Thread Number: 81846  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
What to do with old dishwasher?
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Post# 1058622   1/24/2020 at 07:00 (1,645 days old) by heidifish (Harrison, NY)        

As our contractor is coming today to install a new dishwasher as part of our kitchen remodel, I'm feeling sad and a little regretful about getting rid of our old dishwasher in our kitchen. It works perfectly fine, and I don't know if I should have the contractor leave it so I can find a new home for it or if that will actually be too much work.

The dishwasher is a Kitchenaid Hobart KDC-20, ML 41703, serial number 222730399 and it was in the house when we bought it 11 years ago. We don't use it a lot (about once a week on average) and I'm guessing the previous owner didn't use it much either, since it works perfectly fine. Is this the kind of think I could post on ebay and craigslist and likely be able to find a new home for? It's not about the money, but just because I hate throwing away something that is still usable. But I don't want to end up having to pay someone to take this away later, when I could have the contractor get rid of it for us today . . . .

Sorry for this being so last minute, and thank you for any advice!

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Post# 1058627 , Reply# 1   1/24/2020 at 07:58 (1,645 days old) by chetlaham (United States)        

chetlaham's profile picture
Do not get rid of this machine!!!!!!!! For that matter do no replace it. I'd take this any day over a new modern machine. This is hands down the most rugged residential dishwasher ever made.

Post# 1058629 , Reply# 2   1/24/2020 at 08:17 (1,645 days old) by IIIJohnnyMacIII (North Carolina)        

iiijohnnymaciii's profile picture
That’s a beautiful dishwasher that cleans very well. I love the chrome trim on those. It’s your house. Tell the contractor you want to keep it. If you don’t want it, you will have no problems rehoming it, if you list it. They don’t and never will make a machine like that again.

Post# 1058630 , Reply# 3   1/24/2020 at 08:25 (1,645 days old) by peteski50 (New York)        

peteski50's profile picture
Their is nothing that comes close to being made like this today. I would keep it and if you don't want it someone will take it off your hands in this club!
Good Luck whatever you decide!

Post# 1058631 , Reply# 4   1/24/2020 at 08:31 (1,645 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

If you need to get rid of it, ask the contractor to leave it so that you can put an ad on Craig's List or Facebook for someone who will appreciate it. Otherwise, cancel the purchase of the new one and keep this venerable machine which will last a long time yet.

Thank you for checking in.

Post# 1058638 , Reply# 5   1/24/2020 at 08:53 (1,645 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
put it in the basement or garage for storage....

like way too many stories we have seen.....

you will be wishing to have it back installed after you new one doesn't live up to your expectations...

if you get rid of it...head those words...."You'll be sooooooooorry!"

plus if it is truly that low use of a machine, you may never have to buy another machine again....

we dont need to be psychic to predict you will be buying a new dishwasher every few years if you choose one from todays selections....

otherwise...places like CL or ebay are good starting points for selling wont have any problem finding a buyer.....most likely it will be someone who already did what your doing, and trying to find an old school machine to go back to....we see it all the time...

your not the first, even though this is your first post, and wont be the last...

Post# 1058651 , Reply# 6   1/24/2020 at 09:58 (1,645 days old) by 48bencix (Sacramento CA)        

If you are remodeling and want a different finish, Stainless Steel for instance, panels could be installed on this machine to match.

Post# 1058663 , Reply# 7   1/24/2020 at 11:20 (1,645 days old) by sfh074 ( )        
Or .....

you could throw it out on the curb for the scrapers, ..... and then come back here and gloat about how you were so happy to get rid of the pos and not offer anyone the chance to make offers for it or parts. [/sarcasm]

But like everyone above is saying, either keep it and update the front panel to give it a matching look, or at least try to sell it so someone else can enjoy it. But again, nothing new will match its washing ability! Also thank you for taking the time to come here, which looks to be your first post, and offering this machine to the group!

This post was last edited 01/24/2020 at 12:34
Post# 1058664 , Reply# 8   1/24/2020 at 11:45 (1,645 days old) by thomasortega (El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora de Los Angeles de Porciúncula)        

Save time.

When the contractor comes with the new dishwasher, just ask him to connect it temporarily and run a load of dishes in it.

After 25625624562457367545 hours (quick cycle) open the dishwasher and see the results.

You won't need more than that to tell the contractor to get rid of the NEW dishwasher and you start kissing your KA.

Post# 1058666 , Reply# 9   1/24/2020 at 12:09 (1,645 days old) by pierreandreply4 (St-Bruno de montarville (province of quebec) canada)        

pierreandreply4's profile picture
i would keep it and keep using it as well unless you went to use a dishwasher where you would need to heat the water before starting the dishwasher and have long wash cycle time or filter inside the dishwasher to clean

Post# 1058670 , Reply# 10   1/24/2020 at 13:35 (1,645 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

I agree that your KitchenAid is among the best machines Hobart ever produced, but no one has bothered to ask what make of dishwasher you're planning to replace it with. 


