Thread Number: 81702  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Missed out on something good
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Post# 1057096   1/9/2020 at 22:23 (1,660 days old) by Spacedogb (Lafayette, LA)        

Hey guys,
I think I may have missed out on a good thing. Was selling for $20. No experience with these so not sure how well they worked.

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Post# 1057114 , Reply# 1   1/10/2020 at 05:35 (1,659 days old) by appnut (TX)        

appnut's profile picture

Yes, you missed out on a great, flexible roto-rack.  This was our dishwasher in Houston from 1973 through 1988.  

Post# 1057120 , Reply# 2   1/10/2020 at 06:39 (1,659 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

If you have a good dishwasher, don't cry too much. Make sure you are ready to bring home the next one you find that you want. These will wash, but they are not the world's greatest dishwashers, nor are they the rarest. The two wash arm D&M machine was a definite step up for a friend who left behind a 60s GE. I was surprised to find the upper wash arm under the full upper rack and told him to load it as full as he wanted, use detergent in both washes and use the 150F wash. It held a lot and washed well except for the time the 150F button was accidentally deselected. He noticed it enough to mention it to me some time later.

Happy Shopping.

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