Thread Number: 82499  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Need help with my BD washer
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Post# 1065579   4/2/2020 at 08:39 (1,576 days old) by vinicegenx (San Diego)        

Hello I have a 1982 Kenmore BD washer that I'm having problems with and I cannot figure out what to do. It keeps going off balance on the final spin cycle with a full load and the washer shuts off .I do the obvious and check the load to make sure it's even and I made sure the washer is also level all is fine there. Once I checked everything out including the spring under the basket near the motor was in place I ran the washer again and it did the same thing on the last spin cycle I'm hearing a slight grinding sound at the beginning when it goes into the spin cycle. The snubber pad looks tight and has no issues this the end? Should I just use it as parts? I'm new here and if you have questions or want to help I'd appreciate any information .

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