Thread Number: 82493  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
Kitchenaid KDS-19 portable
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Post# 1065494   4/1/2020 at 16:54 (1,577 days old) by bobbyderegis (Boston)        

Hello folks,

Decided to pull out the KDS-19 portable dishwasher and change the impeller seal. I got the Hobart seal kit with the larger drain impeller. Any thoughts if this larger impeller will place too much pressure on the hoses or drain solenoid? Last thing I want is a burst hose. Should I stick with the FSP smaller diameter impeller?

Bobby in Boston

Post# 1065514 , Reply# 1   4/1/2020 at 18:11 (1,577 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
KA DW Drain Impellers For KD18-20 DWs

combo52's profile picture
They are all the same diameter, if it was bigger it will not fit in the pump housing, if it has larger fins it might pump out a little faster, post a picture and we can compare.

John L.

Post# 1065617 , Reply# 2   4/2/2020 at 13:20 (1,576 days old) by bobbyderegis (Boston)        
Pics of impellers

Hi John, see the difference? The FSP part is the small black impeller. The Hobart is the larger brown. I just want to be sure the Hobart impeller wont kick up too much pressure and damage the hose or solenoid. Also, the Hobart has a metal contact with the graphite seal, the FSP is nylon. Not sure if that makes a difference either.

Bobby in Boston

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Post# 1065664 , Reply# 3   4/2/2020 at 18:59 (1,576 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Drain impellers For A KD18-20 KA DW

combo52's profile picture

If this larger impeller fits it will NOT create too much water pressure, I am not sure it will fit in the drain housing,


Steve the man that works for Hobart would know.


The white part of the original drain impeller is ceramic not nylon-plastic, both types of seal will wear very well.


John L.

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