Thread Number: 82876  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
hello! question on rollermatic capacitor please!
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Post# 1070859   5/4/2020 at 19:09 (1,544 days old) by rollermatic (columbus and milford ohio)        

rollermatic's profile picture
took about 7 years out and really did nothing with my appliances but find good homes for some of them, hopefully they are still humming along or finally humming!

but this year even before corona hit i started to gain interest again, caught myself checking out craigslist and ebay which is always a warning sign for me that i may get the urge to start machine hunting!

now into full isolation mode like the rest of us i decided to dig out my 1965 custom imperial rollermatic and put it back together. it's the one i dropped off the truck when i picked it up in new york and i did a number on the top and console. but i had it together and running fine until a timer problem resulted in my having to tear apart the console again. so i stored it away till now.

long story short i want to put in a new capacitor before i run it. it's the dual capacitor (rapidry model) and i realize i probably won't find one of those new these days! so i looked up a previous thread i posted years ago about rollermatic capacitors and i see from members that i can use 2 capacitors to substitute. it has the switch on it that switches the leads on the dual capacitor when it goes into rapidry spin. i understand how to replace this with 2 seperate capacitors, i'm just not sure what value. i was told in the previous thread that a 124-149 mfd rated cap would be fine for a single capacitor replacement. does anyone know what the rating should be on the 2nd replacement? should it be higher or lower? i assume the higher rating would be used when it's starting in rapidry mode?

i did download the manual for this machine last nite from this site and i see that the rating on the first terminal to the common is 80-100 and the second terminal to the common is 124-149, this is the "test" rating it says. so should i look for a 124-149 and a 80-100 or should i do something different? any help much appreciated as always! will post a few pics here soon. thanks!

Post# 1070921 , Reply# 1   5/5/2020 at 06:26 (1,543 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Okay he said

jetcone's profile picture

 The '65 shows two capacitors wired in parallel. 

 So you need two caps with each rating within 10% wired in parallel. 


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Post# 1070937 , Reply# 2   5/5/2020 at 08:49 (1,543 days old) by sfh074 ( )        
Do you have the old cap?

The values normally printed on the oem cap.

Post# 1070941 , Reply# 3   5/5/2020 at 09:13 (1,543 days old) by panthera (Rocky Mountains)        
Duty cycle

panthera's profile picture
The start capacitor will have a higher value and only be run for a very short time. The run capacitor will have a lower value but a higher duty cycle and will be run whenever the machine is on.
I'm not seeing the capacitors as being run in parallel, I just see a single can unit with two capacitors in it. it shouldn't be a problem to get a suitable replacement from an air conditioning supplier they often have started run capacitors in the same can. I would be very careful though - capacitors at this level are perfectly capable of, one, holding a charge for a long time after being discharged and, 2, killing you.

Post# 1070943 , Reply# 4   5/5/2020 at 09:24 (1,543 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        
Longtime no post

qsd-dan's profile picture
Welcome back Pete, good to see you posting again.

Are you still aerating your pond with a Hydrosweep?

Post# 1070947 , Reply# 5   5/5/2020 at 09:41 (1,543 days old) by Jetcone (Schenectady-Home of Calrods,Monitor Tops,Toroid Transformers)        
Yes i see your point Panthera

jetcone's profile picture

The switch ahead of the can selects one of the two capacitors but they are wired in parallel to the motor.


Post# 1070957 , Reply# 6   5/5/2020 at 11:01 (1,543 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Two Start Capactors

combo52's profile picture
These are both start caps, the timer selects the one needed for the part of the cycle that that needs the extra boost [ spin start ] or just agitation.

This type start caps do not hold much of a charge if at all [ I have never seen start cap hold a charge ] still if you are not sure short the two terminals with an insulated screw driver before touching the terminals.

john L.

Post# 1071051 , Reply# 7   5/5/2020 at 23:53 (1,543 days old) by rollermatic (columbus and milford ohio)        

rollermatic's profile picture
to everyone who responded with info, i will be careful. but since this washer still has the original dual capacitor and it's been stored for about 9 years i don't want to run the motor till i change out this capacitor. i read here that they wear out with age, leak, and become useless. this washer has the impact clutch so when it starts to spin it takes the motor a good while to get up to speed and the start winding to disengage. i timed it at 17 seconds one time. don't want to burn out the starting windings. in agitation it starts instantly and i know my later model rollermatics have the slip type clutch and don't even use a capacitor.

thought i'd look on ebay (my favorite appliance haunt) for capacitors, i also see from my previous post 10 years ago that people suggested a co. called mouser i believe it was, i can pull up the old post and check.

i will post pics but now whenever i try to transfer pics from my phone to my computer here at the house it won't transfer. when i go to my husband's house and use our computer there it goes fine. so it's not easy to post pics until i get this problam solved.

but i do love pics, seeing pics here and posting, it's what makes this site fun!

no, the hydrosweep pond pump bit the dust and i think the hydrosweep itself sunk to the bottom of the pond if i remember right. been about 10 years on that too.

final question for you all and combo52 especially as i know you are in the appliance repair business. i still have my 1-18 that i completely rebuilt but the agitate arm is broken, i had spoken to you once before about it i believe. just wondering if you, or anyone else here would know if it's possible for me to get one somewhere? hopefully one will turn up somewhere that i can buy.

i have found that working on this rollermatic during the past month as well as several dishwashers has greatly relieved my anxiety and fear over the corona business that has so deeply affected us all! i know for me to keep healthy and maintain a good immune system i have to be positive, stay active, set goals, and not let fear and anxiety get to me. coming on this site, reading the posts, looking at the pics, even reading completely thru that rollermatic manual i just downloaded from here has done wonders for my mental health! i'm in full appliance fixing mode at the present time, working on this frigidaire and 3 dishwashers collectively. hope everyone else here can stay positive and healthy too! take a fun journey back to the days of coppertone, avacado, turquoise and harvest gold every day on this site! thank you robert especially for creating it and making it available to us!


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