Thread Number: 82452  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Lockdown = Vintage Washer Time
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Post# 1065154   3/30/2020 at 06:11 (1,579 days old) by keymatic (London / UK)        

keymatic's profile picture
Dear All,

Just thought I would post a few short clips which I have uploaded to YouTube of the weekends events, I haven't run these machines for sometime so I thought while we are in "Lockdown" there is no better time for a play.

The first machine I plugged in was my Thor Automagic 244 from 1955 - I have had this machine for some 24 years, I completely restored it which including having it totally resprayed and even had a new port hole glass made, it runs so well, having stood for over 3 years not being turned on, first flick and away it goes first time. The water was a bit grubby, but I was only washing some old towels which I found kicking around in the shed.

The 2nd machine I decided to run was a 1952 Servis Model R - this machine was a retrograde step back for Servis as the British market at the time had moved onto cabinet styled washers, however due to the national steel storage, Servis introduced this machine which didn't require sheet metal as an alternative. This machine has a heater but no pump, hence the blue square bucket near the drain off tap. This machine was given to me about 5 years ago but only dry tested at the time.



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Post# 1065156 , Reply# 1   3/30/2020 at 06:29 (1,579 days old) by toploader55 (Massachusetts Sand Bar, Cape Cod)        

toploader55's profile picture
Love the "Choreography" on the Ignis.

Brilliant and very Classy. Thank You.

Post# 1065580 , Reply# 2   4/2/2020 at 08:43 (1,576 days old) by ServisChris (Southampton, Hampshire UK)        
Lock down

servischris's profile picture
I see I’m not the only one using time at home to play and film, finished all the last little things to do on my Keymatic last night so I’m putting a few loads through today :)

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Post# 1065591 , Reply# 3   4/2/2020 at 10:54 (1,576 days old) by keymatic (London / UK)        

keymatic's profile picture
Hey Chris,

Nice Hoover Keymatic you have there !! and in full working order as well - excellent.

While we are banged up might as well make the most of the time available and have the all important self wash-in's to lift the mood.

Look forward to seeing the vid when it's finished.

Keep playing

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