Thread Number: 82642  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
1986 GE Filter Flo — clutch removal
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Post# 1067514   4/15/2020 at 15:08 (1,563 days old) by StuftRock1 (Kentucky)        

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Several months ago I bought a 1986 GE Filter Flo. Works great! Did some minor restoration on it a while back, and now, being stuck at home with nothing to do, I’ve decided to venture out into no mans land: the clutch. It’s a 2 speed, and I don’t have a flying clue how this thing works. I do know that it’s not in very good shape because, for one, the gentle speed doesn’t, and two, it’s loud. Like, very loud. I can still hear it rattling away over my tv on the complete opposite side of my house! And I don’t live in a small house either.

Anyway, I took the motor+clutch assembly out. Found out why the gentle speed won’t work, the solenoid arm broke, I’m guessing because somebody tried to switch it to gentle while it was running. I think this also damaged the clutch, because one of the tabs that stick out from underneath that are supposed to catch on the solenoid seems fine and is able to be pushed back and forth, but the other tab is crooked and solid. Can’t move it at all. The entire clutch is also crooked on the motor axle, meaning it wiggles back and forth as it spins.

I got that pin out and removed the pump connector, but I honestly don’t know where to go from there. I ordered a brand new clutch and solenoid arm on eBay, and I don’t have the slightest idea how to remove the old one, or attach the new clutch for that matter. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I also attached a picture of where I’m at right now.

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Post# 1067526 , Reply# 1   4/15/2020 at 16:56 (1,563 days old) by Yogitunes (New Jersey)        

yogitunes's profile picture
once pin is removed.....lift the top portion of the clutch up and off....

a U-clamp holds the whole clutch assembly to the motor shaft.....

you have quite a bit of oily residue on the unit....

Post# 1067539 , Reply# 2   4/15/2020 at 18:13 (1,563 days old) by StuftRock1 (Kentucky)        

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Yes, it is quite filthy. Makes identifying the wires by color quite a pain... Unfortunately, even with the pin removed, the outer drum won’t budge.

Post# 1067543 , Reply# 3   4/15/2020 at 19:05 (1,563 days old) by bendixmark (Winchester Mass)        

I used to pull those drums off with a wheel puller back 30 years ago.You need a transmission also.

Post# 1067606 , Reply# 4   4/16/2020 at 11:40 (1,562 days old) by StuftRock1 (Kentucky)        

stuftrock1's profile picture
Do you need a wheel puller to get it off?

Post# 1067654 , Reply# 5   4/16/2020 at 16:47 (1,562 days old) by bendixmark (Winchester Mass)        

I never got one off without one.They come off easily with the puller that has the three arms.

Post# 1067740 , Reply# 6   4/17/2020 at 07:33 (1,561 days old) by eronie (Flushing Michigan)        
GE clutch

Yes these 2 speed clutches can be a pain to get apart.
Years ago I used one on a homemade go cart.
Can anyone explain how the variable speed one worked?

Post# 1067982 , Reply# 7   4/18/2020 at 17:08 (1,560 days old) by StuftRock1 (Kentucky)        

stuftrock1's profile picture
I’ve been looking at it for like 3 days now along with diagrams and pictures of the new one and I’m still no closer to figuring out how to remove it.

I’m not trying to take it apart or rebuild it. I just need to figure out how to get the entire clutch assembly off the motor so I can replace it.

I swear this is about to make me go crazy..

Post# 1068000 , Reply# 8   4/18/2020 at 18:31 (1,560 days old) by eronie (Flushing Michigan)        

Use a 3 leg wheel puller.

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