Thread Number: 81686  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
All Hail, SPACEPIG: The 64 GM Frigidaire SPIN TUBE Dishwasher in Paul-err, Turquoise
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Post# 1056951   1/8/2020 at 22:17 (1,661 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

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This will take a few days: the restoration, performance, surprising discoveries, etc. In the meantime, enjoy the first video--there will be more, and the story as it unfolds, but first......

Dear Spacepig, I never knew you were a woman. How wonderful. Not that there's anything wrong with being a man, but there was something about your name that shouted, "MALE!" Forever, I thought you were a dude. I don't know if was that hilarious Mel Brooks comedy, "Spaceballs." or what, but it was a real joy to learn so late that you are... Jeannine ! I can't thank you enough for linking the sale of this exquisite machine last April. There will be gratitude!

So.... on a freakishly weathered Good Friday, with fog that was nothing less than biblical, I set out after the Spin Tube. Less than a tenth of a mile into it, I literally could not see anything beyond the windshield. The funny although macabre thought was, what if I died in this, and my people would say: He died in that horrid Good Friday fog, chasing after another washer--poor bastard— we told him those washers would be the death of him. Chuckles. So I turned around and went home.

Next morning all I could think of was wonderful Peter, Paul and Michael, ( members rollermatic, turquoisedude, and dishwashercrazymike) and their dueling threads almost ten years ago, celebrating this unique machine. How it featured a spring-loaded filter that went up and down, how it had to be properly loaded for stellar performance, how different it was from all other dishwashers. And it was a GM Frigidaire. What else WOULD it be?! And now I actually have a chance at something so rare. So I HAD to GO. Alas, the encounter did not go well, but when I called on a whim later in the week it was still there and available, exactly the opposite of what they had claimed would be the case, earlier.

I know that's not fog down there, but who's paying attention?


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Post# 1056952 , Reply# 1   1/8/2020 at 22:29 (1,661 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Dream cleaning

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Can never get over how everything shimmers and shines as if the service just came out of the kiln, or how ever it is that dinner ware, etc. is manufactured or flys off the assembly line. A greatly cooled down heating element from earlier models, this one does not over bake the clients.

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Post# 1056953 , Reply# 2   1/8/2020 at 22:49 (1,661 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

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When you read that the tube rotates at 500 something rpm's, close to that of vintage WP/KM washer spin speed, little wonder that it cleans so well. Dishwasher arms I've seen spin at nowhere near that rate. And the wash is 8 minutes, followed by this unusual maneuver after that.

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Post# 1056954 , Reply# 3   1/8/2020 at 22:55 (1,661 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Pretty girl or boy, I haven't made up my mind yet,

mickeyd's profile picture
if it's a he or a she. Maybe I will refer to the DW as an "it" to make non-washer people more comfortable.

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Post# 1056957 , Reply# 4   1/8/2020 at 23:34 (1,661 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
GM, FD Spin Tube DW

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Hi Michael, glad to see your new appliance , I have only worked on a few of these interesting DWs and that was long ago.


We have one of the last Custom Imperial versions over in the DW line-up that I have not gotten around to hooking up and playing with, I often think about how fun it will be to run some dirty dishes through it some day soon.


Let us know how you like this cool DW and keep the before and after videos coming.


John L.

Post# 1056959 , Reply# 5   1/8/2020 at 23:38 (1,661 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
The night I got it home it was unseasonably warm

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and I worked on the Frigidaire out on the deck. I got into the wonderful flow state for hours, stopping only to watch the Newshour, eat and have a few bourbons and chocolate, but they never got finished. A built-in model, the machine had been hard-wired and hard plumbed, with the inlet, copper and roughly hacked off. The first thing I did was attach a new cord and fire it up.

Because the machine is pre-ground, my attaching the green ground wire caused many problems, the outdoor GTF kept tripping; this went on and on, until finally, I left the green ground wire loose and free, and all was well. Lying on the deck, so close to the mechanicals, the first clang of the drain solenoid was wild and crazy; even the bats and the crickets were startled. Walking into the kitchen to see that it was 2 in the morning, I was delighted, because that was the first time I had done that kind of work in ages, 4pm to 2 am, with a trip to Lowes for the cord, dozens of attempts to get the wiring right, scrubbing out the rust in the deep basin beneath the filter, and the rusted filter itself. Just working and reflecting, and on and on. Can't wait for everyone to hear almost alarming clang in the next video.