I have a 5 year-old Miele and it does a far better job than the KitchenAid I had before it, which was a couple of models newer than yours.  I bought the Miele used at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore, though.  I could never afford one new.


Some members here will tell you that a brand new KitchenAid is a very capable machine too.  All modern dishwashers take a lot longer to do their jobs, so if that's a deal-breaker, which I don't think it is considering the frequency with which you use your dishwasher, you may want to store your KDC-20 just in case.


As others have stated, you can find stainless steel panels for your KDC-20 that will coordinate with your new appliances.  They're not hard to install. 

Post# 1058671 , Reply# 11   1/24/2020 at 14:18 (1,645 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
I have to agree with the majority. As long as the KA is running well, I'd keep it.

I have the Superba series of your year KDS-20. Yes, a bit noisy but gets the job done well and quickly.

Or at least set aside in a heated space. You don't want it stored in a unheated space (even if you are trying to sell it) as there will be water in the pump, drain and fill valve. If it freezes, it will crack the valves and possibly ruin the seals. I have purchased machines and found out the hard way.

Post# 1058704 , Reply# 12   1/24/2020 at 19:30 (1,644 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Habitat for Humanity.

Post# 1058728 , Reply# 13   1/24/2020 at 23:29 (1,644 days old) by RP2813 (Sannazay)        

rp2813's profile picture

Kenny, our ReStore doesn't accept dishwashers anymore.  I don't know if that's a local management decision to make, or if it applies to all H4H retail outlets.


I forgot to mention above that with stainless steel tub door and access panels, the black control panel on the Custom (KDC20) model allows it to blend in much better with contemporary kitchen appliances than the top of the line Superba (KDS20) model with its dated simulated burl wood control panel.


Some people will keep an antique gas range in their kitchen even though other appliances are new.  There's no law against doing the same thing with a dishwasher that was built to last.  Both are showpieces in their own right.

Post# 1058735 , Reply# 14   1/25/2020 at 00:25 (1,644 days old) by tolivac (greenville nc)        

KEEP THAT DISHWASHER-If your kitchen equipment is working fine-CANCEL the renovation.

Post# 1058756 , Reply# 15   1/25/2020 at 07:19 (1,644 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture

Our ReStore still does, I guess it would depend on condition.

Post# 1059028 , Reply# 16   1/27/2020 at 22:13 (1,641 days old) by heidifish (Harrison, NY)        

Thank you all for the advice, and I apologize for being late in responding! I did have the contractor put the Kitchenaid dishwasher in the garage and since we'd already bought the new one and it had been sitting in our kitchen for a couple of weeks, we had it installed. Primarily we changed it for the look, as we updated a lot of our kitchen, but I'm glad to know that there are likely people who would want it and use/love it. I'll get it cleaned up when the weather warms up and see if anyone in interested. Or maybe by then I'll be wanting to have it re-installed in my kitchen!

Post# 1059035 , Reply# 17   1/28/2020 at 03:11 (1,641 days old) by chachp (North Little Rock, AR)        
Habitat - Dishwashers

chachp's profile picture


My brother-in-law used to volunteer for a HFH in Colorado.  Some years ago he told me they were mandated to stop selling dishwashers (and other things requiring plumbing) that were manufactured before a certain date because they contained some type of metal.  I wish I could remember what it was but I don't.  I thought it was something that was supposed to be followed everywhere not just in Colorado.  Seems to me it had something to do with the water inlet valve.


Our HBH used to take/sell vintage dishwashers.  I bought a few of them over the years. They don't anymore they only take/sell those made within the last 10 years or so.


Someone here might know more about this mandate.

Post# 1059037 , Reply# 18   1/28/2020 at 06:54 (1,641 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Lead In The Inlet Valve Fitting

combo52's profile picture

The tiny threaded valve inlet fitting was made of brass on Built-In DWs.


Brass has lead in it, I drought the amount of lead that could ever leach out of this fitting and get onto your dishes and into your body could ever even be measured.


However I am glad they are no longer built with brass on new DWs, but not selling used DWs because of this is STUPID.


John L.

Post# 1059135 , Reply# 19   1/29/2020 at 14:03 (1,640 days old) by Ultralux88 (Denver)        

ultralux88's profile picture
I’ve been suspecting something of this variety recently while frequenting the ReStores around here. Not seeing the 80s model dishwashers that I used to see, and some of the 90s ones too. But this has been over the last year, I’d say really the last 6 months.

Post# 1059249 , Reply# 20   1/31/2020 at 02:11 (1,638 days old) by DaveAMKrayoGuy (Oak Park, MI)        

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Well plain white or if it has interchangeable color/composite material panels and especially the woodgrain would complement my kitchen well...

-- Dave

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