Thread Number: 83027  /  Tag: Twin-Tub Washers
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Post# 1073107   5/18/2020 at 05:21 (1,530 days old) by Justanotherhigh (Cheshire)        

Hello all! Here I have a DUO-MATIC twin tub in bits, it has seen continuous servic e since new and with no spares it has a lot of garden wire and silicone repairs. No problems with making a good job of it however the heating element in the bottom of the tub is blown, it's a 240v 2kw heater and I can't find anything even remotely the right shape or size - you can see it's quite tight down there.
Any ideas? Known spec? Please let me know as I can't do a proper job without some kind of heater down there and I would prefer not to butcher the tub fitting something far different.

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Post# 1073124 , Reply# 1   5/18/2020 at 08:30 (1,530 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

The only element in that general shape, seems to be this:


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Post# 1073126 , Reply# 2   5/18/2020 at 08:44 (1,530 days old) by Rolls_rapide (.)        

It is quite difficult to tell from most of the pics online, but I think this is about the only version of old-style element available now, in a circular configuration, with an offset mount. It is rated though at 2500 Watts.

Most of the other 'butterfly' or 'bats wing' types for Burco urns/boilers seem to be dead-centre mounts. And they're rated at up to 3000 Watts.

Here's a different pic showing the slight offset.

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Post# 1073264 , Reply# 3   5/19/2020 at 02:57 (1,529 days old) by chestermikeuk (Rainhill *Home of the RailwayTrials* Merseyside,UK)        
Heating Elements

chestermikeuk's profile picture
Great you are getting stuck in and repairing the Duomatic, its likely even if you find a new to you old spare somewhere it may suffer the same fate ie that is blown or shorts out just from the age , near 60yrs ?

Weve been looking at getting replacement heaters made or repaired and would recommend this local UK firm.

Keep us informed and enjoy the restorations !!

CLICK HERE TO GO TO chestermikeuk's LINK

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Post# 1073428 , Reply# 4   5/20/2020 at 03:49 (1,528 days old) by justanotherhigh (Cheshire)        

Thanks for your efforts, the offset on that burco element still definitely isn't enough to make it fit in this tub :(
Might have a look at chestermikes website - you say you've been looking into it - did you ever get any ballpark prices? Ultimately if it's going to cost much more than 30 quid it's not going to be worth the effort.

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