You can see the ground wire in the upper left corner of the pack of gasket sealer

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Post# 1056961 , Reply# 6   1/8/2020 at 23:49 (1,661 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
The fill inlet had me very disappointed: how am I ever going

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to fix that?! I had accomplished all my testing using the garden hose to clean, fill, and spin that almighty tube. The "lid switch" is so accessible once the machine is no longer built-in, but manual filling wasn't going to do at all. My BF was in SC for Easter visiting his lifer military brother, and he, a plumber, asked me to send him a pic of the inlet. Immediately he said, "OH, Mikey. that's a piece of cake; all you need is a shark bite, whereupon he sent me a pic and I was off to Lowe's again, in disbelief that this seeming disaster was an instant fix.

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Post# 1056962 , Reply# 7   1/8/2020 at 23:59 (1,660 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
One of my all time favorite lyrics is:

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"Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed." Funny, funny, funny!

Just beautiful. And then of course, the Jon LeFevre doctrine that all dishwashers used a standard washer fill hose, a miraculous discovery I learned in DC, so simple, so easy, so unexpected. Who woulda thunk?

And that shark bite doesn't even require tools; the backward teeth just lock and grip so fast. Hence the name, I guess. it took seconds to install.

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Post# 1056964 , Reply# 8   1/9/2020 at 00:08 (1,660 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

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I see you up there just now--before I conjured you. You were first. How cool; telepathy rules!

Got a ton more to show and tell, but I think I'll knock it off for now at one o'clock in the morning!

Post# 1056986 , Reply# 9   1/9/2020 at 07:18 (1,660 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        
Well now!!

turquoisedude's profile picture

Funny you should be mentioning an epic drive in bad weather to get a dishwasher... It's about a year ago that PhilR and I were bravely (OK, not so bravely....) battling through a wicked snowstorm to pick up a turquoise dishwasher in Cincinatti... But I digress.


Mazeltov!!  This looks wonderful!  The additional top spray-arm that became standard equipment in the 60s versions of the Spin-Tube definitely adds to the cleanability of these machines.   That's a great trick with the SharkBite fitting for the water valve.  I've scrapped a couple simply because my weak hands couldn't deal with the extraction and reinstallation of an old permanently-connected copper supply tube. One really does learn something new every day!


Congratulations on your new toy!!!  

Post# 1057004 , Reply# 10   1/9/2020 at 11:23 (1,660 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
LOL, ever funny aqua man!

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Luckily this had been previously extracted and was sitting all pretty in the garage, so my weak hands didn't have to do the hacking. You were one of the reasons I went after this machine in the first place, but then I greedily hoarded it all to myself.

Post# 1057006 , Reply# 11   1/9/2020 at 11:59 (1,660 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
For all lunch time dish lovers ~

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Here are some shots snapped over the course of the Spring, Summer, and Fall.

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Post# 1057013 , Reply# 12   1/9/2020 at 12:45 (1,660 days old) by rinso (Meridian Idaho)        

The spin tube Frigidaire dishwashers were unfairly maligned until users learned to operate the machines more precisely "by the book," AKA the owner's manual. The most common misuse was loading dome-shaped objects turned over, on the lower rack. By 1966, Frigidaire abandoned the design for a more conventional wash arm configuration, which had no food particle filter.

Post# 1057016 , Reply# 13   1/9/2020 at 13:10 (1,660 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
It's counter-intuitive, I agree

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But when you place the domes or pots and pans on top, directly over the 500+ rpm spinning tube...why....they get virtually SANDED! Or along the sides of the bottom rack--spotless! Wish I had a pic, but the other day I had a large metal spatula that was caked with burned-on pan fond from bone broth, thinking offhand when I loaded: drat, this willl never come clean. It did--herculean deglazing ;'D

Post# 1057028 , Reply# 14   1/9/2020 at 14:09 (1,660 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Home made cycle chart~

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1. DRAIN.................1:00
2. FLUSH................2 "
3. FILL....................3
4. WASH.................11........8 minute wash !
5. DRAIN................12
6. FILL....................13
7. POST WASH.......15........2 minute post..... No pause or flush before this event as is the case with all other fills.
8. DRAIN.................16
9. PAUSE.................17
10. FLUSH...............18
11 FILL.....................19
12. RINSE................20
14. PAUSE............... 22
15. FLUSH................23
16. FILL....................24
17. RINSE.................28........4 minute second rinse
18. DRAIN................29
19. DRY................??? LOL

Then, I lost the place during the dry, because I opened the door and goofed up the stop watch, but I think it's about 20 minutes, with the drain solenoid giving it's final bling-blain-clang during the 36th minute, or about a third of the way through the DRY cycle, for a last minute draining of the glorious rinsage liquors.

