Thread Number: 82444  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
POD 3-28-20 Speed Queen Combo
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Post# 1064976   3/28/2020 at 20:25 (1,581 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
That is a cool looking combination washer/dryer. Does anyone in the club have a Speed Queen Compact Combo Model 325 in their collection?

Post# 1064986 , Reply# 1   3/28/2020 at 22:34 (1,581 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Speed Queen Combination Washer-Dryer

combo52's profile picture

We have one, as far as we know it might be the only one, someone said there was one at the factory in Ripon Wisconsin about 10 years ago, hopefully they still have it.


SQ was the last of the US appliance makers [ that ever built and sold combos] to introduce a combination washer-dryer around 1962, interestingly the SQ is a slightly smaller version of the 1957 Hotpoint combo that was only sold for about a year or so and then disappeared from the market completely. I have no idea how that came to be, but HP gave up on it and must have sold the patents to SQ.


Hotpoint sold combos again in the 60s but they were identical to GE combos in every detail except the name on the control panel.


The SQ combo we have was located by Jon C from Massachusetts, it appears to be in pretty good shape we just have not gotten around to trying to run it. I don't think that SQ sold the combo very long, it only came in one color and model and only electric condensing drying.


SQ like most other combination makers used the mechanical structure as the bassis of their commercial dry-cleaning machines that were used in coin operated laundromats.


John L.

Post# 1064991 , Reply# 2   3/28/2020 at 23:19 (1,581 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
Thanks for the information John. I’m glad one was saved as I figured it had to be pretty rare. Also thanks to the folks that locate these machines and post them for other members to possibly save.

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