Thread Number: 82659  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Anyone remember the Kevlin Service Centre?
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Post# 1067801   4/17/2020 at 15:10 (1,561 days old) by NilfiskGA70 (Limerick, Ireland)        

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Enjoying a memory trip tidying up physical and digital pics during the lock-down, came across this pic I took on a visit to London in 2017, of the buildings at 20-22 Bradmore Park Rd, Hammersmith. This was where I worked the summer of 1990 at the Kevlin Service Centre, a large Hoover agent. The building on the left, no.22, was the workshop and the one on the right was the office with a large basement crammed with Hoover spares - would be a real Aladdin's cave to the Hoover enthusiasts here now. I was rebuilding traded in Hoover Junior and Senior vacs and Hoover autowashers, we did a good job on them, replacing all the wear items and any cosmetic damage was made good. The washer motors got a new armature, bearings and brushes and the tub's backplate, bearings, heater and belt along with the door seal and sump hose were replaced. New timer also fitted if there was a doubt. Fond memories of the new Hoover Logic washers - we fitted a lot of these for customers - I would occasionally go out in the van with the mobile engineer, who hailed from India, to help him carry the washers if stairs were to be negotiated, as was often the case with London flats and apartments. Decent crew to work for, fond memories of Gerry, the boss, who could say 'plonker' the very same way as Del Boy, Martin, the accountant, who commuted from Southampton, and Roland, my fellow workshop-based engineer, not to mention the mobile engineer - I forget his name as it was an unusual Indian one. A battered Hitachi radio-cassette in the workshop was permanently tuned to BBC Radio 1, my first time hearing Simon Bates' 'Our Tune' featuring tear-jerking real-life love stories. Brilliant station, brings me back hearing those clips on YT. Spent many a lunch hour browsing the Maplin shop in nearby King Street, one of just two Maplin shops in London. These buildings look like high-end apartments now. Hope this jogs a few memories.

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