So, everything--well, almost, 16 out of 19 events-- takes a minute. I love that; it just marches on like a Swiss Cuckoo Clock, hahah.

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Post# 1057048 , Reply# 15   1/9/2020 at 16:54 (1,660 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
There will be leakage,

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but not catastrophically so, although too much drippage in four spots to let it go. Many here would take everything apart and make a new gasket, but just the very idea of that is way too stressful for me. The massive gasket surrounding the monster pump was the biggest one I've ever seen, and the relief was that rust only showed on about maybe a quarter of the circle.

Instead of an impossible teardown, I made a nice bead necklace extending a little beyond the rust. I would like to show you, but the left side of the DW is nicely tucked under the 3 inch lip of wet bar counter, and I don't want to pull it out and tip it over just yet, so I slipped the phone underneath and was able to catch some of the sealant bead.

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Post# 1057092 , Reply# 16   1/9/2020 at 22:10 (1,660 days old) by hippiedoll ( arizona )        

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On getting a Frigidaire spin-tube dishwasher. Never knew much about dishwashers, let alone about a spin-tube dishwasher. That is so cool!


Post# 1057111 , Reply# 17   1/10/2020 at 00:45 (1,659 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Hello, Christina. I'm long overdue.

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The last time I was here a lot, you had your new 1-18, and when I saw your sweet video, I had a Chris Farley moment. You remember those funny skits he did on SNL where he played the slow-witted interviewer and he'd ask Paul Mc Cartney, really silly questions.

Well when I watched your vid, I asked: "Christina, umm, is that blouse I just saw go under in the 1-18, uh, umm, isn't that the one you're wearing uh uh umm in your avatar.? And you say, " Yes, Mike it is." And I say, "Awesome," giggling with relief that I got it right. And you give the perfect Beatle Paul deadpan grin.

Do you uhh ummm .......remember, LOL

Wonderful ! Glad you're still here.


Post# 1057141 , Reply# 18   1/10/2020 at 12:26 (1,659 days old) by spacepig (Floridas Emerald Coast)        

spacepig's profile picture
Hi Michael,

Yes indeed, I am definitely female! There is a bit of a story behind the "spacepig" name, and it has nothing to do with the Spaceballs movie :-)

I'm so glad that you were able to pick up this dw after all, and thankful that you shared the journey with us. Seeing these old appliances end up in good homes makes me feel better about the inordinate amount of time I spend online looking for sales ads!

As for the gender of your dw, perhaps you can have one of those gender reveal parties that seem so popular now, and debut the name of your new family member. If you decide to do this, might I suggest a facebook watch party so we could all join in. I'd definitely be there :-)


Post# 1057142 , Reply# 19   1/10/2020 at 12:42 (1,659 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Rainy Friday

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Time to go to the movies.

Jeannine, I see you there. I'll be right with you; uploading two movies.


Post# 1057143 , Reply# 20   1/10/2020 at 12:44 (1,659 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

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Post# 1057144 , Reply# 21   1/10/2020 at 13:07 (1,659 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
"Seeing these old appliances end up in good homes makes

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feel better about the inordinate amount of time I spend online looking for sales ads! "

EXACLY!!! I can never get over the way you and overphil, the goat farmer, and a few more constantly search and post which takes tons of time. It is so selfless, with no material gain. Am always in awe of that. And I am envious because I lack the stellar gene or character trait that you possess moving you to do it. I can not thank you enough.

This GM Spin Tube has completely changed the life of my kitchen. I love it to death. In my entire long life, I have never done dishes every day, nor liked that chore; now it's become a daily delight. And this machine was just a few neighborhoods away from where I grew up, costing only 50 dollars--a real steal!-and after cleaning it up, was in excellent shape.

The reveal party. Now, that's funny. I'll have to figure out now to do that, kinda like a virtual wash-in, too.

So, thank you, thank you, thank you, Jeanine.

Shaking my head and still laughing, I'll never ever get over, Spacepig. Maybe you can reveal the derivation at the gender reveal wash-in! ;'D

Post# 1057154 , Reply# 22   1/10/2020 at 15:31 (1,659 days old) by hippiedoll ( arizona )        

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That's funny Micheal!

that spin-tube really spins fast! Thanks for sharing that video! I didn't think it spinned that fast

I wonder if this dishwasher could blast eggs off the dishes?

Post# 1057160 , Reply# 23   1/10/2020 at 16:13 (1,659 days old) by Steved (Guilderland, New York)        
You need the bottom panel!

