Thread Number: 82891  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Maytag 142S frying motors!
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Post# 1071157   5/6/2020 at 19:55 (1,542 days old) by Marks (Tucker, GA)        

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Hi Everyone,
So my beautiful Maytag 142S is frying motors! After the wash cycle and the cool down pause, it is not spinning and making the motor heat up. It fried one and it tried to fry a new motor, so I’m assuming this problem is in the timer somewhere? Maybe it’s telling to to turn in both directions at the same time? Does anyone have any idea what to look for and fix? I don’t have much experience with timer circuitry.

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Post# 1071160 , Reply# 1   5/6/2020 at 22:01 (1,542 days old) by LowEfficiency (Iowa)        

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Doesn't sound like a timer problem. And since you've replaced the motor already, it doesn't sound like a stuck centrifugal switch either.

I'd say check for pieces of clothing stuck between the inner and outer tubs. On my A209 I picked up, it had two socks that had found their way over the top and had jammed up the tub. It would wash just fine, but groaned and struggled to spin.

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Post# 1071195 , Reply# 2   5/7/2020 at 08:53 (1,541 days old) by eronie (Flushing Michigan)        

Take the belts off an try it!
Does the motor carriage slide freely?

Post# 1071330 , Reply# 3   5/8/2020 at 10:52 (1,540 days old) by Marks (Tucker, GA)        

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I forgot to add that if I stop the timer and immediately restart it, everything works fine. The motor slides freely on the carriage.

Post# 1071520 , Reply# 4   5/9/2020 at 07:26 (1,539 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Over Heating MT Washer Motor

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I did not comment before because of a lack of information from you about the problem left too many possibilities, 


However with the additional information in your last post you likely  have a bad timer.


John L.

Post# 1071776 , Reply# 5   5/10/2020 at 12:58 (1,538 days old) by Marks (Tucker, GA)        

marks's profile picture
Thanks John. I figured it HAD to be in the timer. The odds of the exact same problem with 2 motors are too low.
Any recommendations on timer rebuilds or places that can do it?

Post# 1071777 , Reply# 6   5/10/2020 at 13:29 (1,538 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Timer For A A142S

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I would probably look for a replacement timer first, but if that fails try finding someone that can fix yours, your timer might be harder to find because it is a SS model, Do you use the SS feature ?


John L.

Post# 1071778 , Reply# 7   5/10/2020 at 13:33 (1,538 days old) by Marks (Tucker, GA)        

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I’m figuring it’s almost impossible to find a replacement because of the suds saver. I would use it but I don’t have a basin near by for it to use.

Post# 1071848 , Reply# 8   5/10/2020 at 18:36 (1,538 days old) by qsd-dan (West)        

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Part # 201166

Rare timers like these still occasionally pop up on Ebay but you'll probably be waiting awhile.

Post# 1071866 , Reply# 9   5/10/2020 at 20:08 (1,538 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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201166 was used for several years - all 142S and 700S washers used it. I may have a few spares in the attic. I'll take a look tomorrow.


Post# 1071981 , Reply# 10   5/11/2020 at 15:46 (1,537 days old) by LowEfficiency (Iowa)        

lowefficiency's profile picture

>> However with the additional information in your last post you likely have a bad timer.
>> John L.

For reference/education, what is the failure mode of the timer, that toggling the main timer power switch would cause the situation to resolve itself?

Post# 1071996 , Reply# 11   5/11/2020 at 17:02 (1,537 days old) by swestoyz (Cedar Falls, IA)        

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Dug around the attic this afternoon and found the last 2-1166 timer I have on hand. Not sure where it came from but it does appear to have been rebuilt at one time.

Shoot me a PM if you’re interested. I’ll make you a deal you won’t be able to refuse. 😊


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Post# 1073548 , Reply# 12   5/20/2020 at 21:30 (1,528 days old) by Marks (Tucker, GA)        

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I found a timer and it’s all back together and working! That’s for the info and even finding another timer!

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