Thread Number: 82083  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
KitchenAid KDS-17 and KDS-57 Free to Good Home
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Post# 1061022   2/19/2020 at 19:47 (1,619 days old) by Fnelson487 (Palm Springs, CA)        

fnelson487's profile picture
The machines are here in Palm Springs. They have been in storage since I moved here 4 years ago and I have finally realized that I won't be able to use them - not enough space. And I finally have to empty that storage unit! The KDS-17 has a stainless front. I have extra racks and the racks in it are in good shape. I also have a brand new door gasket in the packaging. The machine was installed in my kitchen in Chicago and worked perfectly when I took it out and moved it. The motor seized at one point but Greg Nunn and Robert Seger came to the rescue and replaced both the motor and the motor seal. The pictures are of this machine and yes that is our own Terry Lattz. He loved the machine.

The KDS-57 is harvest gold and hardly used. It was almost brand new when I got it and only used it maybe a dozen times. Sorry, no pictures of that one.

Message me here for details.

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This post was last edited 02/19/2020 at 20:29

Post# 1061110 , Reply# 1   2/20/2020 at 16:13 (1,618 days old) by boing747 (Palm Springs CA)        

Hi Fred! I have been waiting for one of these to fall into my lap! I live in Mission Lakes Country Club, 10 min to Palm Springs!!Let me know,my # is 760 671 7700! Thanks Rob!

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