Bottom panel is 24”wide and 8 3/4” high, very simple design with a notch for the wiring. the kick plate is “L” shaped, 24” wide, and 4” high and 3” deep. Again, not too complicated to have a reasonable copy made in a sheet metal shop. I will disassemble mine this weekend for some closeup photos. I added the insulation pad.

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Post# 1057197 , Reply# 24   1/10/2020 at 22:29 (1,659 days old) by spacepig (Floridas Emerald Coast)        

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Like a good, old fashioned movie jump scare, I jumped when the water came on in your first video--lol!. That water power was incredible, and I almost expected you to fall on the floor like the lady in the 3 Stooges Plumbing episode when she turned on the TV to Niagra Falls and all the water came rushing out--lol.

I hear you on how an appliance can make certain tasks more fun. I was never a fan of cleaning a stove until I got my "Estelle', the stove in my AW photo. I never complain about having to do it, and I love seeing the finished project. Some days I wonder if I clean it too much.

Again, so glad you were able to get this machine and that it is bringing you so much joy. I think some things in life were meant to be, and I think this is one of those instances.


Post# 1057486 , Reply# 25   1/13/2020 at 15:48 (1,656 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Thank You!

mickeyd's profile picture
Christina, I forgot how young you are. Has Chris Farley's work survived to your generation?
Jeannine, It's gorgeous; should give you the beloved Spin Tube to match.
Steve, I'll be in touch.

I wanted to do a better vidoeo showing dirty dishes, but the vid just stopped. Here it is. The finished product will be in the next post. Enjoy these, warts and all. It felt great making them


Post# 1057489 , Reply# 26   1/13/2020 at 15:53 (1,656 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Best one ~ Have fun watching! Hope I got it right!

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Remembered to hold the phone horizontally.


Post# 1057490 , Reply# 27   1/13/2020 at 16:04 (1,656 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
It's all wrong!!!!

mickeyd's profile picture
I'm missing a video. How typical. I lost the best one. And there's an out of synch voice-over in the current one. Oh, well. I'll get better at this--very rusty.
Excuse the annoyance!

Post# 1057491 , Reply# 28   1/13/2020 at 16:59 (1,656 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Success, Thank the Force.

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The audio has cleared up, and Siri found the missing and best video. The worry, the fuss and the tweaking; it was worth the agony. DON'T . GET. OLD. I'm so relieved, now. To get to the finish line, then lose your legs. Jesus!

I really hope you enjoy this one and find it satisfying. Except for the last hour of loss, it's been a great experience. Thanks for watching.


Post# 1057492 , Reply# 29   1/13/2020 at 17:28 (1,656 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
Thanks Mike.

Amazing how much water stays inside the chamber. As like a One Armed Wonder (KA), it's all about the loading and placement.

Thanks for your time.

Post# 1057504 , Reply# 30   1/13/2020 at 19:23 (1,656 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Thanks, Eddie

mickeyd's profile picture
I still haven't had the pleasure of the One Armed Wonder, in person, but have always loved how the puckered slits look like Octopus eyes,
and the muscular arm, an octopus arm ; it's on my bucket list, for sure.

Post# 1057599 , Reply# 31   1/14/2020 at 18:09 (1,655 days old) by spacepig (Floridas Emerald Coast)        

spacepig's profile picture
Thanks for the videos. They're actually quite mesmerizing!


Post# 1057612 , Reply# 32   1/14/2020 at 20:30 (1,655 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Michael, now THIS was viewing the forbidden cycle.  There were numerous new Frigidaire spin tubes (1961-1964) in the subdivision I grew up in, even one street/builder that equipped each house with a Frigidaire kitchen.  And every one I was in and the Frigidaire dishwasher was being run, when it drained, it always drained so fast it filled up the sink partially.  I always thought, add a spray arm at the bottom, along with the spin tub, and that would be abn amazing dishwasher.  

Post# 1057652 , Reply# 33   1/15/2020 at 11:12 (1,654 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
Hello, Uncle Bob......Long time!

mickeyd's profile picture
Ooooo! The Forbidden Cycle--an Aworg original. I had completely forgotten about that; you're right: when built in, the very easy to operate lid-switch would be behind the counter and totally inaccessible. They did add an upper spray arm, and it seems that only you and Tom saw quite a few of these growing up, so I'm delighted to bring back some happy childhood memories.

Jeannine, so glad you appreciated the magic of your discovery. Also, you inspired me to find those lovely silver metal burner caps like "Estelle's"for my old Jen-Air countertop stove that could certainly use a beauty enhancement.

