Thread Number: 82179  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
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Post# 1061959   3/1/2020 at 15:52 (1,608 days old) by Ben (MERRIGUM)        

Hello all
Just joined. I have an old washer and dryer I've pulled out of the shed. Mostly just interested in any info about them. Especially age, price when new etx.
Thanks all.
BTW I'm located in Australia, both are Australian made. Simpson 4 spd fluid drive and westinghouse dryer.

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Post# 1061960 , Reply# 1   3/1/2020 at 16:10 (1,608 days old) by goatfarmer (South Bend, home of Champions)        

goatfarmer's profile picture


Post# 1061961 , Reply# 2   3/1/2020 at 16:25 (1,608 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Welcome! Nice looking machines you have there.

Post# 1061964 , Reply# 3   3/1/2020 at 16:50 (1,608 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
Welcome !!!

Oh Leooooonnnnnn !!! (Leon)

Post# 1061992 , Reply# 4   3/1/2020 at 19:50 (1,608 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
Hello and Welcome.....

nice machines you got there, wanting to hear more info about them as well...

Post# 1061995 , Reply# 5   3/1/2020 at 20:32 (1,607 days old) by sarahperdue (Alabama)        
Welcome and beware!

sarahperdue's profile picture
You've just taken the first step towards a house filled with vintage appliances and a basement that looks like a laundrette!


Post# 1061999 , Reply# 6   3/1/2020 at 21:13 (1,607 days old) by 70series ( Connecticut.)        

Welcome to the club.

Post# 1062001 , Reply# 7   3/1/2020 at 21:19 (1,607 days old) by Ultramatic (New York City)        

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Post# 1062007 , Reply# 8   3/1/2020 at 21:43 (1,607 days old) by mayfan69 (Brisbane Queensland Australia)        
Welcome Ben!

mayfan69's profile picture
Hi Ben,

Welcome to the club and to another Australian enthusiast.

You have a classic Fully Programmed Simpson Fluid Drive from 1971.

Here's a link to a video I did of mine a few years ago now:

I do have repair literature on this machine if you're ever looking for some.

The Westinghouse dryer is from the 1970's too.



Post# 1062013 , Reply# 9   3/2/2020 at 00:47 (1,607 days old) by Ben (MERRIGUM)        

Thanks everyone.
I have no plans for any more washers. Not Realy a collector. But I do love vintage stuff. Even my cutlery is from the 70s.These will round out my home nicely. I have already vintage malleys(Australian) fridge and kelvinator chest freezer, along with a 60s kirby, vacuum, dust buster magic wand thing, star burst clock, sewing machine and milk shake maker. The dryer works just like new, but washer needs some work. Water pump is heavily corroded so hoping my repair skills are up to snuff. All my stuff has to work as I use them instead of there modern counterparts.
That said I do have about half a dozen old fridges waiting for me to have time and I have my eye on an old speed queen not far from home.....

Post# 1062023 , Reply# 10   3/2/2020 at 06:15 (1,607 days old) by Tomturbomatic (Beltsville, MD)        

Welcome, Ben! I love the contrast between your first and last sentence above! You sound like a man with one foot hovering over quicksand.



We will help you.


Post# 1062043 , Reply# 11   3/2/2020 at 10:07 (1,607 days old) by unclejohn (Can)        

welcome to this forum !

Nice day,

unclejohn (Canada)

Post# 1062051 , Reply# 12   3/2/2020 at 10:54 (1,607 days old) by felix (São Paulo - Brazil)        

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Post# 1062094 , Reply# 13   3/2/2020 at 20:19 (1,606 days old) by Hippiedoll ( arizona )        

hippiedoll's profile picture
You're vintage appliances sound awesome! Would love to see some pics

Post# 1062596 , Reply# 14   3/8/2020 at 04:00 (1,601 days old) by Ben (MERRIGUM)        
My other stuff

Just some pics of the other vintage appliances taking over my home. Excuse the mess. 1960s Kirby vacuum and little wonder cleaners. Kirby is restored and like new, have bunch of attachments as well. Little wonder used but great condition.
Malleys fridge. 1958. I'm second owner and works great. Not perfect but nice original unit. Malleys is Australian brand but I believe the fridge is made in usa
Kelvinator freezer. About same age. Second owner as well. In same photo is my 1960s milk shake maker. Breville.
My old jug, and cutlery. Cutlery is 70s Japanese. Incredibly strong. Can't bend spoons even when I dig into my rock hard ice cream. My oven. 3rd owner,but possibly the first person to use. Absolutely awesome condition, and best oven I've ever used. My old radio my grandma brought to Australia when she immigrated and old shop ice cream freezer that I use as a display unit. My singer sewing machine. 1960s.with option light and electric motor. Strong as an ox, will sew through 8layers of denim. Made in great Britain. My kelvinator fridge that I'm fixing up. And of course my room of fridges waiting for me to get around to them. All of them work which is why they are under cover. Prob another 4 or so that are just for parts, although a couple of them might go if I actually try and fix em.
Oh and fridge stuff needs ice trays. Also my oldish iron. And my malleys esky with hinged lid. And my Aladdin vac flask.

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Post# 1062628 , Reply# 15   3/8/2020 at 13:06 (1,601 days old) by Hippiedoll ( arizona )        
Very cool...

hippiedoll's profile picture
It's great to meet another who appreciates the finer (I mean) vintage things in life.
Thank you for sharing.

I see in your display case what looks like a 65-66 mustang? And your 1958 fridge looks cool with them designs on the front, very different indeed. That picture, showing the inside of your fridge, feels like I'm looking back in time.

Thank you for sharing the pictures of your vintage treasures, and again, welcome to the group.

Post# 1062633 , Reply# 16   3/8/2020 at 14:53 (1,601 days old) by unclejohn (Can)        

Pretty cool vintage stuff !

Lots of fine pieces out from the shadows of the past.

Thanks for sharing.


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