Thread Number: 82872  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
My Servis Quartz MK600 from around 1981-1984
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Post# 1070778   5/4/2020 at 09:47 (1,544 days old) by Washerlad2014 (UK)        

washerlad2014's profile picture
Hello guys so a couple of months ago I managed to acquire this wonderful Servis Quartz MK600 funnily enough from the same guy I got my Hoover Computer Logic D6538 tumble dryer from! This has the unique "Spin Care" drum fitted to it! When I first got it it initially had issues with the door Interlock where I would close the door bit I still thought the door was open. But since then I've somehow managed to fix this issue by myself and it washes well without any issue!! Heres some pics for you all to enjoy!!

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Post# 1071143 , Reply# 1   5/6/2020 at 17:55 (1,542 days old) by miele4life (UK )        

that's a lovely machine there, it's hard to believe that's it's nearly 40 years since this British favourite first appeared, it was certainly cutting-edge in its day, I spent much of my childhood with a Quartz, albeit a late Electra-branded version, there is another thread where the instruction book has been uploaded and it's such a fascinating read too! :)

Post# 1071180 , Reply# 2   5/7/2020 at 03:20 (1,541 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

I suppose that the Servis 'Spin Care' drum would have been very good for keeping detergents within the drum... products which came along a few years later, which were added directly to the drum, such as Ariel Liquid with the 'Arielette' dosing device, and Ariel Ultra powder with the 'Arielator'.

I have to say too, that I think the computerised machines in the Eighties from Servis, Hotpoint and Hoover, look a bloody sight better and are far easier to operate than most of the guff that passes for machines in 2020.

Post# 1071285 , Reply# 3   5/8/2020 at 04:45 (1,540 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Servis Quartz

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Hello Spencer and welcome to the Quartz club, a fabulous computer controlled washing machine from Servis UK who brought the world the first computerised washing machine in 1976, the Servis Selectronic.

The Servis Quartz was born out of a collaboration with Servis UK and Proctor & Gamble who then launched new Ariel Automatic washing powder along with the Servis Quartz. They took the HLCC & ITCL washcodes (the labels sewn on every washable garment) and mapped the programming and detergent usage to them, thus creating a simple one button programming system, so all dark cottons with a lable code 5, has a cottons vigerous wash at 40d max with 3 rinses and a fast spin, all by selecting the right number - simplicity indeed.

The Spincare drum was basically a solid drum with vanes at the front middle & rear where the water exited , it cushioned delicate clothing in the drum and more water stayed in and also a vigorous cotton wash when required.

Another first was the "Multifabric Wash" which was a long soak and tumble (up to 12 hrs) that heated the water to 40d and took advantage of the new Ariel Automatic powder with enzymes which dissolved the dirt at low temperatures,
enabling you to combine lights & mixed colours together on a full load for best results. Great for an overnight soak and wash.

Enjoy your Quartz glad you got the door lock sorted !!

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Post# 1071340 , Reply# 4   5/8/2020 at 11:25 (1,540 days old) by matchboxpaul (U.K)        

Hi Spencer.

Nice example of model 600 you have found.

It's strange but the recent preservation of Model 600 and 601 Quartz machines, has very much tended to favour Model 601, so it's nice to see a Model 600 taking centre stage.

My Quartz 601 and Multivent 261 are photographed below I do have a 600 too, but its buried in the garage somewhere.

Enjoy your 600.

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Post# 1073653 , Reply# 5   5/21/2020 at 14:19 (1,527 days old) by Washerlad2014 (UK)        
Servis Quartz MK600

washerlad2014's profile picture
Cheers guys for all your inputs!! The spin care drum was indeed a very unique drum at the time, especially with no drum holes, which gave extra care to the fabrics while at the same time maintaining that crucial washing performance a customer expects! Its also got a large variety of programs to it yet its still very easy and simple to understand and use. This is actually the 2nd Servis Quartz 600 ive spotted, i spotted another MK600 that was in Stoke and i told a collector who lived around there by the name of Luke Skelding, not sure if hes on here or not, about it and he went and saved it! Then i saved this MK600,which was about 30 miles from me in south Devon, not long after. These certainly are a true classic British Favourite and i feel very chuffed i saved one of these! I shall be looking for the matching dryer that Chestermikeuk posted on this thread too!!

Post# 1118786 , Reply# 6   5/30/2021 at 14:00 (1,153 days old) by Cairn100 (Clackmannanshire )        
Looking for bearings

Can anyone help out. I am looking for new drum bearings for my 600 servis quarts. Has anyone a link to where I can buy them

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