Post# 1057654 , Reply# 34   1/15/2020 at 11:56 (1,654 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

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So glad you saved this and that you're enjoying it Michael!!  You make me want to get my '58 into service somewhere... LOL


Oh, and in one of your videos you were wondering about the gap between the water inlet to the dishwasher tank and the water line - this 'air gap' was a big deal in old plumbing codes to eliminate any danger of standing water in a tub from being siphoned back into the fresh water supply line.  I can only imagine this happening in a system where water pressure was low enough to prevent water from being pushed through the system.  I bypassed the one on my '58 Spin Tube when I restored it and it didn't seem to kill anyone... 



Post# 1057717 , Reply# 35   1/15/2020 at 20:00 (1,654 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

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O Paul, You mean this little faucet was NOT meant to rinse the pinkies while the cycle was in progress, and sink faucet occupied?? LOL

I knew it was for something No surprize that you had the answer. And imagine, you didn't manage to back flush the Quebecois water authority. Damn;'D What fun that would have been, the dreaded water police at your door; Chris would have been furious!

If the inlet supply hose were to extended high enough to meet the top wash arm's hose, one could splice it in, thus allowing entering fill/flush water to fall from the arm. Were I to attempt such an advanced engineering feat, and botch it, that would be the end of me. Does yours have to top ash arm? Maybe you could try it first, then teach me.

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Post# 1057730 , Reply# 36   1/15/2020 at 20:53 (1,654 days old) by hippiedoll ( arizona )        

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Thanks for sharing those videos!
Very cool to see the Frigidaire spin-tube dishwasher in action. But I have a question now, after seeing the loading.

Bowls in the bottom rack...
I'm guessing the bowls placed in the bottom rack would have a puddle left in them at the end of the washing cycle?
Or are bowls meant to go in the top rack?
I'm confused...

Post# 1057782 , Reply# 37   1/16/2020 at 11:56 (1,653 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        

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I'm working on it. Answer later tonight or tomorrow. Big thank you though, because late last night when considering your question, I found out why the upper rack tilts to an almost 90 degree angle. WOO-HOO, as you say! How wonderful!

Post# 1057807 , Reply# 38   1/16/2020 at 16:30 (1,653 days old) by sarahperdue (Alabama)        

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Michael, your first post had me in stitches, and I immediately thought of the scene in Shrek when Donkey realizes the dragon is a girl dragon--

"I mean, I mean, white sparkling teeth. I know you probably hear this all the time from your food, but you must bleach yourself, 'cause that is one dazzling smile you got there. And do I detect a hint of minty freshness? And you know what else? You're-- You're a girl dragon! Oh, sure! I mean, of course you're a girl dragon. 'Cause, you're just reeking a feminine beauty."

And your gorgeous dishwasher would look great with my turquoise Custom Imperial French door double oven. Thanks for sharing.


Post# 1057957 , Reply# 39   1/17/2020 at 18:44 (1,652 days old) by mickeyd (Hamburg NY)        
For Christina and other Bob-load Aficionados ~

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(Hello Sarah, niece in from LA; more later) For now,

VIDEO: Loading bowls and Running Spin tube Without Racks.

ENJOY a trip inside the belly of the beast which sounds like a hurricane in a box.

First use of camera tri-pod, cut off some top screen shots while using the camera still attached to the tripod. Forgive and excuse. I couldn't see what I was "seeing." Still a novice.


Post# 1057962 , Reply# 40   1/17/2020 at 19:03 (1,652 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Thank you!!!  Fascinating and fun.  My mom's friends who had these always commented to me that when I loaded their dishwashers, their glasses came out better looking and cleaner.  (I guess cuz I studied and understood the principle).  

Post# 1058024 , Reply# 41   1/18/2020 at 10:15 (1,651 days old) by dishmobile (Nashville, TN)        

Thanks for the post. In the early 60's the folks built a new house, complete with a line of builder's grade Magic Chef appliances (including a spin-tube dishwasher with a red pilot light). The accompanying literature reminded the user to give the tube a spin before beginning each new cycle, so as to make sure that it was free. My father said it sounded as loud as a thrashing machine, my mother hated it and...he was correct, it was very loud, indeed. While at the same time, our across the street neighbors had an "upscale" Frigidaire spin-tube, complete with that elegant chrome "swoopy" door handle (elegantly embossed with the word "FRIGIDAIRE"). The Magic Chef did not last long and was eventually replaced by the next generation Frigidaire with a lower wash arm and spray tower. Enjoyed your pics/vids, cheers!

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