Thread Number: 82653  /  Tag: Vintage Dishwashers
KitchenAid Hobart KDI-21
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Post# 1067632   4/16/2020 at 14:43 (1,649 days old) by twiggi (Newnan, GA)        

This unit has the solid state LCD display timer. Anyone know if it can be switched to a different timer, or know of anyone with parts lying around?

Post# 1067647 , Reply# 1   4/16/2020 at 16:12 (1,649 days old) by stevet (West Melbourne, FL)        
Why the switch-a-roo?

Why do you want to switch it to a manual style? What is wrong with the machine? Maybe it is something none too serious. Let us know so we can help you. John L will probably be your best shot on this one.

Post# 1067671 , Reply# 2   4/16/2020 at 19:38 (1,649 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Electronically controlled KDI-21

combo52's profile picture

If you are having control problems with this DW you are probably done unless you can find someone to repair the EC, I remember well when these came out and lots of them did not last long without expensive repairs.


It is possible to switch to a mechanically controlled timer, but you will need a donor KA DW from the 21 series to transfer most of the control panel from as well as the complete wiring harness, it a bit of work but if you are skilled working on major household appliances and such it is doable.


I would only consider switching out the controls if your machine is in excellent early used condition, other wise it will be easier to switch out the entire DW.


John L.

Post# 1068793 , Reply# 3   4/23/2020 at 09:22 (1,643 days old) by twiggi (Newnan, GA)        
KDI 21

SteveT and JohnL,
Thanks for the replies. SteveT, this is the unit I discussed with you a while back. My daughter gave up and replaced it with a new KitchenAid. I would love to get it working to replace my piece of junk. This unit is in excellent, almost show room condition. It was installed in an elderly lady's house in the mid to late 80's when she did a remodel. It doesn't look like it has ever been used. It worked like a dream initially until my sister in law slammed the door and the control panel has not allowed it to function since. My husband who has a basic knowledge of electronics and mechanical things has been unable to get it working. I am trying to find an old timer repairman locally but have been unsuccessful so far. I really hate for this unit to go to waste. Was in hopes someone on here might have a part or ideas to do the change out, but that sounds pretty extensive and like I would need that repairman to do it even if I found the parts. Thanks for your help and input.

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