Thread Number: 83094  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
New toys - Questions about a Westinghouse L110 and D110 washer and dryer set
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Post# 1073915   5/23/2020 at 10:56 (1,525 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

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Yes, it's warm enough for me to be playing outside again and as seems to be typical for me, I have a new toy to play with which has jumped to the front of the 'appliance to-do' list.... LOL 

I recently acquired a Westinghouse L110 laundromat washer  - a 1957 model I believe.  It works but it needs a bit of work; specifically the rear tub bearing is shot.  I also snagged the almost-matched dryer - it's a 1958 model built in Canada.

I have read the  washer doctrine (thank you for making it available here, Robert!) and I have a pretty good idea of what I will have to do.  But we all know there are pitfalls and "dammit" moments...

Are there any "don't do this" things I should be aware of?  While I have done plenty of work on Laundromats, I am not familar with bearing replacement...

A more specific question - what is 'calcium-based' grease?  The service literature says to use this below the new seals after the bearing is in; I can't say that I have ever heard of this before....

Lastly, the door seal on the dryer is shot to hell - does anyone know the part number for this?  Dryer works wonderfully otherwise. Oh, wait, I shouldn't have said that...LOL 

Hopefully I will be posting lots of smiling, happy "after" pictures and videos soon!

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Post# 1073923 , Reply# 1   5/23/2020 at 11:36 (1,525 days old) by Golittlesport (California)        
Great new toys!!!

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While it is said the later true horizontal tub Westy Laundromat machines tangled less and cleaned better, I love those 1950's Westy Laundromats with the slanted, bowl-shaped tubs. And 1957 model is probably the prettiest of them. Best of luck with the work ahead of you! Will look forward to pics and vids.

What does the almost-match dryer control panel look like?

Post# 1073927 , Reply# 2   5/23/2020 at 11:49 (1,525 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        
Dryer control panel

turquoisedude's profile picture

Here's a picture for you!  It looks like the 1957 US version with all the pretty pushbuttons and light-up timer dial.

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Post# 1073945 , Reply# 3   5/23/2020 at 15:45 (1,525 days old) by appnut (TX)        

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Paul, my other mother had the washer.  Her oldest son told me the dial lit up and changed colors as the timer advanced.  By the time I was washer-conscious, the only light working was the panel light.  I think the dryer's panel angle might be a little bit different.  

Post# 1073963 , Reply# 4   5/23/2020 at 17:15 (1,525 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

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Bob, you are absolutely right - the washer dial does change colour as the cycle advances.  Westinghouse sure loved those light up colour dials, didn't they? I found one of the light up dial deep-fryers 2 years ago and flipped out!

Post# 1073988 , Reply# 5   5/23/2020 at 19:30 (1,525 days old) by bradfordwhite (central U.S.)        

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Please share pics or vids of that timer advancing. It must be a spectacle.

Lucky you. These look wonderful.

Post# 1074087 , Reply# 6   5/24/2020 at 12:21 (1,524 days old) by Bendixmark (Winchester Mass)        

I have that washer.Mine is a 3 belt.Didnt know the dial changes colors.

Post# 1074273 , Reply# 7   5/25/2020 at 14:10 (1,523 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

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Any restoration has its challenges.  Even when you have some experience restoring a machine like what you are currently working on.

Well, I'm stuck... 

More precisely, the inner wash tub of the Westy L110 is.  Danged thing won't budge when I try to lift it out.  The other 2 Laundromats I've worked on did not do this. 

Am I missing something?

Also an important reminder to always use the Westinghouse shipping braces if you have to transport a Slant-Front Laundromat... see the torn  tub in picture 2...

(PS - I will happily lend a set of shipping braces to anyone who may need them!!)

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Post# 1074320 , Reply# 8   5/25/2020 at 21:14 (1,522 days old) by Bendixmark (Winchester Mass)        

When my machine like that arrived from New York the tub was on its side in the cabinet. Myself and a friend had to put it back together like Humpty Dumpty.

Post# 1074322 , Reply# 9   5/25/2020 at 21:16 (1,522 days old) by Bendixmark (Winchester Mass)        

This post has been removed by the member who posted it.

Post# 1074369 , Reply# 10   5/26/2020 at 09:22 (1,522 days old) by combo52 (50 Year Repair Tech Beltsville,Md)        
Stuck Shaft On A WH Slant front Washer

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Hi Paul you will probably have to press it out and it may come out with the inner bearing, not too surprising that it has a failed seal and stuck shaft given the heavy mineral build-up the machine has from a lack of detergent usage.


The worn through outer tub is not likely from moving the washer without the shipping braces so much as operating the machine  for an extended time with a snubber out of position, the snubber bracket could only  wear through the outer tub durning moving if you moved the machine across country by mule cart across the Rockies, LOL


John L.

Post# 1074387 , Reply# 11   5/26/2020 at 13:16 (1,522 days old) by rinso (Meridian Idaho)        

I think the control panel push-buttons look like the ones on a blender.

Post# 1074390 , Reply# 12   5/26/2020 at 13:41 (1,522 days old) by CircleW (NE Cincinnati OH area)        

We had a '63 Westinghouse dryer that had color buttons like that. When I took it apart, I saw the switch button assembly was made by GE.

Post# 1074400 , Reply# 13   5/26/2020 at 15:41 (1,522 days old) by turquoisedude (.)        

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Not the best picture, but when I took the motor and pump assembly out of thd L110 Laundromat I could help but notice that the friction drive wheel that runs the drain pump is in poor shape.

Anyone happen to know the part number for this? It's not in the Westy service manual... OR is there some method of repairing the rubber-like coating on the drive wheel??

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