needless to say, the machine had an overwhelming sour stench to it.

When this happened, I was allowed to run the load through another wash cycle, so you can bet your bottom dollar that was the first thing I checked whenever I visited, LOL.

They also had one of those little round bolt-down Westinghouse front-loaders often found in laundromats in the 1960s. It had been moved to a corner of the basement and wasn’t hooked up.

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