Thread Number: 83124  /  Tag: Vintage Automatic Washers
Frigidaire 1-18 information request
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Post# 1074234   5/25/2020 at 11:05 (1,523 days old) by epippen1985 (Texarkana)        

I am not sure what happened to the thread/post I made last night asking about this machine, but I had someone contact me about selling a 1-18 and I agreed to the price he told me. I will have to travel over 7 hours one way to meet him to pick it up and I am wanting to know if anyone can tell me what is a good price to pay for this beauty. It is in mint, brand new condition from the pictures he sent to me and I have searched my entire life for one and never expected to find one in this great of condition. I will post the pictures that I have of it and hopefully someone with the knowledge of what I should be paying for it can let me know. I just want to make sure that I am not going to get ripped off even as bad as I want this. I know they are very rare anymore and hard to find in this good of condition. So any help would be greatly appreciated. Happy washing to everyone!!!

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Post# 1074237 , Reply# 1   5/25/2020 at 11:16 (1,523 days old) by Repairguy (Danbury, Texas)        

repairguy's profile picture
That machine is in beautiful condition and in avocado! As with any vintage appliance the price is always what someone is willing to pay. If you want it bad enough you’ll pay whatever the seller’s lowest price is. I don’t know what they are asking but they would start at $50 if that’s not way below their asking price and go up from there. This is a late 70’s machine so at over 40 years old issues are possible and parts are rare. These are good negotiating points. Good luck!

Post# 1074291 , Reply# 2   5/25/2020 at 16:33 (1,523 days old) by superba1 (CA)        

I have the exact same machine in almond and absolutely love it! Can you ask the seller to do a facetime, skype, or some sort of video chat to make sure it's working? 7 hours is a really long drive. As for what you should pay for it, I've seen these go for as little as FREE to a set I saw listed on eBay for $800....since you've been wanting one your whole life I REALLY hope you get it and I know you're going to love it!! Best of luck to you and safe travels!!

Post# 1074305 , Reply# 3   5/25/2020 at 17:51 (1,523 days old) by epippen1985 (Texarkana)        

The seller assured me it is in perfect working condition because I made sure to ask that since I am having to rent a pick up truck and everything to get it. I know he is asking a HIGH price for it but I figured this is normal for the condition it is in and how rare they are to find anymore. I will have it home tomorrow night and have it up and going Wednesday morning in my house. I know where I can get some parts if I need them. I am going to pick up one more at a later date once I can get all of the funding in order for that trip. If you want to email me and I can tell you what I agreed to pay, I don't want to put it on here as it is personal business to me and I am odd like that. is my email and directly linked to my phone. Thanks for the information and input.

Post# 1074319 , Reply# 4   5/25/2020 at 21:07 (1,523 days old) by Bendixmark (Winchester Mass)        

That is the same machine I have only mine has the windowlid thank you very much.That is nicer than mine and mine is very good. I bought mine as a working machine with no problems.It works flawlessly.To find one of these at all is rare and to find one that works perfectly is way rarer than that.That machine looks as if it has been hardly used at all and I will bet it works great. I bought mine two years ago on ebay after Launderess posted it and I gladly paid three hundred for it. I had it shipped from Oregon for $750 and it was worth every penny.A few years earlier I bought a little used rollermatic from Florida for $600 and I gladly paid the guy.I shipped that one also. That machine runs great too and not a squeak.These machines are difficult to repair so it is worth it to pay more for a working one. Your machine should be in the $300 to $600 range. If it had never been run more than that.

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