Thread Number: 82709  /  Tag: Wringer Washers
Just got 2 really nice Maytags, newbie advice please
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Post# 1068523   4/21/2020 at 15:57 (1,557 days old) by Jennykeegs (Oakham)        

Hello! I just picked up 2 washers yesterday, one on the cape in MA and one in CT, it was a long day but very exciting! They seem in VERY good condition and are almost identical, both have pumps but I believe manufactured in different years. I've been cleaning the outside of them today but wanted to ask a few questions before I jump in with both feet.

1. The agitator doesn't come off easily on either so I'm not pushing it yet- should I run some hot water and detergent through to not only start the inside cleaning process but to loosen the gasket(not even sure if it's called a gasket?) so I can remove to clean underneath?

2. Anything I should look for or do maintenance wise before operating them?

I am VERY excited and really want to take good care of these so they can be used for many years to come. I just don't want to ruin them. I can take videos of them operating if that's helps any of you experts spot anything.

The inside of one looks mint, either very well taken care of or not used

Anyway, thanks for any advice or links to help! I love seeing all of your washers in the forum

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Post# 1068565 , Reply# 1   4/21/2020 at 23:35 (1,556 days old) by aircub (Huntington, AR)        

Great machines so exciting and you will enjoy them. I just found one that is not as nicely treated. Where and how does one find parts for these especially hoses?

Enjoy your machines,


Post# 1068592 , Reply# 2   4/22/2020 at 07:49 (1,556 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Very nice!
I know nothing about them, but I picked one up last year myself, because it was in decent condition, the owner was going to scrap it, and it was only $40.
Mine is the model below yours. If I'm not mistaken, yours were the top of the line Maytag wringer.
Mine runs, and that's all I know about it.
My agitator is stuck on as well. Folks here do have methods for getting them to let go.
Between illness and other miscellaneous life crap, I haven't had a chance to do anything with it. It's just decorating my laundry area.
Good luck with yours! I hope you get to use and enjoy them!


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Post# 1068602 , Reply# 3   4/22/2020 at 09:19 (1,556 days old) by e2l-arry (LAKEWOOD COLORADO)        
Nice Machines!

COngratulations on your find. Stuck agitators is a common problem on these. The agitator doesn't have any gasket on it. It's more like a slip fit O-ring to keep it in place.The agitator slides over a spline which has grooves to line with the agitator. The agitator is supposed to be removed when not in use and Maytag recommended a thin coating of Vaseline on the spline itself to prevent sticking. It looks like the previous owner didn't do that and who knows how long they've been stored that way. They can be a real bear to get out. I destroyed mine before it would come our. Your machines look to be in good condition. I'd use them as is a couple of times. Maybe with some use, and HOT water, they may eventually break free. Give the agitator a good pull straight up after each use. You might have some lucksooner or later and it will come off. Once it does wipe it down with some Vaseline and you'll never have that problem again.

Have Fun!

Post# 1068624 , Reply# 4   4/22/2020 at 11:05 (1,556 days old) by Jennykeegs (Oakham)        

Thanks for the advice!!! I got one off! It looks like it needs a new black seal thingy (I saw a video of someone replacing one on youtube). I'm going to put Vaseline on the spline and try running it as is and see how she goes. I am so excited 😁

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Post# 1068645 , Reply# 5   4/22/2020 at 13:02 (1,556 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Good deal!
Did you put hot water in it or anything, or did that one just eventually let go?


Post# 1068662 , Reply# 6   4/22/2020 at 14:09 (1,556 days old) by Jennykeegs (Oakham)        
I got the other one off too!

Thanks again for the advice. I ran a hot small load of towels through the other and it finally gave. The first one I got off I didn't have to add anything it just gave.

Underneath each agitator there is a number stamped I'm assuming it's the year they were produced. I have a 69 and a 72. The 72 is the really clean inside. The wringer looks and works like brand new.

I am going to add some petroleum jelly to the splines after I'm done scrubbing. I've seen somewhere where someone painted that plate under the lint trap so it won't rust. Any idea what type of paint that is?

Also, for the enamel I'd like to touch up, what paint do y'all recommend?

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Post# 1068669 , Reply# 7   4/22/2020 at 15:45 (1,556 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Both of these are in great shape! I'd strongly recommend replacing the agitator shaft seal on both before using them regularly. I wish I had swapped out the seal in my Maytag wringer before using it as it now has water in the trans and will need a full rebuild.

New seals are cheap and can be found fairly easily -

Original PN: A4298
New Whirlpool PN WP6-A57420


Dental picks are helpful on pulling out the old seal, after you've popped out the retainer clip and retainer washer. New seals often will come pre-packed with the necessary grease for the inside of the shaft.


Post# 1068681 , Reply# 8   4/22/2020 at 16:33 (1,556 days old) by JustJunque (Western MA)        

justjunque's profile picture
Would my J2L use that same shaft seal?
If I ever get around to removing my agitator, I'm guessing that seal is going to be deteriorated on mine as well.
The previous owner said the machine hadn't been used in decades.


Post# 1068692 , Reply# 9   4/22/2020 at 17:22 (1,556 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Barry, it sure is! All model N,J, and E wringers and automatics up through the early 90’s use this very seal.

Post# 1068694 , Reply# 10   4/22/2020 at 17:26 (1,556 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

swestoyz's profile picture
Barry, it sure is! All model N,J, and E wringers and automatics up through the early 90’s use this very seal.

Post# 1068788 , Reply# 11   4/23/2020 at 09:03 (1,555 days old) by e2l-arry (LAKEWOOD COLORADO)        

I painted my lint trap with Rustoleum, gloss black. That was in 2012 and although ti has dulled somewhat, it's lasted very well. Glad you got those agitators off. Sometimes they're just STUCK!!! Once you clean them and apply a very thin coat of Vaseline they'll never be stuck again.

Post# 1068857 , Reply# 12   4/23/2020 at 13:40 (1,555 days old) by bradross (New Westminster, BC., Canada)        

bradross's profile picture
First off - that is quite a find, getting two at once! Hope you'll enjoy using them as much as a lot of us do!

Quote: I've seen somewhere where someone painted that plate under the lint trap so it won't rust. Any idea what type of paint that is?

Answer: the "plate" you see is actually the top of the power unit, which to my knowledge, is pot metal (a blend of various metals). It should never rust, and therefore does not require painting.

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