Thread Number: 82143  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Tub Light
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Post# 1061616   2/27/2020 at 01:12 (1,611 days old) by BootsNslicks14 (The State of Jefferson)        

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Been a while since I've last posted or had free time to get around to the pair of '60s Maytags I was lucky enough to score a few years ago.

Always wanted one with a working tub light.. And the A702 I got came with a tub light, but, if doesn't work.. yet.

I replaced the bulb, made sure the socket and wiring looked good, and it was. I checked for power at the socket and behind the switch and got nothing.. Anyone know what could be wrong? Bad switch?

Post# 1061617 , Reply# 1   2/27/2020 at 01:15 (1,611 days old) by BootsNslicks14 (The State of Jefferson)        

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Post# 1061618 , Reply# 2   2/27/2020 at 01:20 (1,611 days old) by BootsNslicks14 (The State of Jefferson)        

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In the second photo, I have the flashlight shining on the back side of the switch. I can post more pics if it would help..

Post# 1061625 , Reply# 3   2/27/2020 at 06:00 (1,611 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

If the machine works with the lid open that could be a sign that the switch is not working and it has to click when you raise the lid to turn the light on, I believe.

Post# 1061633 , Reply# 4   2/27/2020 at 07:57 (1,611 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

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first place to start would be to trace with wiring....

Post# 1061636 , Reply# 5   2/27/2020 at 08:22 (1,611 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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Tom is spot on. I've seen several of these switches go bad. To Martin's point, here's a quick guide on the wiring for the tub light. The neutral side is piggy backed off the timer motor, and the hot side comes from the lid switch.

To test without a meter, pull the lid out and manually push the switch, you should hear an audible, confident click. If it sounds mushy or there is no click at all, it's time for a new switch. With a meter, test across both sides for continuity in both switch positions.

Original PN - 2-1946, Whirlpool replacement is WP206415


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Post# 1061724 , Reply# 6   2/28/2020 at 02:06 (1,610 days old) by BootsNslicks14 (The State of Jefferson)        

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Thanks to all responses.

@TomTurboMatic : The machine does operate with the lid open and it does NOT make a clicking noise when opening the lid.

@Swestoyz : Yes Tom confirmed my hunch. Thank you for the wiring diagram and the part numbers, that made my life a little easier finding the switch. Found a NOS one on eB@y.

Now I have laundry list (no pun) of other issues with this A702 I have to address, guess I'll start a new thread.

This forum is helpful!

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